Symptoms and treatment of dry eye syndrome: the best treatments, reviews

Dry eye syndrome (photo in the article) is a complex disease based on worsening corneal moisture. This significantly reduces the amount of liquid forming a protective film.

This disease has arisen relatively recently, since TVs, air conditioners, and computers have an effect. In addition, the high prevalence is due to the use of medical and cosmetic products.

Disease development

Before you begin treatment for dry eye syndrome, you need to determine what kind of disease it is, what are the causes of its occurrence and how it is characterized. This disease is characterized by discomfort, impaired visual function and damage to the surface structure of the organ of vision as a result of deterioration in the stability of the tear film.

Dry eye syndrome

Inadequate production of tears can provoke the development of a violation. This leads to too rapid evaporation of tears from the cornea, premature rupture of the tear film.

The tactics of treating dry eye syndrome depend on the complexity of the course of the disease and may include conservative and surgical methods, as well as traditional medicine. Early detection of the disease and quality treatment will help prevent the formation of scars and ulcers on the cornea.

The process of moistening the surface of the eye occurs due to the protective film located on it, covering a thin layer of the cornea. The protective film consists of layers such as:

  • surface;
  • median;
  • slimy.

In addition, a healthy organ of vision always contains a certain amount of fluid, which, when blinking, washes it. It is characterized by a rather complex composition and is produced by certain lacrimal glands. In addition, there is also a system for outflow of excess fluid.

Causes of occurrence

This syndrome can develop as a separate disease, and sometimes it can be a consequence of various disorders. Despite the reason provoking this problem, it is important to take into account the main symptoms and treatment of dry eye syndrome, a photo of which allows you to understand exactly what the disease is characterized, because if the therapy is not done in a timely manner, it threatens to decrease or loss of vision. There are several provoking factors, among which it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • deformation of the surface of the corneal membrane;
  • failure of the lacrimal glands;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • avitaminosis;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • paralysis of the facial nerves;
  • improperly selected lenses.

The cause of the development of this syndrome may be the age of the patient. In general, cases of the disease are significantly increasing among the elderly. In addition, the disease is characteristic of women.

Quite often this disease is observed in childhood. This is mainly due to the fact that in the modern world, children spend a lot of time watching TV and playing games on the computer.


Dry eye syndrome is a fairly common pathology. Depending on the pathogenesis, 3 main forms are distinguished. The disease can occur due to:

  • decrease in the volume of tear fluid;
  • large evaporation of the film;
  • combined exposure.

Symptomatic disorder can pass very quickly with complex therapy. Depending on the cause of the disease, dry eye syndrome may be:

  • artificially;
  • syndromic;
  • symptomatic.
Dry eye syndrome in children

In addition, several different clinical forms of this disorder are distinguished, in particular, such as:

  • corneal conjunctival syndrome;
  • dry keratoconjunctivitis;
  • filamentous keratitis.

It also varies in severity of symptoms. A similar pathological condition can occur in several different forms.

The main symptoms

Symptoms and treatment of dry eye syndrome (photo in the article) are quite different and are determined by the severity of the course of the violation. Dry eyes - not all that bothers a person suffering from a similar pathology. If the amount of tear fluid produced is chronically reduced, a feeling of sand in the eyes may appear. Symptoms may be persistent and passing character. Often the disease is characterized by a decrease in visual acuity. Periodically, symptoms such as:

  • excessive sensitivity to light;
  • lacrimation
  • cramps and burning;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • decreased vision;
  • dry eyes.

Symptoms become most pronounced in the evening, as well as when staying in an excessively dry and contaminated room. For a long enough time, signs may not appear at all, or are only partially observed.

Symptoms of the disease

Dry eyes cause a lot of inconvenience to a person. This reduces performance and there is a desire to constantly rub your eyes. In some cases, blepharitis additionally joins, as a result of which, signs of both of these diseases are observed.


To understand how to cure dry eye syndrome, it is necessary to conduct timely diagnostics, on the basis of which the treatment technique is selected. Examination of patients is based on clinical methods. Sometimes special functional tests may be required.

Clinical techniques include procedures such as:

  • a survey to identify symptoms;
  • history taking;
  • thorough examination of the eyelids and cornea;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • determination of skin condition;
  • checking the frequency and nature of blinking movements.

During an ophthalmological examination, the doctor determines the objective signs of this syndrome. Eye biomicroscopy is performed using special dyes. When applying them to the surface of the cornea, staining of epithelial disorders in green passes.

Functional diagnostics techniques are widely used that help determine the presence of the disease with lubricated symptoms. They consist in the use of special tests to determine the peculiarity of the tear film and the amount of fluid released.

