Internal linking is the setting of links within the site that will redirect visitors from one page to another. The use of the correct linking schemes allows the site to get to the top for a specific key request, and the user gets exactly the page that he needs, and not the one that the search engine will select. Internal links allow you to evenly distribute the reference weight within the project. Each resource page has its own level of authority in the eyes of search engines. By reference weight it is customary to understand the very level of authority of a page that can be transferred to another acceptor page from a donor page by placing a link to the latter on it. Reference weight is called Pagerank.
The number of links on the page
As a result of lengthy testing by optimizers of strategies for website promotion by placing internal links on them, internal page linking has acquired a large number of formats. Regardless of the user redirection scheme, there should not be more than 50 links on one page. The weight is distributed by links, both external and internal, evenly. With an increase in their number, the Pagerank of each of them decreases. By limiting the number of redirects, the optimizer redistributes the transferred weight, directing it to the necessary pages. It is recommended to close redundant links using the tag or the “nofollow” attribute. Tags and attributes do not transfer the reference weight to the acceptor, but they do not take it from the donor.
Clearance and Redirection
Internal linking of the site will be more effective if you try to avoid links with pictures or animations. Text redirects, unlike the latter, are easily recognized by search engines with the identification of redirection. The link is correctly ranked, which cannot be said about pictures and animations. On one page, only one redirection to another page is allowed. If we take as an example a catalog with goods, then you need to leave only a redirect with a keyword. If the product picture is also supplemented with a link, it is recommended to close it with the attribute rel = “nofollow”. The “Details” entry at the end of almost every product description, or any other similar text, should be tagged, which will preserve the link weight of the redirect. The URL of the pages is necessarily supplemented with keywords based on which key queries are generated. This requires an effective and competent internal linking of the site.
The design of the main menu
Page linking can be carried out not only by placing redirects in the text content of the project, but also by placing links in the main menu and in the submenu of the site. In order for internal linking to have a positive effect on the promotion of a resource, links in the menu should be formatted with keywords or promoted requests. It is not worth making great efforts to redirect the project menu to all available pages. The texts of menu links for internal linking of the site should be made out using a key request or a key request with a near-link text. These can be forming words. It is allowed to use generating words with a part of the key query.
Sub Menu Design
The design of the submenu is limited to working with the following structural components of the project:
- Navigation line. It should contain a redirect to the main page, mainly with a competitive keyword. The current page in the line should not contain links.
- HTML map. It should contain links only to the main sections of the project and to the most important pages. The advantage of search engines is a single-level map, in which no more than 30 links.
- Tips that direct project visitors to the right pages. This internal page linking is effective for promoting a project on low-frequency queries. The following text redirects are used: “Related Products”, “Related Materials”, “Promotions” and other inscriptions that attract attention.
- Anchors. These are text links located on pages with a large amount of text material. Navigation will be more convenient if you use several anchors of the "<a name = ..." type at the same time.
Universal Linking Scheme
The simplest and most affordable internal page linking is done according to a universal scheme. Its effectiveness determines the frequency of its use. The essence of the scheme is to concentrate the main link weight on the main page of the project with parallel weight reduction as the level of nesting. This type of internal linking is suitable for promoting a project based on high-, medium- and low-frequency requests. The principle of constructing the scheme is reduced to the implementation of the basic rules:
- Each page of the project redirects to the main or to one of the main sections.
- On the main page there are links leading only to the main sections of the project.
- Pages can link to each other only inside the section.
How to make internal linking on low-frequency queries?
The linking scheme provides for the elimination of bilateral ties. The navigation bar and navigation menu is closed with a tag. To build a diagram on the main page, all links that do not lead to the main sections of the project are closed. On the pages of sections, only those redirects that lead to content tabs are indexed. Within each section, all links to subpages are closed in a ring. Only those links that lead to other pages in the section remain indexed.
Relink to promote the project on high-frequency requests
Correct internal linking for high-frequency queries begins with the formation of two-way communication between the main page and the pages of sections. Links from the section’s page are redirected to pages of a nested type with content. From pages with content redirects to the main page. The maximum weight in accordance with the keyword can be obtained when the links are made from the pages corresponding to this request. The optimizer should select 8 input pages, which are divided into two categories, 4 pages each. Fours are closed in a ring and interconnected according to the scheme: 1 page - 6 pages - 3 pages - 8 pages - 1 page and, accordingly, 5 pages - 2 pages - 7 pages - 4 pages - 5 pages. Regardless of which scheme will be used to promote the project, it should be adapted not only for search engines, it should simplify the movement of the project visitor on the site.
The “Star” scheme and the “Ring” scheme
The scheme is based on the total and mutual linking of the internal pages. The principle of constructing the latter is the availability of links on pages to other pages. The scheme is effective for small resources and for business card projects, as it allows you to evenly distribute the weight between all pages. The category of classical relinking can also include “ring” redirection. The essence of the technique is that all pages redirect to each other in a circle, simultaneously referring to the main page, in particular to the main page of the project, which are promoted by the dominant request. The "ring" scheme is easily upgraded to redirect the main link mass to a specific page. The total average weight is maintained for each of the pages of the project, even if some of them simply fall out of the structure.
"Hierarchical" model and not only
The idea of the scheme is based on the formation of the structure of the linking, which, according to external factors, has some similarities with progression. The branch was repeatedly tested and showed good results, however, it is not without drawbacks. When even one of the pages falls out of the search engine, the entire project sags significantly in the eyes of the search engines. The structure of redirects in the internal part of the resource involves the distribution of the main link weight of the site simultaneously between several pages. In addition to the three most common project linking structures described above, there are specialized-type schemes adapted for large-scale services, such as video hosting or news resources with a large number of pages. Internal linking of wordpress sites, in fact, as well as projects working on other engines with no more than 50 pages, can be carried out manually. Automatic linking programs and special scripts are used for linking to low-frequency queries in large-scale projects.
Specialized programs to help the optimizer
Internal linking schemes can be built both in manual mode and automatically. There are programs that are able to analyze the resource and indicate the necessary directions for improving indexing. Let's pay attention to the following software:
- Linkoscop. The program has the basic functions of linking. This includes checking the quality of both incoming and outgoing links, setting in terms of weight distribution, checking with the main search engines, creating and linking a project map. The program is effective for analyzing competing resources.
- Pageweight. This is a program for internal linking, showing the main parameters of the weight distribution within the resource, both for the project as a whole and for its individual pages. If compared with the previous program, then the software is aimed at slow collection of source information, as a result of which both external pages and broken links are issued.
Two programs are able to fully satisfy the optimizer's needs in promoting the project in the domestic virtual market, although the menu for internal linking will have to be formed independently. The automated type of linking is used mainly by professionals who understand the essence of the procedure.
Many optimizers consider HTracer the most effective script. It is not only completely free, but also works great on the most popular site management systems, in particular Joomla, Drupal and WordPress. Its advantage over analogues is a large assortment of functions. In the CIS, at the moment, a worthy analogue to the script does not exist. The main disadvantage is the heavy load on the server of the project itself. To maintain optimal response speed when using a script, you should buy a hosting plan or a dedicated VPS, which will have a margin of performance. Mandatory is the optimization of the source code of the pages.