At the mention of the rabbits seen in a dream, a wonderful tale of an English mathematician about Alice immediately following a white-eared burrow pops up in the memory of many.
At the same time, few people think that an analogy that involuntarily comes to mind makes sense. The fact is that the rabbit is the main character on the pages of English dream books. In Slavic interpretations of dreams we are talking about hares. Although many people believe that this is one and the same in terms of deciphering the meaning of a dream, in fact it is not. In the same English dream books there are also hares, and in the Slavic there are rabbits.
What does a rabbit mean?
The answer to this question does not give a single dream book. The rabbit is examined without interruption from the whole content of sleep. Literally everything matters - coloring, fatness, occupation of the animal, its position and many other factors.
In general, this is a good sign, as every dream book says. The rabbit symbolizes profit in any way - from increasing financial income to an early pregnancy, winning the lottery or receiving an inheritance.
But this is only a generalization, the meaning can be different, although close in meaning. As any dream book claims in explanatory footnotes, a rabbit can symbolize adventures, adventures, new feelings, career take-off and much more.
The exact interpretation depends on the details and details of the dream, as well as on the personality of the person to whom the animal dreamed. For a married woman, the meaning will be one, and for a single elderly man - completely different. That is, the factor of life circumstances and the nuances of the personality of the one who saw the dream must be taken into account.
About rabbit coloring
According to what every famous dream book claims, a rabbit in dreams has a certain color. Coloring is a very important point, in fact - a key to reveal the meaning of the whole dream.
In the interpretation of dreams, the following colors of the skin are of importance:
- the black;
- white;
- all shades of red, including brown;
- not quite real tones, that is - pink, glowing and so on;
- Gray.
A multi-colored animal does not have a definite color value, as claimed by well-known European dream books, including Miller's collection.
However, in the Slavic interpretations of dreams, it is stated that the motley color of the animal symbolizes a set of those values that correspond to each color.
Why do blacks dream?
According to what every Slavic dream book claims, a black rabbit means the profit of the "dark", the bad.
For example, an exacerbation of a chronic disease or the discovery of another pathology. For exalted women, this animal can symbolize the development of mental illness. For older people, such a dream predicts dementia. Pregnant - stillbirth or unhealthy baby.
However, in the English interpretation of dreams, the picture is completely opposite. Dreams in which there are black rabbits, a dream book for a woman who collected folk interpretations and was released in London in the 19th century, are interpreted as a good omen, promising fast luck in all endeavors, both personal and public. The elderly lady tells the number of black animals about how many grandchildren she will have. If a woman is childless, the dream speaks of the number of heirs who will soon appear, for example, second cousin’s grandchildren.
According to English interpretations, a pregnant woman dreaming of a well-fed and sleek black-eared predicts a plump, healthy and strong baby. And ladies prone to neurasthenia are the appearance of a fan and marriage, which will lead to the attainment of peace of mind.
Which of the options is true is impossible to say. Although, of course, it is more correct for a Russian person to trust Slavic meanings, one should not forget about the degree of penetration of Western culture into our everyday life. If a dream with a black eared animal is dreaming of a person who watches English films, uses the words Yes, OK and others in everyday speech, prefers burgers and stake cakes with kvass, then one should listen to the European interpretation.
Good sign
As any dream book explains, a white rabbit is a good sign, but only if it is lively, well-fed and with a glossy fur coat.
In general, the white animal symbolizes the speedy realization of hopes, ideas, the embodiment of dreams, romance, love, the state of things in marriage, home, and the like.
But, as every existing dream book stipulates, a white rabbit is a symbol, more dependent on the interpretation in terms of context.
For example, if an eared boy runs away in a daydream, this means the illusory nature of what is happening around him, the futility of hopes and dreams, the luck that has slipped out of his hands or the deterioration of relations between spouses. If the white animal runs away for a reason, but hides in its hole, then the dream speaks of deception, of the discrepancy between what a person sees around and perceives, reality. Just like in the fairy tale about Alice, everything that happens after the rabbit hid in a hole will not be real.
For example, if such a dream is seen by an unmarried but engaged girl, then her fiance is hiding something, or she is deceiving the bride. He may turn out to be a hunter for a dowry or a residence permit, a polygamist, simply a pauper, posing as a successful businessman.
If a rabbit hides in a mink in a dream of a married lady with children, then the dreams symbolize deception on the part of the younger members of the family.
When a dead animal is dreaming, this does not mean anything terrible or irreparable. A dream only predicts that all plans, dreams and hopes will not come true. When a businessman sees such a dream on the eve of an important contract, he warns that the transaction will not take place.
