What would that mean? In a dream I saw a bear: interpretation

Dreams are said to be a reflection of reality. This is what happens: if a person saw a bear in a dream, then in reality one should expect a meeting with a clubfoot? Of course not. For the correct interpretation of such a dream, as well as any other, we turn to the dream book, and even better - to a few. In this case, it is desirable to recall the plot in the smallest details, without missing details and nuances.

What the dream book Hasse will tell us

To see a bear in a dream is to win the game of chance. To fall into the paws of the beast - to incur serious losses in reality. If you dreamed of a dancing bear, the sleeping man will be given a big loan. Eating a bear - for an imminent wedding in the family. Hunting him is a danger that a dreamer should avoid. If a person has a chance to see polar bears in a dream - someone loves him in reality.

In a dream I saw a bear

Gypsy dream book

To kill a bear is to overcome extremely difficult circumstances and emerge victorious from a difficult situation. The beast grabbed the sleeping one - in reality he will have to communicate with unpleasant personalities, and problems will arise in work or business. If a dreamer kills an animal caught in a trap, then in real life it will gain respect and honor.

Dream Interpretation of Winter

If a person saw a bear in a dream, this is a warning that due to his own tactlessness, rudeness and inattention, he can make himself a serious and dangerous enemy. After such a dream, you need to try to be careful and not be rude to anyone, even in response to someone’s rudeness. Hunting a bear in a dream is a waking chance to turn some controversial situation in its direction. Beautiful beast skin underfoot - sleeping position can seriously improve, thanks to the support of an influential person.

Dream Interpretation Zadeki

If a person saw a bear in a dream - this is for profit. To kill the beast is to defeat the enemy.

To dream of polar bears

Dreamwalker Dream Interpretation

The bear dreams of gaining a new friendship and friend, or some kind of advantageous offer. For girls, such a dream can portend the appearance of the groom. Dipper (including white) symbolizes maternal feelings, which are manifested in a difficult situation. Polar bear - to a happy marriage.

French dream book

If a person saw a bear in a dream, this means that in reality he should be wary of a rich, cruel, courageous and powerful enemy, but not dexterous enough. If in a dream the beast attacks a dreamer, then in real life he will also be chased. It will be possible to get out of this situation only by a miracle.

Eastern dream book

To kill a bear in a dream is to find a way out of a difficult situation, which not so long ago seemed a dead end. If a young lady dreams of a bear, then in reality she has a rival. In a dream, the polar beast comes to deceits and disappointments, the reason for which is that a person took what he wants to be real.

To see a brown bear in a dream

Miller's Dream Book: to see a brown bear in a dream

This dream is a sign of competition in different matters. To kill the beast is to find a way out of a difficult situation. For a young woman, a bear is a warning of a dangerous rival or failure.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova

If a person hunts a bear in a dream, then in reality he tries to achieve the disposition of a person who does not pay attention to him. However, the sleeper is not embarrassed by this, and sometimes behaves too aggressively and aggressively. The dream book advises to moderate your ardor, otherwise you can completely scare this man away. Running away from a bear is to indulge in love joys in a place that people consider indecent. However, despite this, the dreamer will receive a lot of pleasure from such an experiment.

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