Plants in our house symbolize comfort and tranquility. It is always nice to go into a room where flowers grow on the windows. They create a special atmosphere. There is some kind of attractive force in them that you just need to feel. And when this happens, a person determines for himself that he will have many flowers at home. And this moment becomes decisive and the most difficult for a beginner grower. After all, you need to choose the right green pets. What you need to pay attention to and how to get a useful indoor flower?
Beauty and Benefit
It is always pleasant to watch how amateur flower growers reverently care for plants, spending a lot of time on this. At such moments, the question involuntarily begs - what benefit do they get from them. Flowers adorn the home and delight the eye. It turns out that this is far from all. When purchasing decorative elements, ordering new furniture, we usually do not think about the fact that the air quality in this regard may not change for the better. This can be caused by various substances that are released from these objects. For example, laminate and linoleum contain traces of formaldehyde, which is very undesirable, especially for the bedroom.
A useful indoor flower is primarily a plant that purifies the air. Many green pets are capable of absorbing dust, smoke traces, harmful particles and heavy compounds. Are all ornamental plants capable of performing such a function? The article contains a selection of the most unpretentious and useful indoor flowers.
What to consider when choosing
It is best to consider all the parameters, so that later there are no disappointments in the purchase. Weigh the size of the future plant, its requirements for watering, temperature and lighting. Not always what compliments a girlfriend suits you. If the plant does not like already externally, then you should abandon it and choose something more suitable.
A useful indoor flower is one that fits perfectly into the realities of your apartment. So, you need to consider the presence of children and pets who can turn the pot over or try the leaves to taste. And only after weighing all the parameters you can say with confidence that the selected plant will definitely be the best for you. In the meantime, let's look at the top 10 most popular indoor plants.
Clean air is a priority
Of course, today there are special air purification and filtration systems. But one are quite expensive. Therefore, it is much easier to acquire a useful indoor flower, which is capable of performing this function no worse. The most unpretentious indoor plant, which is also very healthy, is chlorophytum.
This is a perennial that pleases with rapid growth and decorative appearance. A grassy bush, with hanging narrow leaves of green or cream color, is able to decorate any room. I would also like to say about the needs for care. If you choose the most unpretentious indoor plants useful for the home, then chlorophytum can be awarded the palm. It grows in almost any environment, easily forgiving its owner not only for errors, but also for a temporary lack of watering, as well as placement in the shade. This is very convenient for a beginner grower who also does not have a lot of free time.
The main benefit of chlorophytum is that an inexpensive plant cleans the air of bacteria and toxins. Only one adult specimen is able to normalize 3 cubic meters. m of surrounding space. This flower must be kept in all living rooms, as well as in the kitchen.
The best toxin neutralizer
Where do exhaust gases, benzene and trichlorethylene get into your apartment? Of course, from an open window. It is impossible not to ventilate the room, because otherwise it will be impossible to be in it due to the accumulation of carbon dioxide. Useful indoor flowers can clean the air of exhaust gases and harmful compounds.
Hamedorea is not only a beautiful palm tree, but also a powerful filter that delays harmful compounds better than others. Therefore, they are placed near open windows. In addition, it is believed that chamedorea neutralizes negative energy, smoothes family conflicts, and fights against apathy and stress.
Oxygen supply
This is also a very important point. To sleep well, you need enough oxygen in the air. So let's see which healthy indoor flowers produce it the most. Unpretentious sanctuary is in the top five plants for the house for this ability. It has many names - "pike tail", "mother-in-law's tongue", "zebra".
Fleshy leaves perfectly clean the air and release oxygen, reduce radiation from the TV and computer. Feng Shui proponents say that sensiweria helps cleanse the house of negative energy. This plant is the best choice for those who work at home. The pike tail is a real gift for those who do not have free time and special knowledge in the field of crop production. The green pet perfectly tolerates the shadow, calmly refers to the lack of watering.
Her Majesty - Geranium
Previously, it grew in every house, and not just one bush. Today, the popularity of pelargonium is in decline, although some flower growers have already realized their mistake and are beginning to plant it again instead of fashionable cacti. These are the most useful indoor flowers in the apartment. Pelargonium eliminates unpleasant odors and neutralizes carbon monoxide. The smells of damp and stagnant rooms are also in its part. Previously, geraniums were necessarily planted in clinics. This plant destroys bacteria and viruses, including staphylococci.
