Corn porridge is not only a source of nutrients. It is able to remove toxins from the body and promote weight loss. A diet with her participation can be used only twice a year.
Origin of corn
Corn was born in America. In the 16th century, the whole world recognized this agricultural crop.
Since then, many peoples have called corn porridge a product of their homeland. Mamalyga is a national dish of Romania, Moldova and the peoples of Western Ukraine. There corn appeared in the 17th century. Since then, it has been closely associated with the culture of these countries. Mamalyga is like bread. Maybe that's why corn is called the “Bread of the poor.” Polenta is porridge more liquid than mamalyga, and the country of its origin is Italy.
The benefits of corn
Corn porridge is rich in vitamins of groups A, B, E, PP, minerals and amino acids. It contains natural fiber. Due to its composition, porridge is able to increase the level of iron in the blood, strengthen bones, normalize the condition of the intestines, stomach and the entire digestive tract. Corn porridge for weight loss is recommended . Reviews say that the incidence of cardiovascular diseases is decreasing. It has a positive effect on blood cholesterol. This, in turn, prevents strokes and heart attacks. Corn porridge (photo in the recipes section) strengthens the immune system, normalizes metabolism, improves complexion, strengthens teeth and gums. The whole set of vitamins and minerals that is contained in corn grains is extremely necessary for a person to have normal functioning.
It is recommended to use porridge for the following diseases: diabetes, liver disease, diseases of the stomach, intestines and gall bladder. Also, porridge is recommended not only for the prevention of the above diseases, but also for cancer, as well as in the form of a means to slow down the aging process.
If there are chronic diseases, it is better to consult a doctor.
Diet options
The diet is low in calories, it is not recommended to use it for a long time.
How is corn porridge used for weight loss? Reviews of its effectiveness indicate several diet options.
The first version of the diet
Duration - 4 days.
- 1st day. 400 grams of porridge, cucumber, tomato and apple. That’s all you can eat in a day. Be sure to consume at least 2.5 liters of pure water.
- 2nd day. Same as the first day.
- 3rd day. 200 grams of porridge. Cucumber and tomato salad without oil. It is allowed to eat a small amount (150 grams) of mushrooms or boiled chicken breast.
- 4th day. Same as the third day.
How many kilograms does a diet help in which the main "hero" is corn porridge? For weight loss (reviews confirm this) this is a very good option, because in 4 days of such a diet you can remove up to 4 kg.
The second version of the diet
This diet is more stringent. It is forbidden to eat anything else except corn porridge without the addition of oil, spices, sugar and salt. During the day you need to eat small portions. It is also important to drink enough water.
For 3 days of this diet, you can reduce your weight by 7 kg. Such an amazing thing - corn porridge for weight loss.
Reviews about the use of this porridge are different. It is worth noting that there are negative opinions. There are no fewer than positive ones. Some write that on the first and second day they had problems with bloating. Each organism perceives this diet in its own way. Many characterize her as light. Doctors give the most positive recommendations. No reviews can replace personal experience.
For those who do not need to drastically reduce their weight, it is recommended to eat corn porridge daily. Excess weight in this case will go away gradually. This does not injure the body. In this way, corn porridge for weight loss is more often used.
Classic Corn Porridge Recipe
Corn porridge in milk or water (2 servings).
Composition : 1/2 tbsp. cereals, 1 tbsp. water, 1 tbsp. milk, 1 tbsp. l butter or sunflower oil, 1 tsp. sugar, ¼ tsp. salt.
We cook corn porridge in milk in the same way as in water. Instead of 1 cup of milk, you must also use water.
Corn grits are washed under running water in a sieve. In one pan you need to boil milk, pour water into another, add salt and bring it to a boil. As it boils, pour in the corn grits. Cook on low heat for 5 minutes until all the water has boiled. After that, pour the milk from another pan into the porridge. Then, thoroughly mixing, cook for another 15 minutes. In a hot porridge, put butter and sugar, if it is not used for diet.
Porridge with corn grits is more like regular porridge. A mamalyga is cooked from flour. Therefore, when cooled, it becomes like corn bread or a tortilla.
Composition : 2 tbsp. corn flour, 6 tbsp. water, 2-3 tbsp. l butter, 1 tsp. salt.
Pour water into a cauldron and put on fire to boil. Pour 1/3 of the sifted flour into boiling water, stirring continuously with a wooden spatula or spoon. Then gradually pour the rest. All the time the mamalygu is cooked, so that no lumps are formed. When it is ready, it will stop sticking to the shoulder blade. The approximate cooking time is 20-25 minutes. After removing the hammock from the fire, it is left on the stove. When it cools down a little, it is laid out from a cauldron on a wooden board and cut into pieces with a wooden knife.
For those who do not eat corn "bread" for weight loss, it is recommended to pour oil on top of it, sprinkle with herbs and feta cheese.
Important Facts About Corn and Porridge
- Corn is the oldest cultivated plant in the world (approximate age 55 thousand years).
- Calorie content - 337 kcal per 100 grams of product.
- The shelf life of cereals is 24 months.
- Storage location is a dry and cool place.
- Shelf life of porridge is 2 days at a temperature of +5 degrees.
- The ideal cookware for cooking is a pan with a thick bottom.
- When cooking, corn grits becomes 4 times larger.
- Corn grain contains protein (3-4%), starch (10-12%), fat (1%) and sugar (5-8%).
- Sown areas of corn occupy the 2nd place in the world.
- The main component of dry animal feed is corn.
- Corn is used to make fuel alcohol, paste, water filters and even plastic.