The development of computer technology inevitably entails the transfer of economic and legal relationships between different economic entities to a new level. Electronic forms are replacing paper ones, affecting more and more aspects of our lives, but this process is still far from complete, and today any economic operation related to the transfer of goods must be supported by documents. The waybill, in this case, is one of the main documents, distinguished by universality and ease of filling.
Another indisputable advantage of the waybill is that this document is signed by the responsible persons, both the seller company and the buyer company. Despite significant progress in the field of digital technology security, it is a signature that has passed through the centuries that remains the most reliable way to confirm the legal authenticity of a document. The waybill is usually signed by the director or one of his deputies, as well as an accountant and the person responsible for the delivery of the goods (usually the storekeeper). On the part of the recipient, as a rule, one signature is sufficient.
In this case, the waybill contains all the necessary information about the product. This information can come in handy to a wide variety of parties. First of all, of course, to the buyer, who must make sure that the information specified in the documents corresponds to the real state of things. In addition, accountants use the bill of lading to make the necessary entries, as well as government agencies to verify the legality of economic entities.
The invoice usually indicates the name of the product, its weight, price, value, VAT, packaging, and the date the document was drawn up. In addition, the legal details of both parties must be indicated above. The consignment note is fixed with the above signatures, as well as with the seals of the organizations.
Despite the abundance of information, as well as the extraordinary importance that the bill of lading has, the process of filling it out is quite simple, which largely explains the wide distribution of this document. As a rule, the company has templates of waybills in which its details are already driven in, as well as some other unchanging information. In some cases, when the company works mainly with regular customers, a template is created for each customer to simplify the filling process.
Thus, the person responsible for the shipment of goods, it is enough to take the form of the waybill, which, by the way, is a form of strict reporting, drive in the date of shipment, information about the goods, verify the cost calculated by the computer with the invoice, print the document on the form, certify it and issue to the buyer. As you can see, the process is more than simple.
However, in such a simple case, mistakes often occur, due to banal indiscretion or simply in a hurry. The invoice for the goods should not contain errors, even the most insignificant. Any typo must be corrected and the form marked as spoiled. If an error is detected after sending the goods to the buyer, a new waybill is prepared and then given for signature. Such strict requirements make it possible to provide a high level of security against shell operations, which digital documents cannot yet boast of. In the near future, the bill of lading is also not in danger, and if this document is ever taken out of circulation, it will happen soon.