Buying or receiving a bouquet of flowers as a gift, many, without hesitation, simply put it in a vase of water and the next day they regret to find drooping heads. Naturally, such a “beauty” is immediately sent to the bin. Especially offensive when it comes to a gorgeous bouquet of beautiful roses. But it turns out that such an annoying situation can be prevented and even corrected. If you act correctly, any bouquet may well remain fresh for a week or even longer.
Why do roses quickly fade?
This question is often asked by the mistresses. Indeed, in flower shops and stalls, they look quite fresh, as if they had just been cut from a bush. The fact is that all experienced florists perfectly know how to revive fading roses and what needs to be done to make them look spectacular.
The reason for drooping buds and drying leaves is usually the only one: lack of moisture. So the main secret of the freshness of cut flowers lies in the fact that they do not lose it. While the rose is alive, it feeds on the roots through the stem. Fluid enters the leaves and buds through the capillaries. After the flower is cut so that it looks “alive”, maximum hydration is necessary.
The stability of a rose in a vase depends on many factors, starting with the conditions of its cultivation and ending with transportation, the chemical composition of the water in which the stems are located, and the temperature in the room. By purchasing a bouquet, the buyer is unlikely to know its history. And even more so, it will not be able to affect the method and conditions of growing flowers and their delivery. But if he knows how to revive the roses, how to preserve their freshness and in what conditions to store, this is quite enough.
What to look for when buying
Unfortunately, when creating bouquets, unscrupulous florists often strive to use not very fresh and even spoiled flowers, placing them in the center or masking with the help of decorations or other simple devices. After such a purchase, after just a few hours, the question may arise about how to revive wilted roses. In this case, the bouquet still does not even reach the addressee.
In order not to get into such an awkward situation, when buying, you must firstly ask the florist to create a bouquet in the presence of the client. Undoubtedly, this will take some time, but will provide an opportunity to control which particular flowers will be included in its composition. Secondly, you should pay attention to slices. In fresh roses they are light (although no one bothers to renew them every morning, imitating a new supply). And thirdly, it is advisable to choose flowers with tight buds in “shirts,” which can be removed directly during the formation of the bouquet.
What to add to water
If you ask the florist how to revive the roses or extend their life in a vase, he will probably offer to purchase a special powder. Sometimes this remedy really helps, but sometimes, on the contrary, the flowers die even faster. The fact is that the composition is rarely indicated on the sachet, so it is difficult to assume what exactly was poured there and how useful this substance is. So it’s better to use proven methods.
The first thing to do before placing roses in a vase is to prune their stems. Even if they look quite fresh, it won't hurt. It is necessary to cut at an angle of 45 degrees, preferably with a sharp knife. Then you should move the skin from the edge by about 2-3 cm. This will allow the flowers to receive the maximum amount of moisture. You also need to understand that the longer the stem, the more difficult it is for water to get into the flower, breaking its way through the capillaries. So it is better to shorten very long roses or put them in a special high vase to ensure that moisture comes into contact with the maximum area.
Of the chemicals, florists recommend using regular sugar (10 grams per liter of water) and hinzol (1 gram per 10 liters). Another option is a chlorine solution (a cheap bleach is suitable) - drop by drop per liter of liquid. In both cases, the question of how to revive the roses will be removed for at least a week. That's just the water needs to be changed daily, updating the chemicals used.
The ambient temperature is also important. If the room is too hot, no chlorine will help. The ideal temperature is 16-18 degrees. For this reason, in the spring or in the fall at night, the vase can be taken out onto the balcony or unheated loggia.
How to revive faded roses?
This question begins to interest many people already after all the buds have dropped and it seems that the bouquet has disappeared. But there is a way out of this situation. First, roses need to be pruned. Secondly, remove the spikes from them. And thirdly, put in a container with cool water so that they fit into it completely. It can be a basin or bath. After lying there for several hours, they will certainly freshen up and raise their heads. And then you need to put them in water with chlorine or sugar.
Even if the bouquet does not look very fresh, there are ways to revitalize the roses and bring them in proper form. So, having seen drooping buds, you should not get upset and throw them ahead of time. Most likely, the flowers can still be saved.