The Norn method makes it possible to identify the stability of the protective film after applying a special dye. Schirmer's method is performed to determine the number of secreted tears using special paper. In some cases, the patient may need an examination by a neurologist, endocrinologist, immunologist, allergist. Treatment of dry eye syndrome is prescribed only after a comprehensive diagnosis.

Treatment features

Depending on the cause of the occurrence, the severity of the pathology, the treatment of dry eye syndrome is to achieve the desired effects, in particular, such as:

  • stimulation of tear production;
  • reduction in evaporation;
  • the formation of artificial tears.

If the reason that provoked this violation is not dangerous and arises due to a malfunction at the computer, the symptoms are not too pronounced and there are no special pathologies, then drops that create artificial tears can help. Such drops for the treatment of dry eye syndrome create a protective film, which contains natural tear fluid.

Drug treatment

If the violation is associated with serious pathologies or severe forms of the disease are observed, then surgical intervention is recommended. It is quite possible to achieve greater secretion of the lacrimal fluid in the orthopedic way, when the lacrimal canal is blocked using a special device. This method has many advantages, since the product is made of hypoallergenic materials, surgical intervention is not required, and irreversible violations will not occur.

Drug treatment

It is very important to pinpoint the symptoms and treatment of dry eye syndrome. Drugs should be prescribed exclusively by the attending doctor after a comprehensive diagnosis. There are many ways to treat this pathology.

With the occurrence of mild to moderate severity of the disease, hydration is achieved by selecting the required medications. Conservative treatment methods can very quickly eliminate symptomatic manifestations. The treatment with drops and gels, which have a moisturizing effect and mimic a natural tear, will help to eliminate the symptoms of dry eye syndrome.

Gel application

Such therapy has a fairly good result, however, it is worth remembering that you need to use them systematically. There are many different means to compensate for the lack of natural tears, which differ in the main active component. A good result is provided by drugs made on the basis of:

  • dextran;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • sodium hyaluronate;
  • carbomer;
  • povidone.

Each of these active ingredients is recommended to be used only under the supervision of a treating doctor and it is not worth it to purchase and use drugs on your own. The most popular drug that contains hyaluronic acid is Oxyal. This is an ophthalmic solution, which, in addition to the main component, includes a number of electrolytes. It is mainly prescribed to eliminate the discomfort, fatigue of the organs of vision and dryness that can be observed when wearing contact lenses.

Only a qualified ophthalmologist will help you choose the best drops for dry eye syndrome, depending on the particular course of the disease. For people who have no vision problems, doctors recommend the use of drugs such as “Artificial Tear”, “Defliesis” or “Hypromellose”. They contain in their composition such an active ingredient as hypromellose.

Preparations of this type are characterized by a high degree of viscosity, therefore, they have a rather long-lasting effect. These modern eye drops not only carefully protect the cornea of ​​the eye, but also have a softening effect. Usually they are used for insufficient production of tears, burns of the cornea, damage to the eyelids, and also after surgery. Such drops protect the eyes from irritation provoked by cold, wind, salt water, dust.

Especially popular and in demand recently began to use drugs that are in its composition sodium hyaluronate. These drops include "Hilo-chest of drawers." Such a tool is presented in the form of an aqueous sterile solution. It is worth noting that these eye drops are quite expensive, however, at the same time, they make it possible to create a uniform film on the mucous membranes, which persists for a long time.

Depending on the symptoms, treatment with dry eye syndrome drugs involves the use of special gels. Such means as Vidisik and Oftagel are very popular. They help not only moisturize the eye, but also eliminate existing irritation. Since gels contain special polymers, they allow you to create a film that retains its effect for a long time.

Basically, they are prescribed only for adults, since children do not particularly like the process of using such drugs. Widely used drugs consisting of several components at once. Such drugs include Blefarogel eye drops or Systein gel.

In addition, the doctor can recommend the use of special vitamin complexes. People who have chronic diseases that can provoke the production of tear fluid need to undergo a full course of treatment for dry eye syndrome with drugs.

Folk techniques

Modern medications help very quickly eliminate all the available symptomatic manifestations of the disease. Treatment of dry eye syndrome at home through the use of folk remedies is used much less often. However, it is worth remembering that you can not use them without first consulting a doctor.

In some cases, such a technique of therapy can bring not only significant benefits, but also certain harm. Good results bring lotions made on the basis of herbs such as:

  • chamomile flowers;
  • marshmallow root;
  • stems of eyebright.

All plant components need to be crushed, and then mixed. Then you need to take 2-3 tbsp. l plant materials and add 1 tbsp. boiling water. Boil the resulting product for 5 minutes. Cool the finished medicine to room temperature. Then strain the broth, moisten the cotton pads and attach them to the eyes. Leave on for 15 minutes. Such a healing remedy helps to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Such a decoction can be used to treat dry eye syndrome in a child.

