Exercises such as squats can rightly be considered effective for losing weight. During this exercise, not only calorie consumption occurs , but also the appearance of the body improves, the gluteal and femoral muscles are worked out, the breeches are tightened, and the skin becomes less flabby.
How many calories are burned when squats? This is a question that is easy to answer, it is enough to know the weight parameters of the person and the pace at which he performs this training.
Slimming Squatting Effectiveness
The secret of squats is that the load during their execution is not only power, but also aerobic, because the exercise has two stages:
- During the squat, the muscles of the legs, buttocks, abs , and back are tensed.
- In the rise there is a power load due to its own weight.
That is why during squats, fats burn quite rapidly, that is, oxygen is actively supplied to muscle tissues, which, in general, helps to destroy lipids. The body needs energy to work, and it takes it from these very fats.
Probably, everyone who used squats as an exercise for losing weight more than once was worried about the question: "How many calories are burned during squats?" We can say that their number directly depends on the weight of the squat and the pace at which he performs the exercise. For example, an athlete weighing 62 kg will sit down for five minutes about 100 times, while consuming approximately 43 calories, that is, kilocalories. Sometimes calories are erroneously called calories. As a rule, this does not cause any misunderstanding, since calories are too small a unit of measurement - a thousand times less than kilocalories. Therefore, in any literature on dietetics, the name "calorie" is often used, implying a kilocalorie.
So, to make a calculation for the indicator 50, it is necessary to divide 43 kilocalories into two. The result is 21.5, which will be the answer to the question of how many calories are burned for 50 squats.
Types of Squats
Squats are suitable for both gym and home use. To do exercises and lose weight, it is not necessary to use special simulators and devices, the load may be the weight of your own body.
The most common and understandable type of squats for everyone is the classic ones. They do not require special skills and large space. The load distribution depends on how deep the squat is. The setting of the legs also matters. For example, Plie squats are the most effective for pumping your buttocks, as well as sumo squats.
How many calories are burned during squats called partial? Presumably more than in the deep process. This type of squats can be called cardiosilic, because they are performed at an intense pace and allow you to work out those muscles that are not involved during a deep squat. Therefore, in order to maximize calorie consumption, it is necessary to do partial, often repeated squats.
Squat technique
The calorie consumption during squats is also affected by the technique of their implementation.
- Before starting the basic exercises, you need to do a light warm-up in the form of rotational movements of the knee and ankle joints. Especially warm-up is important before squats with weights.
- The back should be kept straight, slightly bending in the lower back.
- During the exercise, you can not take your heels off the floor.
- In the process of doing squats, it is necessary to maximize the tension of the abs muscles.
- To avoid increased stress on the joints, you should refrain from deep squats. The bottom point of a regular squat is when the hips are parallel to the floor and the knees form a 90 ° angle.
If we talk about squats "plie" or "sumo", then setting up legs and posture is no less important.
During the execution of any type of exercise, first of all, you need to think about technique and your own safety, and not about how many calories are burned during squats. 50 times is the most acceptable amount for beginners. And according to the above calculations, this is almost 22 kilocalories. If you conduct such training twice a day, you get 43 kilocalories, which is equivalent to 37 grams of potato chips, 175 grams of watermelon pulp or one medium cup of sweet cherry.
Squats and Calorie Consumption
Undoubtedly, for each person the figure indicating calories burned will be purely individual, since the more the weight of the squat, the more energy the body needs to complete the exercise. Therefore, calorie consumption will also be greater. For example, if you take into account such a number as 30 squats. How many calories is burned by the same athlete weighing 62 kg, if she performs so many repetitions? Simple calculations are made - 43 is divided by 100 and it turns out 0.43, that is, the number of kilocalories spent on one squat. And if you multiply this figure by 30 repetitions, you get 12.9 kilocalories.
It should be said that calories will be spent significantly more if the athlete uses weights, since the expenditure of energy expended will increase.
Weighted Squats
Some ladies mistakenly believe that using weights in squats, they pump the muscles of the legs and will look like football players. Unfortunately, everything does not happen so quickly, even though it is in the muscles of the legs that fat is burned faster and more efficiently than anywhere else.
So, so that the legs and hips look slender and embossed, and the buttocks are tightened and elastic, it is necessary to get rid of fat deposits in these places. And for this, you should properly load the muscles and use special equipment in the gym or at home. Such devices as a barbell, dumbbells, weights and expanders are ideal. There are also special simulators.
Why are squats dangerous?
Naturally, the question of how many calories are burned during squats does matter, but it can turn out to be absolutely pointless if there is a risk of injury during exercise.
According to studies conducted in the 50s of the twentieth century, squats were considered dangerous and it was believed that they could lead to stretching of the knee tendons. Over time, from this kind of stress, the joint can weaken, lose stability and begin to hurt. Based on these studies, the training program in the US Army has even changed, where some military units completely abandoned this exercise.
After these events, squats had a bad reputation for a rather long time, and only in the late 80s the exercise received hope of a revival. Completely new research has been conducted. For this, a hundred volunteers were invited and the stability of their knee tendons was checked. For some time, part of the selected people squatted, and the other part did not. As a result, absolutely all participants in the experiment had a knee joint check . No difference was recorded, which means that the knees of the squatters were not injured.
Research was also conducted among weightlifters. Their knees were also in a stable condition.
As a rule, the cause of injuries is the incorrect technique of doing exercises and working with large weights without preparation.
In addition to the knee joints, squats can be dangerous for the back. This mainly relates to an exercise performed with weights. Improper technique can damage the spine.
Fitness experts, as well as adherents of a healthy lifestyle, believe that squats help to activate a process such as metabolism. In addition, they allow the body to burn excess weight even after exercise.
To have an attractive and fit figure, you should add squats to the training schedule. This is the best way to make legs slim, buttocks elastic, and most importantly - this is an effective method of dealing with excess weight. The effectiveness of squats has been repeatedly proved by professional athletes and simple weight loss.
And if you add proper nutrition to correctly selected exercises, the question of how many calories are burned during squats will not seem so significant.