The problem area on the female body, called the breeches, is located on the outer surface of the thighs. Most often, fat is deposited there due to malnutrition, as well as a hereditary predisposition. You can remove the breeches on the hips with exercise. True, fat leaves there last. A strict diet and special exercises will help get rid of it. To remove the breeches on the hips is a doable task, but you will have to be patient.
Reasons why fat is deposited in the breeches
It would seem that the main factor due to which the breeches are acquiring an unaesthetic appearance is the abundance of adipose tissue. However, quite thin women often have “ears” on their hips. What is the reason? Muscle weakness or even their complete absence, bad habits and poor nutrition, which make the skin sagging, are additional factors that negatively affect the shape of the figure.
Is it possible to remove the breeches on the hips? Of course, it is possible to improve the silhouette. Moreover, if you have patience and be consistent in performing exercises and observing the rules of nutrition, then it is quite possible to achieve an ideal figure. How much time it will take depends on the initial type of figure and compliance with the rules. If you are overweight - more than ten kilograms and there is no experience in physical education, then the path to a slim figure and beautiful hips can take more than a year. If the amount of extra pounds is small, and there are skills to perform basic strength exercises, then getting rid of the breeches on the hips is easier - the process will take about three to four months.
So, we can distinguish the following main reasons for the appearance of riding breeches on the hips of a woman:
- a high percentage of body fat;
- hereditary predisposition - type of figure "pear";
- hormonal disorders or malnutrition, as a result of which the fat layer is distributed unevenly throughout the body;
- lack of even minimal muscle mass.
How to remove riding breeches on hips at home? It’s maximally effective not just to cut calorie intake or exhaust yourself with exercises, but to draw up a competent plan of both nutrition and physical activity.
There is no magic pill that would allow you to quickly remove the breeches on the hips. Have to constantly restructure their eating habits, as well as regularly engage in physical education.
Nutrition to eliminate jodhpurs
In parallel with the exercise, you should adjust your diet, otherwise you can’t wait for a result, this is confirmed by the reviews. “How I removed the breeches on my hips”, “How I managed to get rid of the“ ears ”on my hips” - such reviews are most often found. Judging by them, the girls were able to bring their figure to the ideal, only adhering to proper nutrition and playing sports.
So, in parallel with the exercises, you should adjust your diet as follows:
- Refuse simple carbohydrates - sugar and all the products in which it is contained. Of sweets, you can occasionally afford honey.
- To use as much clean water as possible - it will remove the decay products of fat cells.
- Completely abandon the use of alcohol and sweet soda, as they provoke fluid retention, swelling, and the formation of cellulite. Lovers of beer and Coca-Cola almost always have breeches, and the shape of the figure leaves much to be desired.
- Eat as much protein food as possible (dairy products, chicken and turkey fillet, veal and beef, chicken and quail eggs, fish and seafood) - after all, with enough protein, muscle tissue goes into the phase of active growth.
The best exercises: remove the breeches on the hips
The optimal frequency of training is three times a week. After the first exercises, many girls complain of muscle pain - this is an absolutely normal process and it is not worth stopping classes because of it. Soft massage and a hot bath will help relieve muscle pain. Muscle pain is a positive sign, it eloquently suggests that the training was carried out conscientiously and the muscles were worked out to a sufficient degree. So, we remove the breeches on the hips with the help of the most effective exercises. It is necessary to thoroughly study the technique of each of them.
The whole range of exercises can be divided into two parts. You can remove the breeches on the hips at home if you include cardio and strength exercises in each workout.
Cardio exercises are performed without weighting. They are distinguished by high intensity of movements and increase the number of heart contractions.
Strength exercises do not have to be performed at a very fast pace. If we remove the breeches on the hips, then over time, after the technique is learned, we can proceed to exercise with weights - dumbbells or even a barbell.
Side kick: cardio exercise against jodhpurs
So, we remove the breeches and “ears” on the hips with the help of cardio exercises. A kick to the side is perhaps the most effective exercise that allows you to work directly on the outer surface of the thigh. Below is its step-by-step implementation.
- Starting position - legs shoulder width apart, arms tense and bent at the elbows, back straight.
