Since ancient times, everything connected with natural phenomena has become the subject of all kinds of legends, myths and mystical omens. One of these natural phenomena can be called lightning. Of particular importance is attributed to her when she appears in dreams: it is believed that this is a certain symbol, designed to warn about something to whom he dreams. If you move away from the mystical perception of lightning, it can mean a force that motivates a person to perform certain actions.
general information
Why is lightning a dream? In dream books, the interpretation of dreams about this natural phenomenon can be quite controversial. Everything will depend on many circumstances and the smallest details of sleep. This is the reason that deciphering dreams associated with lightning is a very difficult task. This is a natural phenomenon that cannot be ignored, even if it is far from being a symbol on which the main semantic load of the dream rests.
In order to decipher the dreams associated with lightning, many different interpretations were created, differing depending on the context and the situation that occurred in the dream. It is also important to consider that events in real life often have a strong influence on our dreams. Therefore, for the most competent and full interpretation, it is important to take this into account and combine the events that occurred in a dream with the real state of things in your life.
Currently, a whole classification of various interpreters has been developed, each of which explains this or that vision in different ways. In the article we will consider the most popular dream books, the interpretation of dreams about lightning.
Freud's Dream Book
According to the interpretation of this dream book, sparkling lightning in a dream means amazing changes in a romantic plan. Usually, it means acquaintance with a representative of the opposite sex and a rather rapid development of romantic relationships. As a rule, at the very beginning of your acquaintance you may not even like this person, but over time, everything changes.
In the case when in a dream lightning struck the place where you are standing, this means a sudden flash of feelings, almost from the first glance. It’s not for nothing that they say: “it struck me like lightning” when they want to say that some event happened very unexpectedly. Trying to recognize or predict this feeling is useless; it will still overtake you where you least expect it.
This option is also possible: in a dream, lightning strikes one of relatives, relatives or loved ones. This means that soon this person will have troubles in romantic and sexual life, and most importantly, you have a hand in the emergence of these problems. Such a dream encourages you to be more attentive and sensitive to a loved one in order to maintain mutual understanding and avoid difficulties in relationships.
The third scenario: in a dream, lightning destroys an object near you. This means that the love that awaits you in the future will be so strong that it will be able to make you leave everything and everyone in this world in pursuit of the dream of happiness. Be careful and try not to let innocent people close to you who wish you only good suffer because of your fleeting passion.
Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
What can this famous dream book tell us ? Why is lightning a dream ? According to the interpretation of the dream book of Nostradamus, seeing sparkling flashes means receiving sudden news from afar, possibly from your relatives or friends living far from you.
The second option: lightning in a dream hit you. This may mean that someone in the family or at work wants to provoke you into a conflict situation. Be careful and restrained in communication with colleagues.
Third: in a dream, you saw a flash of lightning or heard a roar of thunder. This means that you need to reconsider your priorities in life, as well as the behavior and attitude towards people around you, friends and relatives.
Did you see ball lightning in a dream? The dream book of Nostradamus explains this as a very bad sign associated with natural disasters.
Miller's Dream Book
According to the interpretation of this dream book, to see lightning in a dream is a symbol of short-term happiness and prosperity, including financial.
Second: if in the light of lightning flashes you saw some object located near you, this can have two different meanings. Firstly, you can be surrounded by gossip, weaving a variety of intrigues around you. Secondly, soon you can find out about a successful combination of circumstances for one of your relatives or friends.
The terrible sight described in the dream book - strong lightning in dark and heavy clouds - portends a long period of various troubles and difficulties. If in your dream she sparkled with a bright flash in dark clouds, this means that disappointments and losses will enter your life.
According to Miller’s dream book, the lightning that illuminates you alerts you to a sudden disaster that will turn your worldview around. If this is a natural phenomenon right above your head - this is a symbol of the onset of a bright streak in your life and financial well-being. A businessman who saw such a dream should pay great attention to his business, protecting him from various extraneous attacks. If a woman had such a dream, she should be more sensitive and attentive to members of her family.
Dream interpretation of Tsvetkova
And what will this famous dream book tell ? Thunder and lightning in night dreams warn of a state of affairs that could lead to danger. Also, such a dream is an omen of unexpected news.
