Overweight problems are gaining planetary proportions. Stress, a sedentary life, the cult of fast food restaurants, food in cinemas and stadiums, a variety of street food, an abundance of sweet and fatty foods practically do not give people a chance to stay in normal weight without extra effort. If earlier diets were the lot of women seeking beauty, today diets for men are becoming more and more popular.
To remove the stomach and sides is important not only from an aesthetic point of view. A huge belly indicates that obesity affects the internal organs. They literally drown in fat and begin to work incorrectly. Therefore, a diet for men from the abdomen becomes not just a way to regain harmony, but also a matter of general health and, possibly, life and death.
Danger of obesity
Chubby people can put up with their appearance, find dozens of convincing explanations for being overweight, and even find the pros in it. But the body cannot be fooled. Obesity is an enemy of the body and a constant threat to health. Shortness of breath and chronic fatigue become only a minor inconvenience against the background of diseases that lead to extra pounds.
An obese man is at risk for ailments such as diabetes mellitus, impotence, heart disease, blood pressure problems, joint diseases, stroke, and many others. Excess weight reduces the quality of everyday life. He makes a man clumsy, ugly and sick. Therefore, obesity must be fought at the first sign of its appearance, without delaying this fight until later, when the body will be affected by a bunch of diseases. But before you choose a diet for men from the abdomen, you need to understand the reasons for its appearance.
The most common cause of weight problems is systematic overeating. Food is a source of energy necessary for life. However, if a person consumes too much food, the body, having spent the right amount of energy, stores the rest in the form of fat, which becomes an energy reserve.
To this it is worth adding that in the life of an average man there is less and less movement. Even simple walking is supplanted by cars, elevators, escalators and public transport. Work takes up a lot of time and effort, rest is increasingly associated with lying on the couch or beer gatherings.
And around there are a lot of delicious and very affordable food, which is also associated with relaxation and pleasure. As a result, a man, instead of walking with children or going to the pool, lies in front of the TV, eating fatty foods. And so day after day. Overeating becomes a habit not only during the holiday feast, but also on weekdays. It is not surprising that first extra pounds appear, then obesity, and then a persistent desire to lose weight with the help of a diet for losing belly for men.
Improper eating behavior
But overeating is only part of the problem. Sometimes a man is able to eat quite moderately, but the weight is still growing due to errors in eating behavior. The most common ones are:
- Lack of a full breakfast, which starts a normal metabolism.
- Food at the computer or TV. Staring at the screen, it is difficult to control the amount of food eaten.
- Lack of water in the diet.
- Food as a promotion. The brain quickly gets used to such rewards and demands them more and more often.
- Food as a comforter. You can seize any negative emotions with treats, but there are so many of them that comforting food becomes a constant need.
- The habit of enduring hunger during the day, thinking that this will reduce weight. But the effect is often the opposite, the body considers hunger a threat and slows down the metabolism, trying to create a fat reserve for a rainy day.
- Food on the go, the habit of eating plenty at night.
- Painful craving for weight loss. Diets are just a temporary, cosmetic measure that will help get rid of excess weight. Major changes must occur in the human mind and in its relation to food. Some, over and over again, lose weight and gain weight again, exhausting the body with diets.
Other reasons
Age. Over the years, a person's metabolism slows down. Diet and lifestyle can remain unchanged, and weight increases slightly. This is a natural process, it does not lead to obesity, but adds a few pounds.
The disease. Sometimes the cause of obesity is a disease of the digestive system. In this case, a man needs to choose a diet for weight loss of the abdomen and sides only according to the doctorโs recommendations, otherwise it can aggravate the disease.
Stress or a disrupted lifestyle. Anxiety, lack of sleep, chronic irritation and negative emotions not only cause a desire to eat them with something tasty, but can also disrupt metabolism.
What to do?
First of all, you need to understand that the fight against excess weight is a complex event. There is no wonderful diet for men from the abdomen for a week, which in a short time will restore its former harmony. You also canโt lose weight by working daily in the gym until the sweat, but at the same time, continuing to overeat. It is important to realize the desired goal, believe in its attainability, and then persistently move towards it.
You need to be mentally prepared for dramatic changes in life, the emergence of new eating habits and healthy activities, to abandon old patterns of behavior and junk food. Sometimes people are so afraid of these changes that they prefer to find an explanation for excess weight than to go on an effective diet for a man, remove his stomach, go in for sports.
