"The tragic story of Hamlet, the Danish prince", commonly known under the short name "Hamlet", is a truly cult work. The drama became the basis of many theatrical productions. The plot of the great Shakespeare and the Moscow Ermolova Theater did not pass by.
"Hamlet" by W. Shakespeare
It makes no sense to retell the summary of Shakespeare's Hamlet. Each of the active (and not so) users of the Network can open the Briefly and get acquainted with the storyline of the tragedy of the legendary Briton. Or go all to the same Yermolova theater and recall the eternal work of the Danish prince. Let's take a different path and discover the main message of William Shakespeare.
So what, as they say in schools, did the author want to convey to the reader? During the analysis of this issue, a whole range of problems and eternal disputes for literature are revealed: love and betrayal, honor and dishonor, conscience and its absence. Shakespeare puts paramount chanting true family values. Hamlet, in his interpretation, is a just avenger for the unrighteous death of his father. Revenge is always something terrible, contrary to moral standards, but the English genius assumes the right to justify the Danish prince. To agree with him or not is everyone's personal choice. The possibility of this choice is given to us by the performance "Hamlet" in the Yermolova Theater.
Hamlet with Sasha Petrov
All inveterate theatergoers know that the Russian star Sasha Petrov , who recently ascended to the theater Olympus, is one of the key figures in the corpses of the Yermolova Theater. The director of "Hamlet" at the Ermolova Theater Valery Sarkisov connects the idea of staging a play on the tragedy of William Shakespeare precisely with his acquaintance with Alexander Petrov. In it, Sarkisov himself and the artistic director of the theater Oleg Menshikov saw the very Danish prince Hamlet. Sasha, according to personalities recognized in the world of theater, in all respects corresponded to the image they saw, and the performance, so to speak, arose precisely around the young artist.
In Sarkisov’s interpretation, Shakespeare’s Hamlet appears before the audience as a young man, squeezed in the grip of circumstances and in every possible way tormented by them, his word would be thrown “into the smelter”. Hero of Petrov is a bright individuality, a person with a capital letter, which is surrounded by dense shroud of stench by lies, betrayal and death. Every step Hamlet made is his attempt to answer the question: "To be or not to be?" or "Why did I come to this world?" Together with his character, Sasha Petrov, before our eyes, grows and develops on the stage as a person. Enthusiastic reviews about the "Hamlet" of the Ermolova Theater confirm this fact. The main character becomes a real man, a man who, by force of will, is able to decide on a worthy act.
Performance Information
The premiere of the play "Hamlet" at the Yermolova Theater took place in the winter of 2013. For five years now, a keen interest in staging the audience has not ceased. Theaters go to Hamlet themselves and bring their children. The age category of the performance is from twelve years and above. True, restless little spectators can be somewhat confused by the duration - two hours and fifty minutes (with intermission). However, the interest that ignites in their eyes from the first minutes is likely to defeat all doubts.
In addition to Sasha Petrov, such famous actors as the honored artist of Russia Boris Mironov, as well as young and talented Ekaterina Lyubimova and Kristina Asmus are involved in the performance. The price of one ticket for the "Gamelet" at the Ermolova Theater varies from two hundred to two thousand rubles.
In 2018, the play "Hamlet" was included in the tour plan of the Ermolova Theater. June 15, he was shown at the Orenburg State Regional Drama Theater M. Gorky. Earlier, the performance was appreciated by the audience of Orsk, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Yaroslavl, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg and other cities of our vast homeland.