Today, with the advent of modern drugs and antibiotics, preventive measures have been forgotten. But if you have children at home, then be sure to institute pelargonium. Then in the season of flu and colds your baby will get sick much less often, and recover faster.
But do not forget that the smell of geranium can cause a headache. If you are sensitive to its aroma, then it is worth evicting a plant from the bedroom to the corridor. Among other things, pelargonium repels insects, in particular mosquitoes. No wonder it is used to make oil, which for this purpose is widely used in folk medicine.
Home doctor
If it says whether indoor flowers are useful, then itβs enough to recall scarlet. This plant is used to heal wounds, restore the proper functioning of internal organs, and also to improve the condition of hair and nails. That is, aloe has a beneficial effect on the whole body as a whole. The juice of this perennial is widely used to treat diseases of the digestive tract, skin and respiratory organs. Everywhere it is used in inflammatory processes, including gynecology.
This is the first assistant for bruises, abrasions and wounds. Simply attach the cut leaf to an injured area to speed healing and minimize the risk of inflammation. Aloe is loyal to care. But it begins to show its healing properties in adulthood. It is believed that the optimal age of the bush is 3-4 years. At this time, you can cut the leaves and prepare medicinal tinctures.
Living tree
Considering the most useful indoor flowers, one can not help but remember about Kalanchoe. This is a universal doctor who can help in any situation. His very presence at home neutralizes bacteria and viruses. Kalanchoe juice is similar in effect to aloe. It also has a powerful regenerative effect. At home, it can be used for emergency care for burns and wounds.
Kalanchoe is of different types. Some look like an upright tree with triangular leaves. Others grow in the form of a lush bush richly decorated with flowers. This flower is unpretentious in leaving, but for good health it needs a sufficient amount of sunlight. Every year, the plant needs to be transplanted into a larger pot.
For easy breathing
Rosemary is known for its unique properties to complement almost any meat or fish dish. But it is not at all necessary to buy it in bags, in dried form. Knowing which indoor flowers are useful at home, you can not ignore rosemary. He in the process of growth releases phytoncides, which are extremely beneficial effect on the upper respiratory tract. In fact, this is tantamount to a walk in the coniferous forest. Such a houseplant is very useful for those who suffer from bronchitis, asthma and other pulmonary diseases.
Rosemary leaves can be used to make healthy herbal tea. Such a decoction helps to restore strength after an illness, strengthens the immune system and improves mood. With a cold, you can gargle them.
Familiar mint
Who does not like the fresh and delicate aroma of mint. It fits perfectly into any gamut, complementing it, but not too knocking out. Nevertheless, not everyone considers mint as a houseplant. Surely you were surprised to see this name. Useful indoor flowers do not have to be bright, bloom beautifully or bear fruit. It is enough that they have certain properties and help maintain your health.
Peppermint can be grown on your window. This small plant looks pretty fun in a pot. Its aroma calms and allows you to sleep well. Mint leaves are a great addition to the first and second courses, as well as desserts.
Room lemon
We canβt forget about it if we are talking about useful indoor flowers. A photo of a fruiting lemon captivates beginners and experienced gardeners. A neat tree with an interesting crown, among the branches of which beautiful fruits are visible. Isn't it a miracle? But he is good not only because lemons, torn from branches, can be put in tea. This tree secretes essential oils that disinfect the air, strengthen immunity and help you cope with colds more quickly.
It is believed that this plant improves financial position. If you have not had a promotion for a long time, then it's time to plant a lemon at home. It certainly wonβt be worse.
Ficus Benjamin
It is somewhat inferior in decorativeness to its fellow - large-leaved wax ficus. But on the other hand, it is in the top five best plants that cleanse the air of toxic compounds released by furniture and plastic. If you have recently made repairs and you clearly smell a foreign smell at home, then you should get Benjamin's ficus in order to protect your body from harmful effects.
An interesting feature of this plant is the ability to form a crown at its discretion. In the process of growth, the trunks can be twisted in different directions, creating fancy figures.
Instead of a conclusion
Each plant can be called useful. One gives us its aroma, the other - delicate corollas. The third pleases with delicious fruits, and the fourth has healing properties. Today we examined several useful plants that everyone can and should have in their home. This list can not be called exhaustive, so everyone can supplement it at their discretion. A house full of flowers is not only beautiful. Plants have a calming effect on households, which means that there will be no conflicts and quarrels at home. And in and of itself, caring for green pets is soothing.