If you sleep in a dream, and you were awakened by a roar of thunder and bright flashes, then this means a warning about any unpleasant interpersonal situation. Another case explains the dream book: lightning struck right at you. This means that soon you will be honored and respected at work. And if in a dream you observe how lightning struck the house? The dream interpretation explains that grandiose changes can soon enter your life, or unexpected news will inform you.
If in a dream you see how lightning illuminated the clouds covering the sky, and everything around you, this suggests that the predicament in which you are now or will be in the near future will be decided in your favor. If now you have some problem or are in trouble, this dream may mean that you will receive help in this situation and you can safely resolve the unpleasant situation.
Loff's Dream Interpretation
David Loff is an interpreter of dreams, suitable for deciphering them from the point of view of the person's perception of the phenomenon that he sees in a dream. He believes that if a person is reverent to lightning, then its appearance in his dreams cannot portend anything bad. But if a person experiences a subconscious or conscious fear of this natural phenomenon, this may mean a person’s internal struggle with his phobias.
Loff also prefers to perceive the vision of a thunderstorm and lightning (in the dream book there is this information) not as a symbol in itself, but rather related to this phenomenon of power. For example, the ability to control this natural phenomenon in a dream stands for desire to overcome some unpleasant state of things that takes place in real life. Lightning in this case is considered as a means of waging your psychological warfare with nervous breakdowns and bitter disappointments. You kind of bring down the full power of this natural phenomenon to your problems and experiences. Such a dream is a psychological discharge for your consciousness, a call not to succumb to despair directed from the layers of the subconscious.
If in real life lightning causes fear in you, in dreams it will be a kind of warning for you. In this case, as the dream book says, lightning in the sky will indicate what you should be wary of. Also, according to Loff, where and where she hit, whether someone suffered from her blow or not, is of significant importance. Depending on this, you can consider the situation from a different angle and, accordingly, draw various conclusions from what happened in a dream. It is also important at what point in the development of events lightning struck. The dream book says that this also indicates what you should be afraid of, and which of the many areas of your life at the moment requires active and sensitive attention.
Dream Book Wangi
The world-famous seer Vanga assured that if you saw lightning in a dream, it means that a black streak of misfortune and destruction, both personal and professional, will soon fall upon your life. If in a dream you saw lightning in the sky, this portends destructive fires that can lead to home deprivation, illness and death. Be careful and follow fire safety rules to avoid such situations.
Lightning striking a tree or house in a dream and igniting it portends that one of your relatives or friends may stand trial of your own deeds and become a hostage of your actions. Try to show as much sensitivity and attention to your neighbors as possible, talk heart to heart with them, help you realize your mistakes, and then fate will be favorable to you too.
Other interpretations of lightning dreams
There are also many other interpretations of dreams in which such a significant symbol as lightning appears. The interpretation of the Muslim dream book says that this natural phenomenon in the clouds is a sign of future financial and material well-being, while lightning in a cloudless sky warns of the opposite.
The British in their dream books interpret this dream in a positive way. According to them, lightning in itself warns of various positive manifestations in life, the acquisition of material and financial independence, good relations with relatives and friends. In general, they believe that no matter what kind of work a person does, everything will work out as safely as possible. However, if lightning sparkles in the company of rain, thunder, hail and all kinds of storms, such a dream warns of misfortune.
The French, in the interpretation of dreams associated with lightning, take a strictly opposite position. They are sure that the dreams in which this natural phenomenon appears, warn of troubles or even disasters that can affect a large number of people.
Ukrainians tend to see various, sometimes completely opposite omens in the symbol of lightning in dreams. They believe that in one case this natural phenomenon may mean something unpleasant for you. In another case, they see joyful events in lightning. If it is accompanied by thunder, it means that you should soon expect some news from your friends or relatives. Also, lightning among Ukrainians is closely related to danger.
In esoteric dream books, seeing lightning in a dream is associated with the appearance of any supernatural abilities inaccessible to other people. They see in this symbol a peculiar awakening of human intelligence for new opportunities.
The dream books of Azar and Kananita, like most others, associate a vision of lightning in a dream with sudden positive events that can radically change your life for the better.
The children's dream book says that if a child saw lightning in a dream (in any manifestation), then in the future there will be events that provoke him to show to the maximum the available positive and intellectual qualities, as well as willpower.
