Static ip address. What is it for?

Why is a static ip address necessary and how does it differ from a dynamic one? In another way, it is also called a permanent ip-address, and many are trying to find out how to do it. What for? First, consider what it is.

We all know that when you connect to the Internet, a computer is assigned a certain IP address, almost like a residence permit for a person. This is the network address of a node in a network of computers built over the IP protocol. Communication with the Internet requires computers to have unique coordinates, because information must be delivered to a specific person, so the individuality of these numbers is so important. The address is provided to us as a set of decimal numbers, which are separated by periods. It looks something like Both addresses have no difference in display. In addition, there is such a thing as a mask of ip addresses. The main function is to expand the number of available addresses. The default IP address masks look like this: Let's get back to the addresses themselves.

A dynamic ip address for each computer is issued automatically as soon as it connects to the Internet for a limited period of time, this usually happens until the connection to the World Wide Web is over. This is the most common type of ip address used by all Internet users. Providers give out to almost everyone dynamic addresses.

A static ip address is one that the user prescribes in the device’s settings or is assigned by the provider when connecting to the Internet for an unlimited time. When you disconnect and reconnect the computer to the Network, the address does not change, as it happens with a dynamic ip-address. The numbers will not change until you yourself want it. Due to this, this address is also called the concept of a permanent ip address.

Who needs a static ip address and what are its advantages?

There are services on the Internet that require the user to have a fixed IP address. One of these services is the operation of a computer as a server. But why not dynamic? Consider an example.

Suppose, on your home computer, the installed game public server is actively used. You have everything debugged, the sea of ​​players every day, everything is interesting and everyone is happy. And everything is so good and beautiful that one of the players decided to visit you “the next day” and add the server to the “Favorites” tab. Given that each computer is provided with a personal address, and the server information is based on this, after the resumption of the Internet connection, the address automatically changes and the server will have to be searched again. Coordinates are irretrievably lost.

Today there are many services that are responsible for monitoring game servers. They give quite detailed information to users: the name of the launched map, the name of the server and its status, the number of players playing, the city in which the server is located. If you add your server to such a system, there is a guarantee of a steady increase in player attendance, and, consequently, the server rating is increased. But such privileges are available only to those who have such an indispensable function as a static ip address.

Most providers offer static address services. Permanent ip address can be provided for an additional fee to the main subscriber. In order to find out the cost, you should call the representative office that connected you to the worldwide network. The price can be both incredibly low and sky-high. The pros and cons are now known, and you know better how much this service may be necessary.

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