Dream Interpretation. Snakes in the house: what dreams, what portends

Night visions are filled with the most bizarre images, many of which lead us into confusion, and sometimes even frighten us. In order to correctly understand the meaning lurking in them, it is necessary to have special esoteric knowledge, and if there is none, then turn to the works of recognized authorities in this very vague area, because a lot depends on the details of what they saw. Let us examine this by the example of what the snake dreams about in the house. In the dream books we will find comprehensive answers to this question.

Dominated by night dreams


We will start our review from afar, namely from the 7th century BC, in which the famous Greek fabulist Aesop lived and worked, leaving behind him, in addition to moralizing works, a beautiful dream book. The snake in the house, in his opinion, is a very bad omen, regardless of the general plot of the dream. For example, if she lies quietly in the middle of the home, this means that in reality the dreamer is going to provide (or is already providing) assistance to a person unworthy of his care.

Also, the image of an aggressive snake attacking a dreamer does not bode well. It is very possible that after such a vision he will have to protect his reputation from slanderers in real life, and if he can still bite the reptiles, his good name will be hopelessly tarnished. Even the appearance of newborns and helplessly swarming serpents should not be taken with tenderness, since he promises a dreamer an early betrayal of loved ones.

A snakebite is dangerous even in a dream

What was Nostradamus warning about?

Having moved in time and slightly lingering in the 16th century, we could have inquired about the issue of interest to us by the outstanding French mystic, astrologer and fortune teller - Nostradamus, who gave the world his wonderful dream book. He also did not consider it possible to devote warm lines to the snakes in the house.

In his opinion, in a dream, these creatures are a sign of guile and black ingratitude on the part of those who wisely took advantage of our generosity and spiritual generosity. If a reptile with several heads appears - a sort of three-headed serpent, then it is better not to tempt fate, but to wake up soon. Only Ilya Muromets can cope with such a monster, but to ordinary people it will bring many troubles and all sorts of troubles.

The dream book of Nostradamus seen in the house as a black snake is interpreted as a warning about the appearance of a secret enemy, ready to wake the dreamer with his nets. The author recommends, without waking up, to kill her and thereby save herself from unnecessary trouble. If the black reptile does not just inspire fear with its appearance, but switches to an open attack, then it is possible that in real life this person will become a victim of an accident.

Great Nostradamus

Reputation damaged at the dawn of being

Among the authors, whose works have come down to us from the depths of centuries, one cannot ignore the compilers of the famous “Bible Dream Book”. They presented the snake in the house as an extremely gloomy character, and this is not surprising. The above interpretation is dominated by motifs inspired by that ancient history, when a cunning and treacherous serpent, or rather the devil, who took on his appearance, led into temptation our common mother Eve.

Having tasted at his instigation from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and pushing her rustic husband Adam to this, she forced all future generations to pay for this sin. That is why the authors of the "Bible Dream Book" interpret these representatives of the reptile suborder (as they are called in the scientific world) as a symbol of evil, enmity and treachery.

Serpent - the culprit of original sin

What dark forces can tell

Now we turn to the very popular esoteric reference book with the intriguing title "Dream Book of the Sorceress Medea." We will treat him with full confidence, since who, if not the representative of the other world, should understand the intricacies of night visions. So, unlike the authors of other dream books, the snake in the house is represented by Medea as a very friendly and partially even useful creature. However, what else can you expect from a witch?

For example, if the dreamer dreamed that she was resting peacefully next to him, then ahead of him would be better health, good luck in business, as well as the adoption of wise and deeply thought-out decisions. It’s not bad to see a big snake frolicly frolic in the house. In the dream book, this plot is interpreted as a harbinger of unprecedented success in the love field. It is possible that the upcoming relationship will not be fueled by high feelings, but it will bring abundance and sensual lust.

Beware of the boas!

This will be especially pronounced if the boa constitutes the hero of a night’s dream, because it is not without reason that various sorcerers and warlocks are a symbol of carnal temptation. The only thing the witch Medea warns about (or those who speak on her behalf) is the danger of snakebites. Deadly in reality, they can cause considerable harm in a dream, since in real life they are harbingers of disease, betrayal and betrayal.

Against a boa constrictor even a lion is powerless

Freud and the features of his worldview

A very peculiar interpretation of the reptiles that appeared in a dream was left to us by the famous Austrian psychoanalyst of the beginning of the last century, Sigmund Freud. His inclination to see in everything the manifestation of human sexuality or its violent suppression was also reflected in his dream book. In a dream, a snake (in the house or outside it - it does not matter) is perceived by the author as a symbol ... of the penis. For some reason, she did not remind the venerable scientist anything else. Based on this, readers are offered interpretations of various plot combinations with her participation.

So, if a man sees a snake basking in the sun, then this indicates a high sexual tone of the dreamer, with which he could be congratulated, but provided that the reptile did not try to get into his bed. Such a turn of the plot, according to Freud, testifies to his hidden or overt homosexual inclinations or to the danger threatening him from some unconventionally oriented subject.

Sigmund Freud

Developing this topic, the author further writes that a snake that has bitten a man indicates that homosexuality in his life will not only displace normal relations with women, but will also cause acute emotions caused by conflict with others. However, if it was not the dreamer himself, but a different person who was bitten, then this indicates his attraction to this person or to someone else, if the victim was not identified by him.

Drop of honey in a tar barrel

A much more optimistic forecast is given by the author to women who dreamed of a snake in the house. Freud's dream book promises them quick and very pleasant changes in the intimate sphere. Perhaps the married life, which has lost its former acuity over the years, will reach a new level and still give an unforgettable experience, or maybe their feminine charms will turn the head of some outsiders, and they will knock on their hearts. In any case, nothing bad should be expected.

Opinion of an overseas specialist

Much less sympathy for snakes can be traced in the work of a prominent American psychologist Gustav Miller. According to a dream book compiled by him at the beginning of the 20th century, many snakes in a house can be imagined if a person lives in constant and sometimes unreasonable fear for his health. In addition, this plot can be fraught with the very real danger of encroachment by ill-wishers poisoned by envy of the dreamer's success and well-being.

The heroine of our article

It is not known whether Mr. Miller was a convinced serpent hater in his warehouse or was guided only by scientific research, but in his interpretation, literally all dreams involving these reptiles are the forerunners of innumerable manifestations of evil. Even having killed this reptile in a dream, a person cannot be calm for his future, since such a plot indicates his readiness to do everything for the sake of achieving his goal, but at the same time does not guarantee a successful outcome of the enterprise.

The snake is the harbinger of cheating and deceit

As for women, for whom, according to Freud, snakes are the harbingers of new love joys, Mr. Miller leaves them no chance even of these joys. Moreover, he promises them incalculable suffering from the duplicity and hypocrisy of their chosen ones. Especially negative, according to him, are dreams in which a woman is bitten by a dead (or, if you like, dead) snake. In this case, it will be extremely difficult for her to recover from emotional upheavals and regain spiritual harmony.

The overseas psychologist considers the dream plot as the only exception, in which a woman kills a snake with her own hands. Despite the fact that such a dream does not promise her personal happiness or business prosperity, it can testify to the fact that with her uncompromisingness she will force herself, if not to love, then, in any case, to respect.

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