The modern trend for fitness and an athletically built body leaves no chance for lazy and unassembled people. Embossed back, cubes on the abdomen, bulging triceps and deltoid muscles are all attributes of handsome and strong men. Women are not far behind: it is more difficult for them to gain muscle mass, but they manage to achieve this in a short time. Sports nutrition for several years at the peak of popularity. Amino acids, protein, gainer, creatine, steroids, testosterone ... This world captivates beginners, like a black hole. The benefits and harms of sports nutrition, reviews of doctors and athletes are presented in this article.
Varieties of sports nutrition
The modern market offers dozens of varieties for athletes. Different composition and principles of action affect the result of taking supplements. The harm and benefits of sports nutrition can be less or more, depending on the goals of training and the individual characteristics of the athlete's body.
Its main varieties are as follows:
- Whey Protein. This is the same powder supplement that even people far from bodybuilding have heard about. It is sold in beautiful bags with enticing inscriptions; it is a fine powder for dilution with water or milk. A serving contains all the essential amino acids. Whey protein is especially rich in essential amino acids, BCAA, leucine and cysteine ββ(three times more than in casein).
- Casein is also a granular protein, but only with a slightly different amino acid composition. Like whey protein, it contains about 20-24 grams of protein per serving. It is acquired for a long time: sometimes for six to seven hours.
- Branched chain amino acids BCAA (BCA) are unique in the sense that they are the only ones that are directly used by muscles as an energy source in training, so their reserves can be depleted very quickly - this is their main benefit. The harm of BCA sports nutrition and a negative effect on the body are present only in case of a serious overdose.
- Glutamine is an amino acid that is available separately in tablet form. Depending on the individual characteristics of the athlete, it can prevent the process of catabolism during intensive training from 50 to 90%.
- Anabolic steroids and hormonal drugs in the literal sense of the word are not sports supplements, the harm and benefits of which can be evaluated. Alas, many athletes, even amateur ones, perceive such drugs as an additive. As a result, many of them remain infertile and are forced to be treated for many years after the course.
Protein and Gainer Myths
People who are far from professional bodybuilding and have never even bought a gym membership are still convinced that sports nutrition is harmful. The benefits and many reasons for the need to receive it for them are empty words. Here are the most common powder sports nutrition myths:
- causes addiction;
- causes a decrease in potency;
- provokes diarrhea and diarrhea;
- interchangeably with baby food;
- provokes the development of tumors.
Of course, these are just rumors. Most types of sports nutrition are a harmless substitute for protein foods with preservatives, sweeteners, flavorings in the composition.
Is it possible to replace sports nutrition at home
Only regular whey protein can be replaced, and only partially. For example, curd and kefir smoothies with berries are now in fashion.
These smoothies really have a lot of protein in their composition. But compared to powdered protein, they also contain fats and carbohydrates, the use of which is a taboo for an athlete on drying. Therefore, such homemade cocktails and smoothies cannot be considered an equivalent alternative to sports nutrition.
Protein and gainer: what is it, harm and benefit
A gainer is the same as a protein, it only contains a high amount of carbohydrates in the composition and is very high in calories. The average product contains about 80 grams of carbohydrates per serving and 30 grams of protein. Most gainers contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals in the composition. This is an ideal choice for weight-lifting athletes - this is the main benefit of sports nutrition. The harm and possible danger of the gainer is that due to excess carbohydrates, it is possible to gain not only muscle tissue, but also a significant fat layer. This possibility is especially great if the workouts are low-intensive - carbohydrates from the gainer in this case will proceed directly to the fat reserves.
Whey protein is a universal supplement, in a portion of which contains about 24 g of protein and about 10 g of carbohydrates. Some manufacturers supply the market with pure protein without the admixture of carbohydrates and fats - such a product is more expensive, but it is more useful. The harm of sports protein nutrition lies in the possibility of toxic effects on the kidneys. People with diseases of the urinary system are allowed to take protein supplements only after consulting a nephrologist.
Reviews of doctors and athletes about the use of protein
Positive feedback from athletes: Hundreds of thousands of men and women all over the world have regularly consumed protein to help them achieve a dream figure. In order to gain high-quality and dense muscle tissue, it is enough to regularly take a sufficient amount of protein and competently train.
Doctors are not so categorical and are in no hurry to sing enthusiastic odes to protein supplements. They warn: high doses of protein are toxic to the body, and if there is a tendency to kidney disease, they can even provoke the development of chronic renal failure.
