From people with signs of inflammation of the mucous membrane, one can often hear that they have frozen their eyes. Contrary to popular belief, this condition is dangerous. If a person believes that he has a cold eye, he needs to contact an ophthalmologist as soon as possible. This is especially true for people with severe clinical manifestations. This is due to the fact that often a viral or bacterial infection joins a cold. In this case, after conducting diagnostic measures, the doctor draws up the most effective drug treatment regimen.
In the role of eye protection is a tear. This liquid has powerful bactericidal properties and destroys pathogenic microorganisms that have fallen on the mucous membrane. In addition, a tear moistens it, preventing the occurrence of friction during blinking. Protective liquid also helps to cleanse the eyes of dust and small particles.
During a person’s stay in an area with a strong wind, the tear begins to evaporate intensively. Naturally, this is a physiological process, but under similar weather conditions it is significantly accelerated. As a result, the mucous membrane begins to rub against the eyelids and dry out, microtraumas appear on it. At this stage, the person understands that he has frozen his eyes. This is evidenced by severe irritation.
Intensive evaporation of tears is dangerous because pathogenic microorganisms and dust begin to accumulate in the eyes. A logical consequence is the development of the inflammatory process.
How can I freeze my eyes:
- For a long time be in the zone of air flow from a fan or air conditioner.
- Walking outside during a strong wind.
- To be indoors with a draft.
- Eat cold foods in large quantities.
- Riding in a car with open windows or a motorcycle without a helmet.
- Going out in windy weather immediately after water procedures.
Thus, the development of the inflammatory process is closely related to weather conditions. That is why, during a visit to a doctor, one can say to a specialist that his eyes were blown away by the wind.
Clinical manifestations
The disease, as a rule, is difficult not to notice. If a person has a cold eye, the symptoms appear quite specific.
Clinical manifestations:
- Hyperemia of both the conjunctiva and the eyelids.
- Painful sensations.
- Itching, burning.
- Excessive lacrimation.
- The presence of a sensation of a foreign object in the eye.
- Isolation of exudate. Pus accumulates on the eyelashes and in the corners of the eyes.
- Hypersensitivity to light.
- Swelling of the tissues.
- The presence of painful seals on the eyelids.
- Enlarged lymph nodes located near the ears.
- Elevated body temperature (in isolated cases).
- Visual impairment.
If a person has a cold eye, it is not necessary that all of the above symptoms appear.
If you experience the first alarming signs, you must contact an ophthalmologist. A visit to a specialist should especially not be postponed to people who have a cold eye, the liquid flows out of it and the eyelids are very swollen.
The doctor can make a diagnosis already during the initial examination. In addition, the specialist is able to determine the presence of a viral or bacterial infection by external signs. In the first case, the lymph nodes do not enlarge, pus does not stand out. When a bacterial infection is attached, on the contrary, exudate always forms. Moreover, it can stand out even from the surface of the eyeball. If the eye is frozen, but there is no infection, then pus does not stand out, and body temperature does not rise.
In order to identify a pathogenic microorganism, the doctor may prescribe a bacteriosis.
Remedies for signs of irritation
If a cold is not accompanied by severe clinical manifestations, it is enough to use products whose active components relieve dryness and redness. If the eye bleeds, what drops to get, the doctor can tell.
As a rule, ophthalmologists prescribe the following funds:
- "Vizin." The active component of the drug is tetrizoline hydrochloride. Against the background of treatment, the vessels narrow and the swelling is eliminated. It is necessary to instill eyes 2-3 times a day.
- Oksial. The active ingredient is boric and hyaluronic acids. Drops have pronounced moisturizing, antipruritic, decongestant and vasoconstrictive properties. Depending on the degree of irritation, it is necessary to use the drug from 1 to 6 times a day.
- Systein. The composition of the drug is identical to a natural tear. Drops not only in a short time eliminate irritation, but also moisturize the mucous membrane.
If side effects occur, it is recommended to complete the therapy with the selected drug and consult an ophthalmologist.
Treatment in case of joining a viral infection
In such a situation, it is necessary not only to stop the symptoms, but also to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. It is important to understand that in this case, the active activity of the virus is observed not only on the surface of the eyes, but throughout the body. In this regard, if you have a cold eye, how to treat an ailment in the event of complications, the doctor should tell, based on the results of backseeding.
If there is a viral infection, the doctor may prescribe:
- Drops, the active component of which is human interferon. This is a specific protein that is synthesized in the body in order to destroy viruses. Examples of drugs: Ophthalmoferon, Okoferon, Aktipol. As a rule, such funds are prescribed if the eyes are affected by entero- or adenoviruses. In the first 3 days of treatment, it is necessary to instill eyes every 4 hours. Then the drug can be used 2-3 times a day until the clinical manifestations disappear completely.