Change is coming
Red-eared little animals come in dreams as harbingers of change. If there is one rabbit, then there will not be many changes. Most likely also one. How large and large it will become, you can understand by analyzing the appearance of the animal - size, fatness, contentment, fussiness and so on.
If there are many rabbits, the changes will follow one after another. And how exactly, you can imagine, remembering the habits of animals in a dream.
Will have to pat
The gray color of the animal indicates the need to listen to the inner voice. He seems to quote the phrase - “everything is not what it seems,” and encourages you to think with your heart, not your head.
There is another meaning. Slavic interpretations of dreams consider gray-eared omens as an omen of impending fuss and trouble.
Something unusual will happen
Fur coats that do not exist in nature, for example, ultramarine, pink, iridescent and others, dream of extravagant and extraordinary events.
This is a sign of sudden good luck and the commission of a “wild” act, on which a person, as he himself believes, is simply not capable. Such dreams can predict adventures, adventures and, in general, something unusual, unusual for everyday measured life.
What do dream activities mean?
As a rule, action means itself. For example, if you dream that you have to run after the animal, you will have to catch up with luck or what this rabbit symbolizes.
To bury a little animal means to bury their own dreams, plans or opportunities in real life. Resurrecting a rabbit - returning prosperity, luck and much more to your life. The meaning of the action is direct, but what it touches is determined by the color of the eared animal.
Most often, these actions are dreamed of:
- feeding;
- cell manipulation;
- rabbit bites.
In addition to displaying events taking place in life, these actions in a dream carry a message, advice.
Feed the rabbit in a dream
As any dream book explains, feeding rabbits means first of all cultivating your own vision of something. For example, create a family image or equip a house. Important color and size, as well as the number of eared. The dream also speaks of investing in the implementation of plans, in achieving goals or making dreams come true.
But he carries in himself a message to the one who dreams. Such dreams tell a person about his obsession with incarnation, “feeding” of his own ideas and ideas, to the detriment of the interests of others.
If a housewife sees a dream, then perhaps she does not take into account the wishes of her husband and children in home improvement, diet or leisure planning.
The dream advises to be generous, it’s not about material donations, but about warmth and attention to other people.
Why dream of cell manipulation?
As every existing dream book explains, rabbits in a cage symbolize a locked state of their own ideas, desires and intentions.
If it is a white animal, then a dream informs a person that he “forgot himself”. He became a "cog" in society and forgot how to get joy from life, existing from the alarm clock to the evening return to the apartment. Often such dreams are visited by middle-aged men employed in the monotonous, routine work of low or middle income. Such people are not interested. If you ask a person who saw in a dream a white rabbit in a cage what he likes to do, take an interest in his hobby, then such questions will be bewildering.
Such a dream is also dreaming of old maids who closed themselves from the world with external stiffness. She dreams about housewives who drowned in everyday life.
Actions with the cell are of direct importance. To lock a castle means to leave your identity locked up and continue the lifestyle that exists at the time of the dream. To let out rabbits is to make dreams come true, to become oneself, to begin to behave naturally and to do what “the soul lies” to.
If the rabbit bit
As any dream book explains, a rabbit has bitten - pain and unexpected complications after doing something. In interpreting such a dream, the color of the animal is extremely important.
For example, if a pink shaggy crawl bites, then this may be a warning about an ankle dislocation during the conquest of the Chomolungma or a cold after swimming in the hole.
But if the animal bites, which symbolizes the birth of the baby, then the meaning will be different. The child will hurt and there will be unexpected complications in life associated with his appearance.
That is, the meaning of the bite is also direct, but the message and advice of such a dream always have a personal meaning that is understandable only to one person.
What is the dream of a couple of rabbits for?
According to what any dream book claims, two rabbits always symbolize partners in love.
The meaning of such dreams has a simple and direct meaning. It is necessary to notice the color of the animals. Color means what the partner expects. For example, in a dream a white rabbit. So the spouse expects the woman to add to the family and take care of the house, and not take off at all.
The behavior of the animals is important. This is a direct projection of real relationships, processed by the subconscious. If a rabbit hides from his girlfriend inside a dream , then in life a woman unnecessarily “crushed” a man. He wants to "hide." If the crawl leaves to hide from a pregnant girlfriend, then the man is afraid of responsibility.
That is, dreams with a couple of rabbits are a reflection of the current state of affairs within the marriage. They can be a good help in order to adjust what is happening and improve relations with a partner.