Aminic acids: benefits and harms to the body
Amino acids are either tablet formulations or a liquid with a sweet taste. The main purpose of the intake is to instantly replenish nutrient reserves that could prevent catabolism.
Amino acids can be interchangeable and irreplaceable. Some of them enter the body with food, some are produced in the intestines. It is from these substances that the muscles of a person are built. With their deficiency, which is observed during fasting, the process of catabolism begins - the body "eats" its own muscles. It acts similarly, brings nutrition to muscles and benefits BCA sports nutrition.
Amino Acid Harm - Instant absorption of high doses of protein. Yes, this is the prevention of the breakdown of muscle tissue. Such preparations taken before training contribute to hypertrophy of muscle tissue. But if a person does not have perfect health, high doses of amino acids can harm the liver and kidneys.
Reviews of regulars of the gym about amino acids
Most athletes prefer amino acids from domestic manufacturing firms. Reviews indicate that there is no difference between expensive and cheap pills in action. Expensive complexes are most often also enriched with vitamins.
The domestic company Ironman offers to purchase a universal amino acid complex, which includes all the essential amino acids. A novice of such a product will be quite enough. More experienced athletes prefer to stay at more expensive complexes, which include vitamins and minerals.
What are anabolic steroids and why take them
This is a special class of drugs, most often their effect is a hormonal effect on the body. A lot of amateur athletes take steroids in order to maximize muscle hypertrophy as quickly as possible. The very βterrifyingβ bodybuilders that we see in photos from professional competitions, almost all take serious courses of anabolic steroids. They do this in order to achieve fame, fame in wide circles and money. But why ordinary guys use steroids is a mystery. The fact remains that every third visitor to the gym "sits" on anabolic steroids.
There are several forms of release - injections, tablets, capsules. Almost all drugs are based on testosterone - it is the high content of this male sex hormone in the blood that makes muscles grow very quickly. Literally in a month of regular use of anabolic steroids and competent training, you can add from three to six kilograms of muscle mass.
Testosterone: harm and benefit, reviews of athletes
Hormone-based sports nutrition does not exist. Everything that contains testosterone, androgens and other male sex hormones in non-medical concentrations is classified as anabolic steroids. Such tablets and ampoules for intramuscular administration are considered potent substances. Their distribution is prohibited and prosecuted. These include testosterone. Sports nutrition, the harm and benefits of which have long been studied, is not related to anabolic steroids.
The harm of steroids is enormous: after a month on the course, the production of your own hormones decreases. The body does not need to work - because hormones come from outside. In almost all men, gynecomastia begins. As a result, in order to bring hormonal balance back to normal, so-called post-cycle therapy is required after the course.
Athletes' comments about such pills and injections are mixed. Someone irrevocably spoiled their health with such additives, someone was able to achieve a dream body thanks to them.
Bodybuilding Growth Hormone
Injection growth hormone is not a prohibited drug. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. This substance is able to reduce subcutaneous fat cellulose to a minimum, provide hypertrophy of muscle fibers, give the athlete energy, performance, a youthful appearance, but at the same time cause slight psychological dependence - such is the benefit and harm of sports nutrition.
Doctors, as a rule, are reluctant to prescribe growth hormone to adults. He has one very serious side effect: despite his miraculous effect, he can provoke the growth of tumors and neoplasms, since under his action everything grows in the body - not only muscles, but also polyps, tumors, etc.
Growth hormone is very popular with women because of its ability to quickly get rid of body fat and rejuvenate the body.
Sports nutrition - harm or benefit? The opinion of doctors
It is definitely difficult to answer this question. In some cases, several months of regular intake of high doses of protein are enough to impair renal function - this is the danger and harm of sports nutrition. The benefit of protein is to make up for a protein deficiency. This is an ideal substitute for those who, for ethical reasons, refuse to eat meat. Or it has a lack of body weight - in this case, not only protein, but also a gainer will help.
Doctors' opinions confirm that any sports nutrition (ICA) harm and benefit may be unpredictable. It doesnβt matter what a person consumes - protein, gainer, aminoxylots, etc. In rare cases, the body may produce an unexpected reaction.
For example, for the liver, high doses of protein may be too toxic, and this will provoke toxic hepatitis. But more often the kidneys cannot cope with the load. If a person has a history of chronic pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis, then high doses of protein in the diet can provoke the development of chronic renal failure.