Why the Virgin Mary dreams: interpretation according to different dream books

Many are wondering why the Virgin is dreaming. To interpret the meaning of such a vision will help a variety of interpreters. Sleep can portend both good and unpleasant events. A vision can be a warning or a glimpse into the future.

what is the dream of the blessed virgin icon

Miller's interpretation of the interpretation

If you are interested in what the Virgin is dreaming of, look at Miller’s dream book. Here is what information can be found in this reputable source:

  • The image of the Virgin symbolizes secret protection from dark forces. Such a dream encourages you to be active and make important decisions.
  • Sleep may warn you that you pay little attention to spiritual development.
  • If the Virgin spoke with you in a dream, it means she is warning you about something. Try to recall the dialogue verbatim to find answers to your questions.
  • Sleep can portend health problems. Try to relax more and eat better. It does not hurt to undergo a medical examination.
  • If the Virgin Mary was holding a baby in her hands, this means that you will have an influential patron.
  • The image of the Virgin in heaven promises you the fulfillment of a cherished dream.
what is the dream of the virgin

Wanga's interpretation of the dream book

To the question of what the Virgin Mary dreams of, one can find the answer from the famous soothsayer Vanga. Here is what she said about this:

  • Virgin Mary symbolizes protection. In the near future, you and your loved ones will be lucky.
  • If you dreamed about how you pray to the Virgin, then soon you will be able to solve a problem that has long been haunting you.
  • If the Virgin Mary prayed or cried in your dream, you should be more attentive to relatives and friends. Most likely, one of them needs your help, but hesitates to ask.
  • Great unexpected joy - this is what the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary dreams of. For young women, sleep can portend pregnancy, and sick people - recovery.
  • The virgin in the sky is evidence that nothing in life is given just like that. To achieve your goal, you will have to work hard and hard. But in the end, your efforts will be rewarded.
Virgin in a dream why dream

Interpretation of the mythological dream book

In the mythological dream book there are also some explanations on the topic of what the Virgin Mary dreams of. Here is what we are talking about:

  • Sleep can symbolize wise advice. Listen carefully to what experienced people tell you.
  • If the Virgin Mary in your dream smiled, it means that you are doing everything right. Do not turn off the chosen path and do not give up your beliefs.
  • If you dreamed of the icon of the Virgin or a beautiful fresco on the wall of the temple, it means that happy events will happen in your life. A bright streak will begin in your life.
  • If you saw the Virgin in the form of a simple passer-by, this means that one of your loved ones needs help.
  • If she hugs you, it means that it's time to make peace with the one with whom you are in a quarrel. And the initiator should be you.

Family Dream Interpretation

If you are wondering why the image of the Virgin is dreaming, look at the family dream book. From this source you will receive the following information:

  • This is a defense of higher powers. In the near future, peace and prosperity will reign in your family.
  • If you had a dream on the eve of some important matter, it means that you are doing everything right. You will be lucky, so feel free to get to work.
  • If you heard the voice of the Virgin, it means that soon you will find a way out of a difficult situation. The advice of a random person will help you with this.
  • If the Virgin Mary was holding a baby in her hands, this means that soon your family will become larger. Most likely, in the near future you will learn about pregnancy.
  • A sad or crying Mother of God is a warning. Most likely, the children are in some kind of danger. You need to pay more attention to what they do in their free time.
why dream of the image of the Virgin

Interpretation of Loff's Dream Book

To understand why the Virgin is dreaming in a dream, pay attention to the interpreter of Pastor Loff. Here is what knowledge you can learn from this source:

  • If you dream of the Virgin, you may have done something wrong. To get rid of mental anguish, apologize to the person you offended or try to correct the situation.
  • The virgin may be dreamed of as a warning to the one in whose head evil thoughts crept in. Before you do anything, think about the possible consequences.
  • If in a dream you prayed and unexpectedly noticed the Virgin, you will come across surprises. If the image was joyful, the events will be pleasant. If the Virgin was sad or cried, then some difficulties are coming.
  • If in a dream you are in a large and beautiful temple decorated with icons depicting the Virgin, this portends you a great success. And you will not need any effort.
  • If a holy image suddenly appears on a white wall, this means that higher forces protect you everywhere and always. Your envious and ill-wishers will not be able to harm you.

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