The term "metric" is far from the only meaning. We will touch them in general, focusing on the most relevant today - Yandex.Metrica.
What is a metric?
The concept has several interpretations in dictionaries:
- abbreviated education from the term "metric tensor";
- a function that is designed to determine distances in metric space;
- Software metric - the value expressed in numbers of any properties of a particular software;
- in poetry: the teachings of the ancient Greeks on rhythm, the structure of poetic speech;
- in the theory of music: a special section devoted to the study of a quantity measuring various rhythmic constructions - to the musical meter;
- synonym for birth certificate, metric register, noble family tree book;
- a numerical value that affects the choice of the route of information in computer networks.
Also, "Metric" is the name of the Russian network of building hypermarkets, a book by mathematician Geron of Alexandria.
Today, the word most often appears in the name of one of the Yandex services. In this vein, “metric” is a web analytics tool widely used in e-commerce. In particular, it provides an analysis of:
- site audience
- visitor behavior on it;
- resource revenue and conversions;
- traffic sources;
- site speed, as well as its availability;
- the effectiveness of a particular advertising campaign.
Yandex.Metrica reports
"Metric" is a service that generates reports:
- The overall picture of site traffic.
- Distribution of visitors by traffic sources (queries in search engines, a link from social networks, advertising).
- The demographic characteristics of those who visited the site.
- Interactions of visitors with individual elements of the site - clicking on links, downloading content, viewing certain pages.
- Reproduction of the route of the visitor’s actions, analysis of filling out certain forms.
- Information about the software, devices from which the views were made.
- About the results of checking the availability of a resource by the system, about its load.
- For online marketers: detailed information on all orders placed on the site.
All listed options are free. In "Metric" there is only one paid function - "Target Call". This is a summary of the statistics of calls of potential consumers who have become aware of the number of a specific user from a number of external sources.
Metric is a concept that defines the most diverse phenomena of reality. In the light of modern realities, many primarily associate the word with the Yandex service of the same name.