In the modern world, many people have vision problems. Almost everyone can remember the sensation of dryness in the eyes, redness, tension. Long work at the computer screen affects the quality of vision.
As a prophylaxis, to eliminate the negative consequences of working with a computer, palming (a special eye exercise) can be used. Relaxing through palming will help improve vision, strengthen eye muscles. In addition to preventive measures, there are special techniques for restoring vision.
Blood circulation exercises
The basis of training to improve blood circulation for the eyes is massage. It is carried out by stroking and patting. Relaxation to improve vision occurs through simple exercises. You can start by drawing eights around the eye sockets. The movement is performed by the fingers for 8-16 reps. After this, you need to move on to the following movements:
- up down;
- round;
- on the diagonals;
- squared;
- along the upper (lower) arc;
- according to the shapes of various figures (rhombus, triangle, etc.).
Having finished with massage movements, you can proceed to the following exercises:
- horizontal movements;
- rotation in a circle;
- squint-relax;
- intense blinking;
- diagonal movements;
- standing at the window alternately look at the object close and far.
Exercises to perform 6 times. The total lead time is about 5 minutes. It is best to retire, stay in complete silence, focus on technology. Relax for the eyes will not only improve blood circulation, but will also help with such a violation as accommodation syndrome.
Accommodation syndrome
According to the research of Dr. William Bates, visual impairment is associated with stress, physical and mental stress. This leads to accommodation syndrome - a violation in which it is impossible to see objects at different distances.
The ability of the eye to recognize objects at different distances depends not only on the lens, but also on the eye muscles. They can change the shape of the eyeball in order to focus vision on any object. Violation of accommodation does not allow the muscles to contract and stretch. They are in constant tension. Relaxation for the eyes in this case is necessary.
Impaired vision is directly related to malfunctioning of the eye muscles. For example, with myopia, the eyeball is constantly elongated, which does not allow to consider objects located far away. With farsightedness, the opposite is true. Vision correction with lenses does not help change the situation. The eye muscles remain in a constant position of tension, are deprived of the ability to contract and stretch.
Palming W. Bates
The palming exercise technique was developed by W. Bates and can be used by anyone who wants to relieve tension from their organs of vision. Relaxation for the eyes is performed as follows:
- warm your hands;
- put palm on palm so that fingers overlap each other;
- fix the hands bent at the elbows with your knees, cover your eyes with your hands;
- stay in this position for 5-7 minutes.
It is important when holding hands in this position not to press on the eyeballs, make sure that the light does not penetrate through the fingers. This exercise helps relax the eye muscles.
Eye relaxation program
This complex can be performed to relieve fatigue. Each exercise should be done 7-8 times.
- With open eyes, draw a figure eight (in two directions).
- Focus your eyes on the thumb outstretched forward. Start to take your hand aside.
- Stretch forward and straighten any arm. Focus your eyes on it, start counting to 20. Close the right eye at five, open the right eye at 10, close the left at 15, open the left at 20.
This is a simple eye gymnastics. Relaxation is provided to everyone who will perform such exercises. They can be made both in a complex, and separately.
Gymnastics to improve vision
With myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, gymnastics is mandatory. It helps to relieve tension from the muscles, tone them up, which will greatly accelerate the treatment.
Gymnastics consists of 4 basic exercises:
- Start making slow movements with your eyes up and down. Perform 6 times in each direction. With muscle relaxation, the amplitude of the run will increase. Do a few more repetitions, resting for 2 seconds between them.
- Smooth movements to the right and left 6 times. When performing, remember that the main task is relaxation for the eyes. Therefore, the movement of the organs of vision must be done with a minimum of effort. At the end of the exercise, do several more times with a rest interval of 2 seconds.
- Put your finger to your eyes at a distance of 20 cm, focus your eyes on it, move your eyes to a distant object. At a fast pace, do 10 repetitions and a few more with a rest interval of 2 seconds. This exercise is one of the most effective for improving vision. It can be performed every day and as often as possible.
- Circular movements clockwise and vice versa. To do slowly. Repeat 3 times in 4 circles in each direction. Rest between cycles for 2 seconds. Exercise to do with minimal effort.
Gymnastics should be performed regularly without glasses and lenses. Before each approach, do relaxation for the eyes, covering them with palms (palming). If, when performing any exercise, eyes begin to hurt, you need to interrupt the gymnastics, palming, rest and continue. All of these methods are aimed at relieving eye strain and improving vision. If you regularly do at least one exercise, the benefit will undoubtedly be.