Eye compress

You can get rid of dryness and other disorders with a strong infusion of natural green tea without additives. You can keep the sponges moistened in this product for 20 minutes. After this, you need to dilute the infusion with warm water and use it before washing your eyes. It is advisable to do this procedure at least 3 times a week.

Dry eye syndrome treatment at home is carried out with the help of special compresses. To increase the production of tear fluid, you need to take a peeled large horseradish root, douse it well with boiling water and rub on a fine grater. In the resulting product, add the onion chopped on a blender and mix well. Then apply to the area under the eyes. You need to keep it for 2-3 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water on your face. It is very important to ensure that the product does not get into the eyes, and if this happens, rinse immediately with water. For the treatment of disorders in a child, such a tool cannot be used.

To increase tear production, fresh potatoes can be used as compresses. It must be thoroughly washed, peeled and grated. Then squeeze the juice. The resulting slurry is applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes, and then rinse. This remedy helps eliminate burning sensation and reduce signs of inflammation.

Surgical intervention

Treatment of dry eye syndrome of the second degree can be carried out by surgical intervention. There are a variety of operations to eliminate the violation, which has an unfavorable course.

Surgical intervention

Most often, obstruction of the lacrimal ducts is performed. When carrying out such an operation, blockage of the lacrimal passages, removing fluid from the surface of the cornea, is performed. This makes it possible to achieve a qualitative elimination of the existing symptoms that accompany such a violation.

In the presence of such disorders as perforation, necrosis and ulcers, corneal plasty is indicated. In severe cases, transplantation of the salivary glands into the conjunctival sac is indicated. This technique allows you to achieve normalization of well-being and condition of the organs of vision, even in the most unfavorable course of the disease.

Prognosis after treatment

In order to prevent serious complications from the cornea and conjunctiva, as well as to prevent loss of vision, it is important to conduct a competent, comprehensive and timely treatment. In this case, the prognosis for recovery is quite favorable.

If the treatment is carried out incorrectly or at the wrong time, very serious complications can occur.

Preventive actions

In order to prevent the onset of symptoms of dry eye syndrome, the reviews of which are the most diverse, it is important to conduct timely preventive measures that will prevent the complication of an existing disease. Among the main preventive measures, one can distinguish such as:

  • eye protection from sunlight;
  • walks in the open air;
  • maintaining cleanliness and order in the workplace.

If possible, you should try to protect yourself as much as possible from the smoke and smog that are present in every city. It is important to be in the polluted environment as little as possible, as well as install appliances at home that cleanse and moisturize the air.

In order to avoid the occurrence of a computer syndrome, you need to properly position your work computer and other office equipment. It is important to follow the basic rules of rest and work, not to allow significant eye strain.

It is advisable to review your diet. It is very useful to eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products. Try to limit the consumption of meat and animal fats. Alcohol is very bad for the body. In particular, alcohol has a detrimental effect on the eyes, which is why, often after its consumption, their redness is observed.

If there is discomfort in the field of the organs of vision, you should not self-medicate, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner, since at the very beginning of the disease it is much easier to prevent negative consequences and even completely get rid of the existing problem.

Be sure to take breaks in work every 40-50 minutes. . . , , .

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In addition, chronic eye fatigue can lead to damage on the surface of the cornea. This is due to the fact that the tear film is designed to wash dust off the mucous membrane. If this does not happen, then microparticles of dust scratch the surface of the eye when blinking.

A severe form of the pathological process leads to the development of erosion, proliferation of epithelial tissue, as well as xerotic changes in the cornea and conjunctiva. All this can lead to a gradual decrease in vision. It is believed that such violations can lead to the development of advanced cataracts and no less dangerous ophthalmic diseases.

Treatment Reviews

Depending on the symptoms of dry eye syndrome, the reviews about the treatment are very different, since with a more severe lesion, therapy requires a long and complex. Many patients say that the drug "Hilo chest" is a good remedy. It has practically no contraindications, does not penetrate into the bloodstream, and helps to eliminate the existing symptoms. In addition, such drops can be used even during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

The Artelak Splash agent has proven itself well; drops from dry eye syndrome have good reviews. They help moisturize the mucous membranes, relieve fatigue, and also help out if you have to sit at a computer for a long time. In addition, many people prefer to use drops of "Artelak Balance", made on the basis of hyaluronic acid, since they also include vitamins. They allow you to moisturize the mucous membrane for a long time and have a powerful effect. They also eliminate redness, pain, eye irritation.

The treatment of dry eye syndrome with drugs is rather mixed, as some users say that “Natural Tear” does not do its job well enough. There is practically no effect from it, since this remedy only helps to eliminate soreness a little.

After reading reviews on the treatment of dry eye syndrome, you can choose the right remedy for yourself, however, it is advisable to consult a doctor first.

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