How to lose weight after childbirth and remove the stomach - to endure, work and not overeat

Probably, among all women there are only a few who will argue that immediately after childbirth their body looked the same as before pregnancy. Even those who managed to avoid gaining extra pounds agree that they did not seem to feel their own body, and the stretched muscles of the press were to blame. Well, most of the young mothers in the struggle for former harmony will have to get rid of extra pounds. How to lose weight after childbirth and remove the stomach? Here is one of the most acute problems that confronts a young mother. And, of course, she will not decide on her own. Have to work hard, and you need to be prepared for this.

Own beauty is not harmful to health

How to lose weight after giving birth and remove your stomach
Before answering the question of how to lose weight after childbirth and remove the stomach, it should be recalled that you should not run to the fitness club immediately after discharge from the hospital. About when you can start classes, you should talk with a doctor who will give recommendations in accordance with the physical condition of the woman. In general, after childbirth, you can begin to engage in a month and a half (after cesarean section - a couple of weeks later).

The second aspect that should not be overlooked is breastfeeding. Excessive exercise and a tough diet can ruin unstable lactation.

How to recover from childbirth

First of all, you need to be prepared for the fact that the recovery process is quite long, and this is largely due to physiological reasons, namely hormonal restructuring, which lasts more than one week. It is necessary to adequately assess your physical condition.

Answering the question of how to lose weight after childbirth and remove the stomach, we can say the following:

  • start moving, gradually increasing the load;
  • balance nutrition.

Surprisingly, it is a fact - many young mothers who dream of losing weight spend precious hours while walking with their baby on a bench seat. What for? If it is possible during this time to walk to the nearest park and walk with a stroller a fairly serious distance. You can talk for a long time about how to remove the stomach and sides after childbirth, and do nothing, although it is much easier to start small - just move more in any free minute, without justifying yourself that the house is full of hassle and a walk is the only way to sit and relax.

How to remove the belly and sides after childbirth
Daily walks with a stroller, excluding sitting on a bench, are an adequate load for an organism that has not yet recovered, which will be the first step on the way to a slim figure.

Of course, do not forget about nutrition. Pregnancy, when one could justify one's own gastronomic intemperance, has passed. After childbirth, of course, you should not starve, but to limit flour, sweet and fatty is also necessary because all this is harmful to the baby who is breast milk.

How to return to its former form

How to recover from childbirth
When physical conditions and other factors allow you to fully engage in sports, you do not need to delay, because there is nothing more permanent than temporarily gained kilograms. You need to start with moderate loads, carefully listening to yourself. And it’s better to do this in a fitness club, if only because additional motivation doesn’t hurt. Firstly, the fact that you need to work out the money spent on a subscription is very disciplining, and secondly, the success of your “colleagues” is set to work.

The answer to the question of how to lose weight after childbirth and remove the stomach lies on the surface. You need to follow a diet and exercise. And, of course, special attention will have to be paid to these problem areas in the waist area: twist the hoop, pump the press in all possible ways and attend classes that help reduce weight.

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