Overcoming fear will help understanding that the reward for your work will be a healthy, slender body, a better life and potential longevity. And the first successes will be an additional motivational force. So, one diet is not enough. Moreover, it is only an auxiliary tool. Long-term overweight can be defeated only by making a good diet a stable habit and starting a healthy and active lifestyle.
Proper eating behavior
Overeating at night, eating at the computer, delicious food in moments of joy or sadness - all this has been rooted in the mind for years. It is very difficult to get rid of such habits. But with proper motivation and self-control, you can gradually get the upper hand on any behavioral model.
It is necessary to clearly understand what damage these habits cause to the body so that the willpower has something to rely on. Typically, it takes about three weeks to replace a bad habit with a good one. Of course, then relapses and breakdowns are possible, but it is easier to control them than many years of automatism. In addition, a well-chosen diet for men from the abdomen and sides is in itself a guide to normal eating behavior.
It is difficult at the very beginning when the brain requires the usual pleasures. But then the first positive changes will come, extra pounds will go away, bad habits will begin to lose their former charm, and healthy new habits will become desirable and natural. Proper eating behavior includes:
- obligatory breakfast;
- dinner no later than three hours before bedtime;
- lack of hunger during the day;
- 5-6 moderate meals per day;
- a sufficient amount of water in the diet;
- no overeating;
- thorough chewing;
- healthy food.
Healthy food
But first, you need to minimize the consumption of junk food. Moreover, it must be limited not only at the time of the diet for men from the abdomen, but also at all other times. These products include:
- excessively fatty foods;
- fast food;
- smoked meats, sausages;
- sweet soda and juices;
- sweets and pastries;
- factory ketchups, sauces and mayonnaise;
- sugar;
- instant coffee;
- products with a high content of flavor or odor enhancers, dyes, and other chemicals;
- alcohol.
Junk food can be replaced without more hassle and loss of money with more healthy products that are not only tasty, but also support human health. These include:
- low-fat fish and seafood;
- meat without fat, especially poultry;
- eggs
- low-fat dairy products;
- bran bread ;
- nuts and beans;
- vegetables and fruits;
- cereal cereals.
Example abdominal slimming diet for men
Using special tables that are publicly available on the Internet, you need to find out your own daily calorie needs. It depends on age, gender, human activity. During the diet, this number should be below normal, so that extra pounds go. Then, when compiling the menu, you need to calculate the calorie content of dishes. Of course, this is somewhat troublesome, but it allows you to strictly control calorie intake and is guaranteed to achieve results.
During the day, you need to drink at least two to three liters of water, as well as break the food into five to six meals with an interval of about three hours. This will help to avoid a strong feeling of hunger and adapt to smaller amounts of food that men consume during the diet for burning fat on their stomachs. You should eat slowly, without being distracted by extraneous activities, carefully chewing food.
If the work does not allow you to arrange the planned snacks, then you can carry nuts or dried fruits with you, which will suppress the feeling of hunger. It is advisable to adhere to a normal regimen, go to bed and wake up at about the same time, so that the body develops a habit, eat by the hour.
An approximate diet for men from the abdomen:
7:00 - Mandatory breakfast. It starts a metabolism inhibited after sleep. The daily metabolism depends on the quality of breakfast. Menu: water or green tea, scrambled eggs or boiled egg, oatmeal.
10:00 - Snack. Yogurt, fruits, nuts.
13:00 - Lunch. The first option: vegetable salad, vegetable soup on chicken stock, baked turkey with buckwheat. Second option: Brown rice broth, grilled vegetables and salmon, fruits.
16:00 - Snack. Cereal bread, dried fruits, green tea.
19:00 - Dinner. Steamed fish or chicken breast, vegetable salad or grilled vegetables, scrambled eggs with herbs or tea with honey.
Active life
In addition to diet, more movement should appear in life. Not necessarily becoming an avid runner or bodybuilder. There are many activities that at the same time bring pleasure and have a healing effect. Everyone, if desired, finds activity to his taste. This can be cycling or skiing, long walks in parks or shops, visiting the pool or baths, playing football, volleyball and more.
Stand alone charging. It can and should be made a pleasant habit. It takes very little time, but has a huge positive effect on a person. Wakes him up, warms up and strengthens muscles and joints, boosts immunity, energizes. It is important to choose the morning exercises so that they are pleasant, safe, suitable for age and physical fitness.