Unbelievable! A program to clean up RAM actually slows down your system

Wanting to quickly and efficiently resolve the problems of "systemic slowness", an inexperienced user installs various optimizers and cleaners on his PC. However, such preventive maintenance of the OS can not always be considered correct. Do you know what the program actually does for cleaning RAM? Nothing useful! The deceived user only observes the graphic illusion that RAM is really freed. In fact, only the operating system can correctly, and at the same time, effectively manage operational memory resources. However, let's discuss in more detail how impractical and dangerous it is to use such "miraculous" software.

Tricks of dishonest developers: a program for cleaning RAM

Program for cleaning RAM

We will not describe in detail what specific goals are pursued by people who create such useless applications. Most likely, marketing is primarily the fault. This is where we finish "pouring from empty to empty." Let's better see how the "magic mechanism" of releasing RAM resources works at the moment when the program for cleaning the RAM is started by a naive user.

  • The utility literally from the start begins to impose on the OS its exclusive rights to use the RAM arsenal.
  • Regardless of operational needs, the cleaner takes the lion's share of the memory.
  • The cleaning indicator displayed on the screen indicates that the resource eaters have been defeated.

In fact, such a program for cleaning the RAM simply “dehydrates” the operating system, depriving it of control flexibility and forcing the OS to look for a way out of a difficult situation - the cached data is transferred to the hard drive. As a result, there is a decline in performance, and with it, the performance of the PC is significantly reduced.

Tell me, dear user, how much RAM do you need?

Program for automatic cleaning of RAM

Sorry for the banal paraphrasing of Ostap Bender's replica from the work of Ilf and Petrov “The Golden Calf”, and still try to comprehend the question posed. However, we dare to assure you that today four gigabytes of RAM is enough for the needs of the average user. If it’s not enough for you, buy an additional RAM module! It is foolish to hope for the efforts of a small utility that removes the OS from the process of efficiently allocating RAM.

How to clean up your computer’s RAM?

A monitoring program, which, incidentally, is built into the Windows environment (starting with the Vista version), can help you.

Cleaning up computer RAM - program

  • Go to the Start menu.
  • In the search bar, enter “Resource Monitoring”.
  • Next, click on the displayed result.
  • Open the “Memory” tab and disable the currently unused active process (point a marker at the program and right-click).

Thus, you yourself will free the missing megabytes of RAM. Well, if the OS still slows down, then you need to conduct a comprehensive maintenance process. The automatic memory cleaning program is unlikely to be useful when the hard drive is overgrown with temporary files and various digital "junk", and an uncontrolled pile of erroneous entries occurs in the registry. It is not difficult to imagine what would happen if such a “RAM cleaner” would run in the background and systematically interfere with the OS creating an efficiently used useful cache ... Think and draw conclusions, dear reader!

A kind of afterword ...

Program: Android RAM Cleanup

It would be wrong to keep silent about the same "misunderstandings" in mobile OS. The incredibly popular Android OS has also been attacked by a “placebo application.” However, in this case, you can’t install an additional RAM module, only a special program will help optimize the RAM operation. Cleaning up the RAM of Android devices will be really effective if the user installs the Memory Reboot FREE application on their device. Flexible program settings make it possible to reduce the “criticality” of the interference of the mentioned software into the OS functionality to absolute zero. The rest of the user will be satisfied. Well, that’s all. Perfect work for your computing devices and the fastest memory!

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