Such an exotic fruit like pineapple has not surprised anyone for a long time. Many people like its taste; it is eaten raw, and is also used to prepare a variety of dishes. However, few people know how useful pineapple is for losing weight.
There is even a special diet, the main ingredient of which is pineapple. What properties does this fruit have?
Firstly, it contains bromeline (as an option, bromeline), a substance that promotes better protein breakdown in the body. At one time it was believed that this enzyme burns fats, but this theory did not materialize, although it is worth mentioning its beneficial effect on the digestive process.
Secondly, pineapple contains vitamin B1, indispensable for weight loss, and a large amount of water, as well as potassium salts, due to which excess fluid is removed from the body.
Pineapple for weight loss is considered an indispensable fruit, because it dulls the feeling of hunger. A piece of this fruit eaten in the evening will allow you not to go to the refrigerator once again, looking for something to eat. This product is low-calorie and does not contain fat, which allows you to safely take it as food for people who dream of losing weight.
The diet, which is based on this amazing fruit, differs from others in a rather varied menu. It uses meat in moderation, dairy products, and cereals, however, in the center of it all will be pineapple. He must be present at every meal. Fresh juice from this fruit is also very useful, which you need to drink immediately after preparation (like all freshly squeezed juices, it is not subject to long storage).
Dreaming of a slim figure, you need to know that you can use pineapple with vodka for weight loss. To do this, one medium-sized fruit is ground together with the peel and added to vodka, which is enough to take half a liter. The resulting drink is placed in a cool place or refrigerator for several days, after which it is ready to drink. It is recommended to take the finished tincture fifteen minutes before meals and at night, one tablespoon. This tincture of pineapple for weight loss will reduce weight to five kilograms per month.
If you use the proportions indicated above, then the drink should be enough for two to three weeks, after which a new one is made. The secret of this tincture is that vodka helps to dehydrate the body, which reduces the likelihood of edema, and pineapple has a good effect on digestion. True, you should not abuse the tincture, as the alcohol contained in it can have a negative effect on the body. After a month's course, it is recommended to take a break of several months, then, if desired or necessary, repeat.
If there is no desire or opportunity to sit on a pineapple diet , then you can at least occasionally arrange fasting days in which pineapple will be the main dish. Oddly enough, but, despite the sweet taste, it is used not only in the preparation of desserts, but also in combination with meat, as well as for salads (and not only fruit). Such an additive will reduce the total calorie content of the dish, while not compromising its taste. All this suggests that pineapple for weight loss can and should be used. Even in the case when the weight does not decrease, despite the use of this fruit, its beneficial effect on the body is felt almost immediately.
However, you should not think that taking such vodka or if there is pineapple for weight loss is enough. You can not eat flour and high-calorie dishes at the same time, otherwise the kilograms will not only not leave, but even vice versa. You should not forget about sports, use healthy and natural products for food, and then the result may be even better than originally intended.