Ways to privatize property of enterprises in Russia

The leading world economists have long proved that the privatization of state or municipal property is a means of giving the country's economy effective development and is becoming a reliable and effective stronghold for the laying of a new economic society. In this case, the state does not have to make additional expenses from the country's budget, which, as a rule, is not in its best form. All costs of the privatization process are borne by the potential owner. The only thing that is required of state bodies at this time is the timely development of a clear and understandable privatization mechanism, where from a legal point of view all privatization methods that are currently available to future owners will be discussed.

Today, various ways and means of privatization in Russia have acquired quite civilized outlines, and the entire process of transferring property from state structures to private hands is quite clear legislative in nature. After all, the privatization process itself began in the mid-90s, when the original methods of the emergence of property rights only appeared in the new Russian state.

The methods of privatization in our time have several main directions, supported by various legislative acts and documents. Here is a list of privatization methods in Russia.

  1. Corporatization is a complex of economic and legal measures to transform a state-owned enterprise into an open joint-stock company. The first step in carrying out this type of privatization is to determine the number of shares that should be disposed of to private individuals, with a further indication of the percentage of each owner in percentage and value terms, as well as the number of shares, and their distribution between state and private property.
  2. Redemption of property leased from the state. Such methods of privatization were common in the nineties in Russia at the dawn of privatization.
  3. Bankruptcy. One of the methods of privatization, carried out through the liquidation of state enterprises of inefficient use. It is carried out, as a rule, with the subsequent sale to the new owner of all property. The purpose of such privatization is to protect creditors from unscrupulous debtors, represented by state-owned enterprises. The mechanism consists in the liquidation of the ineffective owner, until the moment he has wasted all his property.
  4. Collateral privatization.
  5. A commercial competition with social or investment conditions is privatization on a competitive basis, under which the applicant for the acquisition of state property offers not only the highest price, but also incurs pre-agreed investment and social obligations.
  6. Selling at auction. This method of privatization consists in the primary acquisition of the right to purchase state property or shares, without specifying additional conditions, but only by offering the highest price. Property privatization auctions are open and closed.

During the privatization in Russia in monetary terms, all the goals of the state policy in this area were clearly formulated, which involved the constant search and observance of rational proportions between the interests of the state budget and the new owners of privatized enterprises.

The ultimate goal of privatization in our country was to carry out the process of privatization of the Russian economy, as a transition to predominantly market-based mechanisms of production and government. As a result, the effective activity of enterprises increased, the process of stabilizing the financial situation in the country strengthened, and a competitive environment appeared in various sectors of the national economy.

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