Family dream book
According to the family dream book, if lightning appears in your dream, situations that provoke quarrels and anger will soon be expected in the family, which may even be associated with danger. If in a dream you saw a reflection of it, it means that in the near future some unexpected, but very pleasant event awaits you. If it was a distant glimmer of lightning, then the news would also come from far away, possibly from distant relatives or friends living away from you.
If you saw that lightning flashed in a dream nearby, it means that clouds are gathering around you, events that will soon require you to have the strength of mind to be ready to stand up for your honor. According to the interpretation of the dream book, the lightning that fell into your house in a dream portends a serious danger to you or your loved ones living near you. If in a dream lightning struck right in your head, it means that soon you will find yourself in a situation in which you have to show your most powerful qualities in order to improve your social position.
If in a dream you saw how lightning strikes a lightning rod, this means that in real life you should be more careful in both professional and personal matters in order to avoid mistakes that will then be impossible to fix. This dream serves as a warning so that you are as sensitive and attentive to your loved ones as possible, avoid quarrels and quarrels with them.
When you see in a dream that lightning brings some kind of destruction, the dream warns you about the same thing - in life, you will also experience losses and disappointments. However, everything depends on the nature of the destruction, and on what it destroyed. Lightning sparkling in the dark stormy sky with heavy dark clouds also does not bode well. This is a harbinger of losses and losses, as well as danger to your life and the lives of people you love. This dream can portend problems of the financial plan or an accident.
What else can the dream book be able to tell? Does lightning strike a tree and ignite it? This means that your dream is not destined to come true. This suggests that you may need to rethink your priorities and aspirations at the moment. One interpretation also considers lightning in a dream as a symbol foreshadowing a tragic event that will constantly accompany you through life.
Also, this natural phenomenon is considered as a symbol of changes that will come into your life in the future. Bright peals foreshadow short-lived happiness and prosperity. If lightning strikes you, beware of gossip that dishonest colleagues spread around your person, trying to harm your professional activities.
It is also worth paying attention to when exactly you have a dream in which lightning appears. If from Tuesday to Wednesday, it could mean a conflict that your friends or colleagues want to drag you into. And if from Wednesday to Thursday, then such a dream portends the problems and difficulties in life that are sent to you as a test of fortitude, and it is advisable to cope with them without resorting to outside help. A dream about lightning from Thursday to Friday warns you that in the near future your friend or loved one will have problems or troubles. From Friday to Saturday, such a dream predicts problems that your friends or relatives could have had a hand in, so be careful.
Dream Interview Prozorova
According to the interpretation of this dream book, to see lightning means to see the entry of happiness and financial well-being into one's life. If you saw bright flashes in a dream, then family happiness will soon await you. If lightning came complete with rain or hail, this is an omen of future events, the result of which depends on your ability to quickly make important and difficult decisions in an emergency.
If in a dream you saw that the lightning got into some object, this means that soon you will marry. Family happiness awaits you. If in a dream lightning hit you, it means that in your life there will come a time of financial prosperity.
When you see that lightning flashed among the clouds, this means that a situation that has tormented you for a long time will soon be resolved safely. This natural phenomenon among the clear sky portends you a high professional status, fame and honor among colleagues. If you see lightning falling into a lightning rod, it means that someone close is trying to help you solve an unpleasant situation for you.
If lightning flashed somewhere far away from you, then in the near future you will have a joyful and cheerful time spent in the company of relatives and friends. If she fell near you, beware of family problems.
Scrolling further the dream book. Ball lightning predicts you the acquisition of a certain authority among your friends and acquaintances. , , , , .
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If you saw in a dream how ball lightning flies into your home or in your room, be careful not to commit an act that you will regret for a long time, and unpleasant events associated with this act. These events will bring you unnecessary experiences, and to avoid them, be careful in real life and try not to make quick and rash decisions. Even if now it seems to you that you will never regret your action, life will always put everything in its place. Think twice.
Thus, we have found that in the world of dreams, lightning can appear in completely different forms, accompanied by various events, on which the interpretation of these dreams often depends. In various cultures, various methods for deciphering the meaning of lightning are respected. This is a grandiose natural phenomenon that impresses people of different eras who also interpreted the presence of this symbol in their dreams in different ways. As some dream books explain, thunder and lightning are considered a symbol of happiness and wealth, while in others it is a gloomy omen of impending troubles. Or maybe the interpretation of our dreams depends only on ourselves?