- Pull the knee of one leg to the chest and perform a sharp ejection to the side - as strong and high as flexibility allows. But don't be too zealous. In the first approach, you can lift the leg is not very high.
- Perform ten hits with one foot, then the same number with the second. Take a break for half a minute and repeat the second approach with the same or a large number of repetitions of the exercise.
Side jump from place to place
Another cardio exercise that will help tighten the outer surface of the thigh. It also works to a small extent on quadriceps and calves.
- Clasp your legs together, stand on tiptoe. The back is straight, hands slightly bent at the elbows.
- Perform an energetic jump to the side, then the same - to the starting point. When landing, you should try to lower yourself on your socks, slightly bending your knees - this will help not to damage the joints of the foot.
- Repeat ten to fifteen jumps from place to place.
Jumping with breeding arms and legs: "Asterisk"
The popular Asterisk cardio exercise will help to remove riding breeches on the hips of the house. It should be performed at an intense pace, while the heart rate will greatly increase, which, in turn, will help accelerate fat burning.
- Put your legs together, arms hang freely along the body.
- On inspiration, perform an energetic movement: place your legs in the jump a little wider than your shoulders, and raise your arms above the head with a wave.
- Then also quickly and swiftly return to the starting position on the exhale.
- Repeat the exercise about thirty times at a fast pace, then catch your breath and take another approach. As endurance increases, increase the number of repetitions.
Side lunges with and without weighting
Side lunges belong to the category of strength exercises. After the technique is mastered, it is necessary to gradually proceed with weighting - for example, take dumbbells in each hand or put a bar from the bar on your shoulders.
- Put your legs as wide as possible - but so that the joints do not overstrain and the exercise does not cause pain.
- Gradually transfer body weight to one leg, bending it at the knee and straightening the second almost completely. Repeat movement with the other leg. It is important to ensure that when performing the knee does not extend beyond the toe.
- Repeat the exercise ten times on each leg. The optimal number of approaches is three. If the first workouts are hard, then you can reduce the number of approaches to one or two.
Plie Squats: Hip Slim
Plie squats allow you to work out not only the outer surface of the thigh, but also the inner. In addition, the gluteus maximus muscle and quadriceps are included in the work, as well as the hip biceps to a small extent. If we do not just remove the breeches on our hips, but also strive to make our legs as slender as possible, we should definitely include this exercise in our program.
- We put our legs much wider than our shoulders. If flexibility is not enough for this, then you need to put them so wide that during the exercise there is no pain. The socks should be turned to the sides. The spine should be straight, the head is straight, the gaze is directed forward.
- Lower the pelvis so that the legs bend at the knees and form a parallel line with the floor in the hips. Then return to the exhale to its original position.
- Do the exercise ten times in three sets. After the execution technique has been mastered to perfection, you can perform the exercise with weighting.
One-toe Plie Squats
This is a complicated version of the exercise described above. The difference is that after the pelvis is lowered, it remains to remain in this position and alternately rise on the toe of one or the other leg.
Thus, this variety of plie squats is not only a strength exercise, but also a static one. You should begin to perform plie squats with a lift on the toe only after the classical technique of the main exercise is perfectly mastered.
Deadlift and Classic Squats in Anti-Jodhpurs
In the struggle for slim hips, one should not forget about basic exercises. The main ones for the legs and buttocks are deadlift and classic squats.
Before proceeding to the implementation of these movements with weighting on the shoulders, you should learn the correct technique. If this is not done, then pain in the knees and hip joint may begin. Performing deadlift and classic squats will work out not only the outer and inner thighs, but also give beautiful buttocks, slender legs and a strong lower back with a seductive bend.
The reasons for the failure: why can not get rid of the breeches?
If you show patience and carefully follow the rules of nutrition and exercise, you can remove the breeches on the hips in just a few months (provided that initially there was no obesity). If months pass, but there is no result, then most likely the reason is the following errors:
- exercises are performed at an insufficiently fast pace or too few approaches are done (recall, the optimal number is three);
- non-compliance with nutritional rules - the use of simple carbohydrates or an insufficient amount of protein food;
- performing only strength exercises - cardio-loading should not be neglected;
- a woman does not consume enough pure water per day, as a result of which the body suffers from dehydration and is in no hurry to part with fat deposits.