At the current pace of life, it is impossible to imagine a person who is not in a state of constant employment. The requirements are such that everyone already in the period of study at the university needs to think about getting a job and rather begin to put their professional skills into practice. And if you were fired from work, what should I do? The main thing is not to despair. At this stage, questions may arise: why work is needed, how to stay on it and how to earn money, achieving success.
Work as a way of self-realization
The component of success is not only material wealth, but also one's own attitude to work. Many people have no idea what to do so that they do not get fired from work in which they are temporarily harassed by failure. First, you need to understand that love and responsibility for business matter more than unwillingness to leave their homes. Any employer from his employee needs not only literacy, perseverance and professionalism, but also the desire to work for the good of the company, personal ambitiousness, commitment in business. And secondly, it is important not to lose heart and not waste mental strength on career bad luck.
Common reasons for dismissal
After months of successful service, it’s always hard to find out that you were fired from work. What to do to prevent this from happening? To begin with - to figure out what leads to this. First, the employee is waited for by several tense working weeks, nerves spent for an inexplicable reduction in labor duties, sleepless nights due to rumors walking in the team, removal from important matters and worries about the increased number of comments from management. Such reactions are natural for a person who puts real physical and moral efforts into his work. The reason is most often simple - the authorities have an acute shortage of funds and a reduction is planned. In almost any case, you can’t leave "of your own free will": if the employee does not have one, the decision is to insist on dismissal or to transfer to another position, if one is available.
How to make money in your favorite place
Mercilessly monotonous work process, unjustifiably strict working conditions, conflicts with the workforce and management, lack of qualifications for the desired position - this is faced by a person who works at the wrong time and in the wrong place. It is from him that you are guaranteed to hear phrases like "I can’t do my job / get fired from everywhere / the team doesn’t love me." Getting to your favorite place is not an easy task. But no one bothers you, working in an "unloved" office, to learn business that you want to earn constantly. Basically, those who are too tough for them are constantly fired from work.
Unpleasant reasons
Professional unsuitability, reduction, impossibility of career growth or unsatisfactory wages - all this refers to a number of reasons because of which it is not at all scary to quit. Cases in which a person has been fired from work for drinking, publicly insulting colleagues and other immoral acts fall under the category of labor violations or immoral misconduct. It makes sense to insist on your right to remain in office if the misconduct has no evidence. Unregistered absenteeism and omissions are not grounds for dismissal, according to the contract.
Family circumstances
Suddenly it happened that a member of your family was fired from work. What to do? Support a former employee and help with finding a new place that suits his abilities. However, in 2016, a draft law was introduced for consideration by the Duma, which provides immunity while being reduced in the service of married couples with young children, the elderly, people with disabilities, who have debts to the bank. Whether they can be fired from work if the mortgage has not yet been paid is still unknown, since the bill is under consideration and does not have absolute legal force. The idea itself has many nuances that run counter to justice: other employees will be forced to quit for a number of reasons not related to their professional activities. Economists also do not support this bill. This problem can be discussed with the specific employer, in whose subordination the employee is.
His work - why it is so important
Any woman faces big problems if her husband is fired from work. According to statistics, this situation knocks out not so much housewives from the usual way of life as working women. After all, they, like no one else, know what moral efforts pay off sometimes exhausting work in a good place, especially if it is combined with household chores.
Position is an indicator of social status, relevance, sustainability in life and authority of each person. A man who was initially brought up on the installation of the “earner” receives a serious blow to self-esteem and self-perception as a result of dismissal. His moral and physical condition is often directly dependent on career success. Undermined ambition and self-frustration, and subsequently insomnia, irritability, lack of appetite and nervousness can lead to health problems. At this moment, a lot of obligations are imposed on the woman: support and help, the search for additional ways to earn money, activity in family life and career, the formation of a new family budget planning.
How to behave: support and initiative
If a person who was responsible for half or most of the total budget was fired from work, what to do will tell you your own situation. A housewife is entrusted with the role of inspirer and close friend, assistant. It is far from easy to raise the spirit of the workaholic, the head of the family, when he was crippled by circumstances independent of family life. After all, the main incentive to move for him was precisely a career that could provide for himself and his family. Everything else is in the background, in the background.
Work creates a person’s reputation, his personal achievements - only him, his career successes - only his successes, which contribute to the development of the employee as an individual and as part of the work collective. When a person is deprived of circumstances in which he can set and achieve goals that bring material wealth, it is necessary to fill the formed wasteland with distracting deeds: spend more time together - devote his time to rest, cheer while searching for a new place, connect his connections and acquaintances, offer temporary alternative ways of earning in lower positions.
Reasons to lose your job
The most common reasons are staff reductions due to the deteriorating financial position of the company. Sometimes this can be used as a way to "remove" an objectionable employee. In this way, pregnant and single mothers, underage workers and other socially vulnerable groups cannot be dismissed. Dismissal due to the termination of the enterprise leaves no choice for anyone. Theft and damage to property, absenteeism, tardiness are related to disciplinary violations, which may be followed by dismissal. It is very difficult to prove the inconsistency of the position of this or that employee, therefore, this article is the last resort. Change of ownership of the enterprise can also lead to reductions, however, this applies only to management, but not to middle and junior links.
How will an employment contract help
This document is a defender of labor rights and freedoms, a regulator of business relations. Article 81 of the Labor Code explicitly indicates the reasons why the employer can terminate the contract. Upon termination of employment, employees must be notified two months in advance and offer an alternative in the form of a different position or on conditions different from the previous ones. Dismissal on a trial period is negotiated in two days. The reduction procedure should also be certified in the relevant documents. An employer can challenge professional suitability only through certification. It is the agreement that describes all the nuances of the labor process (days of leave, wages, additional payments, etc.) that will be the main trump card in conflicts between the employee and the employer and when applying to the labor inspectorate.
Dismissed from work for no reason - what to do
A labor inspectorate or court can solve the problems associated with unfair dismissal. Falsification of an article in a work book is a criminal offense. Therefore, in no case should one give in to provocations if the employee does not intend to write a letter of resignation of his own free will. Most often, employers take advantage of the fact that most workers do not want to bring the conflict to court and agree to voluntary-forced dismissal without undesirable entries in the workbook. However, any competent lawyer is able to resolve the issue in favor of a former employee with reinstatement if there is no evidence of articles that guide the employer.
If there are no special objections to dismissal, then you can carry out this procedure with the maximum benefit for yourself, laid down by law. In the event of a reduction, the employee should be paid an allowance - one average wage. The same payments were made in a situation when the employment center could not find a suitable vacancy within two months after leaving. Conflicts with the management, frequent skirmishes with the team, the tense atmosphere at the workplace, and the negative atmosphere between the employee and his colleagues are also prerequisites for a “causeless” dismissal. We need to think: is it worth holding onto such a place?
Secret of success
Sometimes dismissal is the only way to free yourself from the shackles of labor obligations, stop and rethink your desires and ambitions. Not always a person immediately understands whether he is going in the right direction. In fact, you may not be happy with the type of activity, working conditions, salary level, career prospects, but all this overlaps your own comfort zone, which reveals the advantages: accessibility of a job, a good team, convenient regulations, familiar tasks. To achieve success, you need to take and try, take risks and strive, not be afraid to go towards change. Even if these changes begin with dismissal.