Dreams often make people think about their future. Sometimes in a dream you can see the most terrible stories, after which there is an unpleasant aftertaste for the whole day. Very often people associate what they saw at night with upcoming events in their life.
However, the same interpretation of sleep is far from always found. If in one dream book bleeding promises a meeting with a loved one, then in another book, blood may well indicate death. Also, do not discount the psychological component. In addition, when “reading” dreams, one must take into account a huge number of subtleties.
What do the experts think
Modern science has long been studying the processes taking place in the human brain during night rest. Specialists were unable to advance far in this area, but in addition to dream books, bleeding and other symbols can be quite logically explained if we pay attention to the psychology of the dreamer.
Very often, people are simply afraid of certain events in life and inadvertently provoke such images in their minds during rest. For example, if a woman of one of her close relatives died from blood loss, then, accordingly, the lady will be afraid on a subconscious level of the same outcome, so she may well have such unpleasant dreams.
If the lady is in position, then most likely she reads a huge amount of literature on what can happen during the gestation of the child. During this period, the worst thing for any woman is uterine bleeding. The dream interpretation of these events in its own way, however, if you look at the situation from a psychological point of view, it’s just an elementary fear of a woman to lose a child.
In addition, some elderly women are too hung up on the issue of menopause. For them, bleeding is a symbol of youth and health.
If we turn to the magical interpretations of dreams with bleeding, dream books need to be studied very carefully. It is necessary to pay attention to the details of sleep.
To understand what blood is dreaming about, first of all, you need to pay attention to the shade of the liquid. If the dreamer oozes red blood from his mouth, then this suggests that a person can very well achieve tremendous success in professional activity. As a rule, he receives these benefits thanks to his oratory abilities and ability to communicate with people.
If black fluid comes from the oral cavity, this indicates that a person needs to be more careful about what he says. Only one carelessly spoken word can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your speech and not offend people for nothing.
Cause of bleeding
This is another important nuance that you need to pay attention to when studying the dream book. Bleeding resulting from a cut portends an unexpected meeting with a new person, who can later become a very true friend. If in a dream a person cuts himself and sees a big knife in his hands, this means that he is worried and upset because he will soon have to part with a loved one. However, do not be upset. As a rule, in this case we are talking about separation, after which people will reunite again and be happy.
If blood appears as a result of a knife strike from another person, this means that friends of the dreamer are preparing a pleasant surprise, which will be a huge surprise for him. In this case, the interpretation is positive, so do not worry and consider such a dream as stabbing in the back.
It will also be useful to find out what the dream books of various authors say about weak and severe bleeding.
Dream Interpretation of Razgadamus
If you read this book, it becomes obvious that blood is a symbol of health or future changes in life. If we are talking about menstrual flow, then it is worth paying attention to several aspects. In a woman’s dream, sooner or later menstruation began or bleeding started in the most inappropriate place, this means very unpleasant news.
If a person simply sees the blood that oozes from his body, then this means that soon he will meet with relatives or friends; one of the relatives misses him very much.
Continuing to consider this dream book, and what bleeding is dreaming of, it is worth paying attention to the accompanying sensations. If in a dream a person sees his own or someone else's blood and at the same time he experiences severe pain, this indicates unpleasant news. It may also be an indication of upcoming health problems.
Separately, it is worth considering bleeding in women in the dream book. If a pregnant woman dreams that she has started menstruating, this portends an easy birth. With painful and heavy bleeding, you need to be prepared for serious illness or injury. After such a dream, it is recommended to be more attentive to your health, as well as recommend that all loved ones undergo an examination and not start a pathology.
If a girl who has just married sees blood, this portends an early pregnancy. If a man dreams that he has started menstruating, then this can not indicate troubles. This is due to the fact that for guys, such phenomena are unnatural. Therefore, you should not consider this dream as any warning.
Dream Interpretation of Freud and Longo
If we talk about these two authors, they proposed their own interpretations. According to Longo, if an adult woman suffers from bleeding in a dream, this suggests that soon she will have to cope with some obstacles that she will have to spend a lot of time on. If she wants to achieve any success, then all ideas will be in question. It is quite possible that in such a situation it is better for a woman not to start anything new, and to learn to be content with what she already has. Otherwise, she will spend a huge amount of time and energy to achieve a goal that cannot bring her the desired success.
If a girl is in love and sees blood in a dream, then this suggests that her lovers will soon have to part. Sometimes in a dream it is dreamed that after bleeding a person experiences a very strong shame because he stained his clothes, shoes, or simply because those around him saw his embarrassment. Such a dream suggests that it is possible in the near future that a person will really have to get into trouble.
If he speaks of Sigmund Freud, then the famous psychoanalyst considered dreams in his own way. In his opinion, if a girl sees menstruation in a dream, then this suggests that she will soon be late for an important meeting. However, in this case, everything is in her hands. She can make a difference if she learns to make her daily schedule correctly.
French dream book
This book reviews the most pragmatic versions of dreams. If in a dream a teenager girl sees how her period began, then most likely this suggests that such an event will really happen soon, since she has reached the appropriate age. If a woman came across unpleasant bloody traces on her underwear, then in this case we are talking about the upcoming disappointment or relief. As a rule, we are talking about bleeding in a pregnant woman. A dream interpretation can interpret such a dream both positively and negatively, depending on whether the lady wants to have a child. In some situations, this portends relief, since the lady did not plan a pregnancy. However, in other cases, such a dream means disappointment, since conception failed.
Miller's Dream Book
According to the interpretation of this author, blood is almost always associated with negative events. If a person sees wounds in a dream, then this often indicates health problems, impending losses and bad news. If the blood was on the clothes, then this means that the dreamer has false friends or allies who will soon try to harm him.
A bleeding open wound is a symbol of health problems. If a person sees his bloodied hands, then most likely he will fail in business or in building a career. It will be possible to solve problems only if the dreamer works hard.
Dream Book Wangi
According to the interpretation of this famous clairvoyant, blood almost always symbolizes problems in the family, conflicts or the likelihood of retaliation. If a person dreams about how he hit his enemy (before the appearance of blood), then this often portends an early quarrel with someone from close people. Therefore, after such a vision, you need to be very careful.
Do not get too hung up on your dreams. There is a possibility that the plot seen is just a fear in real life, such as, for example, bleeding during pregnancy. The dream interpretation helps to understand why these or those events were dreamed. However, dreams need to be interpreted correctly and always pay attention to minor nuances.