Leading Healthy Living programs on the First - who are they?

In 2010, on Channel One, a new program, “Live Healthy”, appeared. The leading programs are Elena Malysheva and a company of intelligent men who urge the country's population to adhere to a healthy lifestyle - eat right, observe the daily routine and exercise. Guests of the program directly in the studio can be examined by modern devices and receive recommendations from highly qualified specialists. The advice of professionals appealed to viewers. So who are they, the main characters of the program, what teaches us on TV how to live healthy?

Leading programs: biography of Elena Malysheva and her colleagues

leading programs live great

Regular viewers of Channel One have long been familiar with this charming lady on the program "Health". Elena Malysheva is a general practitioner, doctor of medical sciences , winner of many awards for many years of service on guard of health care. Elena combines work on television with service at the Russian Medical University. It was Malysheva who initiated the annual Prize for Merit in the field of medicine.

The host of health programs was born in the city of Kemerovo, where she graduated with honors from school and a medical institute. Already in 1992, Elena began to release her first medical programs on Kemerovo television. Malysheva decided to continue her further education and career in Moscow, but she still had to return to her hometown for various family reasons. Elena gained fame in 1997, when the first issue of the program "Health" was released. Today, the presenter is the author of many projects, her contribution to the development of broadcasting and health care does not go unnoticed - Malysheva regularly receives state awards. Elena and her husband managed to raise two sons, not so long ago they had their first grandson.

Andrey Prodeus

live great leading biography programs

Elena Malysheva invited her longtime acquaintance, Andrei Petrovich Prodeus, to the leading programs, “Live Healthy”. The famous pediatrician, immunologist and allergist, Andrei Petrovich once acted as a reviewer at Malysheva when she defended her doctoral dissertation.

Andrey Prodeus has been dreaming of medicine since childhood, an example was his own father, who worked as a pediatric surgeon. Prodeus himself wanted to help the children, and his dream came true. Today, he heads the Department of Optional Pediatrics at Pirogov Medical University, and also runs the Center for Allergology. Andrei Petrovich is married and has two sons. The eldest did not follow in the footsteps of his father and became an economist, but the younger one has not yet decided on the profession.

At that moment, when Elena Matysheva invited her colleague to the program, Andrei Prodeus did not really monitor his own health. His weight by the time the filming began exceeded 100 kg. But the leading programs “Healthy Living” should set an example of the right lifestyle and their appearance, so the doctor had to immediately lose weight by 20 kg.

Herman Handelman

live great leading programs

German Shaevich once studied with Elena Malysheva in Kemerovo, so that he got into the leading programs “Healthy Living”, so to speak, “by acquaintance”. Handelman never dreamed of becoming a doctor, he was attracted to a completely different specialty. But he was late for the entrance exams of the Physics and Technology Institute due to volleyball competitions. So the world got a brilliant cardiologist. Today, German Shaevich works in a clinic in Israel, he has counted hundreds of heart operations and many saved lives.

Dmitry Shubin

who leads the program live great

Dmitry Shubin is a practicing manuologist and neurologist. He also received his education at the Kemerovo Medical Institute. But Elena Malysheva invited him to the leading programs “Healthy Living” after she got to the Federal Center for Manual Therapy. There she turned out to be a patient of Shubin, with whom she was previously unfamiliar. The doctors became friends, and since then they are one team. In the center of manual therapy, Shubin works today, often he receives about 40 patients per day.

Interesting facts about the transfer

  • In the first issues, Malysheva’s colleagues conducted the column “About Love”, where they often argued about the superiority of one sex over the other.
  • In one of the episodes of the TV journal Yeralash, the hero of the series, Petya, is asked to turn off the iron by Elena Malysheva directly from the filming of Live Healthy.
  • Each of the presenters at the end of the next issue utters a short but sensible remark about health.
  • The manner of communication and the appearance of Elena Malysheva and her colleagues often become the object of parodies and caricatures.
  • Thanks to the transfer, at least 9 people from the studio receive a professional examination and treatment under the guidance of high-class specialists.
  • In their recommendations, the presenters always focus on the categories of citizens of any age, gender and affluence.

So, we found out who runs the “Live Healthy” program. As professionals, these people can really judge how to live healthy and be healthy.

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