Dream Interpretation Shoes - what do women dream about?

Since ancient times, through dreams, people tried to unravel the future or see the past. Apparently, just like this, thanks to centuries-old observations, dream books appeared, which at present have not only not lost their relevance, but vice versa, have begun to cause even greater interest. Indeed, the craving for everything mystical and unknown is inherent in almost every person. But now we will not describe all the meanings of dreams, but will focus only on dreaming shoes.

dream book shoes
So what does such a dream mean? First of all, it is worth paying attention to the fact that shoes are a pair accessory. Therefore, a dream about this type of shoe implies relationships and emotions. A dream interpretation of shoes can rarely indicate a specific acquaintance, love affair or date, but still you should not discount such an interpretation. Pay attention to the style of dreamed shoes: the more elegant and feminine it is, the higher the likelihood that soon you will begin to actively flirt with someone or even fall in love. At the same time, your emotions will be stronger, the higher the heel. If there is none, or the sole is flat, then this means that there will be no passion in the relationship. Most likely, everything will remain at the platonic level.

clue for dreams
If you dreamed of black shoes with low heels and a strict style, then the relationship will be purely official or business in nature. The same shoes, but on a hairpin, indicate that love relationships will be added to the working relationship. White shoes can predict either meetings with new people, or nascent love relationships in which there will be a lot of romance. But the dream book interprets the red color as follows: passionate and active flirting, passionate love, stormy romance, love affair. If the shoes in a dream are painted in pink, purple or lilac, then in reality you need to be less trusting with any new acquaintances, and especially with men.

For those who saw in a dream a fitting or buying a new pair of shoes, the dream book of shoes predicts a new fan or a new pleasant acquaintance. If at the same time the size of the shoes is suitable, then in the new relationship there will be complete harmony and mutual understanding. An inappropriate size indicates possible

meanings of dreams
problems. If the shoes are dirty or uncomfortable, most likely, you will either not like the new fan right away, or you will be disappointed in it after a while. Torn, shabby, old shoes indicate that your model of behavior towards men is outdated. Also, the dream book of shoes mentions old ties that do not give you any pleasure, and the fragility of relations.

If the shoe is decorated with bows, laces and other decorative details, this suggests that in reality your new novel will be stormy, intriguing, but, at the same time, frivolous and even dubious. If you somehow lose your shoes, the key to dreams is this: the relationship will soon end. It may turn out to be a prophetic dream that your shoes were stolen, but you still have stockings or socks on your feet. This means that soon you will lose something, but thanks to circumstances, very quickly make up for your losses.

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