- Ointments, the active component of which is intended to combat the herpes virus. In most cases, doctors prescribe Acyclovir. A more expensive analogue is Zovirax. According to the instructions for use, the eye ointment "Acyclovir" can be included in the treatment regimen even of young children. Judging by medical reviews, the drug rarely causes side effects. According to the instructions for use, the eye ointment "Acyclovir" must be squeezed onto the finger. The length of the strip with the product should not exceed 1 cm. Then the drug must be laid behind the conjunctival sac.
It is important to remember that self-medication is unacceptable. Selection of drugs is carried out only on the basis of laboratory diagnostics.
Treatment in case of bacterial infection
In this situation, the use of antibacterial agents is mandatory. As a rule, doctors prescribe the following drugs:
- "Albucid." This is an antimicrobial drug, the active ingredient of which is sodium sulfacyl. Use the drug 4-6 times a day.
- "Tetracycline." Today it is the most effective antibacterial agent for the eyes. The instructions for use with tetracycline ointment indicate that it is effective against both gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms. But you need to purchase the product only with a content of the active component of 1%. According to the instructions for use, tetracycline ointment for the eyes can otherwise be harmful. You can use the drug up to 5 times a day.
- Sofradex The tool has antipruritic, antibacterial, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. Drops immediately contain three active components: framycetin sulfate, dexamethasone, gramicidin. Use the drug every 4 hours.
Most often, the same medication is sold in two forms at once (ointment, drops). The difference between them is the degree of effectiveness. Drops are quickly washed off by a tear, while the ointment remains on the mucous membrane for a long time.
If the child has a cold eye
As practice shows, most often the disease develops in children who like to peek out of the open window of a moving vehicle. Symptoms in this case appear the same as in adults.
If there are alarming signs of the child, it is recommended to show the ophthalmologist. When bacterial flora is detected, doctors most often prescribe “Albucid” and “Tetracycline,” with a viral one - “Ophthalmoferon”, “Interferon”, “Dexamethasone”.
It is important to remember that self-medication is unacceptable. You can only use folk methods before going to the doctor to ease the condition of the child.
Homemade ointments
The most effective are the following recipes:
- Take a medium-sized onion and bake it in the oven until soft. Grind with a blender. To the resulting mass add 20 ml of aloe juice and 10 g of honey. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. The resulting ointment is used externally three times a day.
- Take 40 g of butter, 10 g of wax, 20 ml of a decoction based on calendula, 10 g of honey. Put all components in one container. Put the pan in a water bath. As soon as the oil and wax melt, remove the container from the heat. Mix all components thoroughly. Cool. Apply ointment externally 3-4 times a day.
Before the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with antibacterial soap. Despite the fact that these ointments need to be used externally, contact lenses must be removed in advance.
If your eye is very cold, what should I do? Folk remedies will help stop unpleasant symptoms.
- Take 10 flowers of cornflower and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. Let it brew for 1 hour. Strain. In the resulting liquid, moisten a piece of gauze and attach the latter to the affected eye.
- Take 10 g of plantain seeds. Pour them with 100 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour. In the resulting liquid, moisten the gauze tissue and apply to the affected eye.
- Take a few chamomile flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 20 minutes. Use compress liquid.
It is important to remember that any plant is a potential allergen. If there are signs of an unwanted reaction, treatment using non-traditional methods must be completed.
Possible consequences
If treatment is not started in a timely manner, a viral or bacterial infection joins. The active life of pathogenic microorganisms can lead to the development of the following ailments:
- Barley. This term refers to inflammation of the sebaceous duct or ciliary bulb.
- Conjunctivitis. In this case, the mucous membrane of the eyeball is affected.
- Blepharitis. This is an inflammation of the mucosa that lines the inner surface of the eyelids.
- Dacryocystitis. This is an ailment, the course of which is accompanied by inflammation of the lacrimal canal.
Thus, in order to prevent the development of complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
Recommendations of specialists
To avoid the development of the disease, ophthalmologists advise to observe the following rules:
- Not to be in rooms with drafts.
- In windy weather, protect your eyes with sunglasses.
- Set as far as possible from the air conditioner.
- Do not lower the windows in the car too low.
- Use a safety helmet when riding a motorcycle.
- Do not wash your face with too cold water.
- Minimize the consumption of cold foods.
Compliance with these rules will not only protect your eyes from the common cold, but also serve as an excellent prevention of SARS.
If a person has a cold eye, it is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane begins to be damaged and cannot protect the visual organ from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms. Active life of the latter often leads to such unpleasant diseases as blepharitis, barley, conjunctivitis and so on. In order to facilitate well-being, it is permissible to use alternative methods before contacting a doctor.