All Windows 7 Hot Keys

Microsoft Windows 7 is a very versatile operating system, the capabilities of which can be studied for years. Some of these features are difficult or too long to look for using the graphical interface. Therefore, you can use special combinations of buttons on the keyboard, which are called "hot keys". This article will talk about what are the hot keys in a computer with Windows 7.

Work with windows

The first group of functions for which special commands are assigned in the system is control over the appearance of windows. A complete list of combinations is given in the table below.

Primary key

Additional key

Action description



Closes the used application window


Displays a small panel with which you can switch between running programs

Escape (Esc)

Same thing, but switching is in the opening order

The underlined letter of the Russian or English alphabet in the name of the menu item

Expands a menu or executes a command. When using this hotkey, you must sequentially press the buttons, and not simultaneously. Instead of the Alt key, you can use F10.

Space (space)

Calls up the properties window of the active window.


Alt + Tab + Left and Right Arrows

The combination of the first 3 keys opens a small panel where you can use the arrows to select the desired open window


Closes a tab in a browser or any other program that supports the ability to run multiple instances. Microsoft Word for example



Allows you to switch between groups of window or program elements



Minimizes all windows

Up and Down Arrows

Resizes the window from the default to full screen. Replaces the middle control button in the upper right corner of the window

Left and Right Arrows

Reduces the window to a small one and attaches it to the left or right edge of the screen


Hides all windows except the active

Shift + Up and Down arrow

Stretches the selected window to the upper and lower edges of the screen and returns to its original size.

Shift + Left and Right Arrow

Moves the window to another connected display

Left and Right Arrows


Help navigate the menu in the mode activated by the Alt and F10 keys

window deployment

Reference. Win is a button on the keyboard with a flag on it. It is located between the left Ctrl and Alt, as well as the right Alt and the context menu button.

Work with desktop items

The table below summarizes the hot keys in Windows 7 that allow you to interact with this interface element.

Primary key

Additional key

Action description


Mouse wheel rotation

Scales desktop icons. In the "Explorer" window changes the way files are displayed: table, list, and so on



Minimizes all open windows. Duplicates the capabilities of the button to the right of the clock

icon scaling

Work with the taskbar

The third interface element that can be used with hotkeys in Windows 7 is the taskbar. It is located at the bottom of the screen and it contains the Start menu, the notification panel (tray) and the area on which a list of open programs is displayed. The key combinations are listed in the table below.

wines desktop 7

Primary key

Additional key

Action description

Ctrl + Win


Switch between the buttons of running programs. Available only on Windows 7

Numeral 1–9

Opens the last used application window pinned to the quick launch bar


Call the window of the program that displayed the message in the notification panel



Enumerating running programs on the taskbar without expanding windows

Numeral 1–9

Launch or call one of the program windows fixed on the taskbar under the specified number

Shift + number 1–9

Opens a program whose icon is present on the quick launch bar

Alt + number 1–9

Shows the latest files opened with the application from the quick launch block

switching between programs

General system button combinations

This group of hotkeys in Windows 7 does not have one specific area of ​​application. They can be used in many system and third-party programs. A complete list of combinations is given in the table below.

Home key or combination

Helper Key

Action description

Left alt


Combination to change the default input language. This combination can be changed to another in the control panel, section "Language Settings"



Copies the selected or selected text fragment or file to the clipboard. Alternative Key - Insert


Deletes the file in the Trash. Alternate Key - Delete


Deletes text or file, but stores a copy of it in RAM


Allows you to insert items placed in the buffer using the 2 previous commands


Opens the start menu. Alternate Key - Win


Repeats a canceled action


Undoes any action with a file or text, except for the use of the Shift + Delete command. Also, the combination does not undo changes to program settings



Calls the context menu of a file or selected text. Alternative - button to the left of the right Ctrl



Invokes offline help in any program.



Cancels the current operation and closes the dialog boxes.

help call

Work in Windows Explorer

This part of the operating system is perhaps the most important. Therefore, the hot keys in Windows 7 for her the most. They are tabulated below.

Home key or combination

Helper Key

Action description



Selects all text located in the address bar


Call the properties dialog of any object

Up arrow"

Opens a directory located above the current folder tree in the hard drive

Left and Right Arrows

Open previous and next directories



Selects all items in the window.


Activate the search field in the upper right corner of the window. Alternative Button - F3



Duplicates an open window


Closes one window. Alternative hotkey - Alt + F4


Rotate the open image 90 ° clockwise and vice versa


Spacebar and arrows

Allows you to selectively select files. Spacebar is used to mark and arrows are used to move

Ctrl + Shift


Displays the entire path from the root of the disk to the open folder in the left pane of Explorer


Creates a new folder



Select the first and last file in the folder, respectively





Enables editing a file or folder name



Sets the cursor to the address bar and displays the path as in Windows XP



Refreshes the Explorer window.



Expands the window to full screen without displaying a line with the name and window control buttons



Deletes files bypassing the Recycle Bin


Sequentially selects all files in a folder or characters in text

selective selection

Calling system applications and parameter windows

Key combinations for launching system utilities and windows with system settings are shown in the table below.

Home key or combination

Helper Key

Action description

Ctrl + Shift


Launches the "Task Manager".



Opens the Windows Mobility Center. Since it controls the position of the display, you can call this hotkey in Windows 7 "Screen rotation"

Pause / break

Opens computer properties


Opens the My Computer window


If there is a local network, it starts searching for PCs connected to it.


Launch the Run system utility. Using this hotkey in Windows 7, the command line is called

mobility center

Note to the Win + R command. This hotkey in Windows 7 really helps in invoking the command line, but is only an intermediate link in the utility launch chain. To load the latter, enter the cmd command in the line. After that, a small window with a black background and the year of release of the OS will appear. This is the command line

Note to the Win + X command. You cannot directly rotate the screen in Windows 7 using the hotkey. For this purpose, the "Mobility Center" is used, which is a window with 7 blocks: display brightness, sound volume, charge level and indicators of the connected monitor and projector, screen rotation. Using the latter, you can change the orientation of the displayed image.

Move through the text and select it

For this purpose, each version of Windows has hotkeys. But besides them, special buttons on the keyboard are also used. Their list and functions are summarized in the table below.

Home key or combination

Helper Key

Action description



Set the cursor to the beginning and end of the line, respectively





Scroll a document up or down to the height of one viewing area





Allows the cursor to jump over words and paragraphs


Positions the mouse pointer at the beginning or end of a text file




Selects all text from cursor to start of line


The same, but to the end of the line

Ctrl + Shift


Helps highlight words and paragraphs in their entirety


Selects text from the cursor to the beginning and end of the document, respectively


allocation methods

Work with dialog boxes

Working with the dialog boxes of various programs is much more convenient and faster with the mouse, but the creators of Microsoft Windows have added a set of hot keys for this component of the OS. All available combinations are summarized in the table below.

Home key or combination

Helper Key

Action description



Opens the directory in which the displayed folder is located

Ctrl + Tab


Switch tabs back and forth, respectively




Expands a drop down list



Analogue of a left click



Checkboxes (checkmarks, circles, squares)



Allows you to select the desired button, if there are several

dialog window

To summarize, we can say that it doesn’t really matter where to use the hot keys in Windows 7: on a laptop, desktop or tablet computer. The main thing is that the device should have 2 USB 2.0 ports for connecting a keyboard and mouse.

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