What is a jail in jail? Why put in a punishment cell?

As practice shows, a person who committed a crime and ended up in “places not so remote” often manages to disturb order there. Especially for this category of convicts there are special facilities called SIZOs. What is a prison in prison, every prisoner knows. A person who is serving a sentence, probably at least once, and had a chance to get there. What is a pre-trial detention center in a prison is also of interest to law-abiding citizens. This interest is due to the fact that this abbreviation has been heard by many, even those who have nothing to do with the prison system. Information about what a pre-trial detention center is in prison, photos of the premises are presented in this article.

shizo in jail this

Introducing the Special Prison Unit

ShIZO in prison is a special place for punishment. As practice shows, some prisoners who are behind the barbed wire, the forced deprivation of freedom perceive easily. In order to influence such prisoners, the prison administration has to resort to extreme measures and introduce the most severe form of punishment, namely to isolate and place the offender in a punishment cell.

Decryption of a pre-trial detention center in prison means - a punishment cell. According to experts, the severity of the punishment is compounded by the fact that an isolated convict loses the right to receive a date and a package. Despite the transcript, the prison is also called kandeya.

schizo in jail transcript

A bit of history

Since the pre-trial detention center in prison is a special department, the conditions of detention in which are aimed at performing only two tasks - to isolate and punish violators of the regime, it completely dealt with its mission until 1988. Until that time, the prisoner in the punishment cell was kept without bedding and a mattress. Due to the fact that, while in prison, the convict did not work, then, following the logic of the administration, he did not have the right to eat. For this reason, until 1988, criminals in the isolation wards were fed only once every two days. However, everything was approaching the collapse of the Soviet Union, the topic of human rights and freedoms, even of an inveterate criminal, became one of the topical issues. What is a pre-trial detention center in prison, in the full sense of the word, those who went to the isolation ward during the years of the USSR know. Since 1988, human rights activists have intensified, and in 1992 a petition was filed, after which the prison administration was forced to remove many restrictions.

shizo prison reviews

Today, judging by numerous reviews, the pre-trial detention center in prison has become much more humane. Nevertheless, a number of restrictions still remained.

Why is they being put in a punishment cell?

Judging by the reviews of eyewitnesses, in order to get into the punishment cell, it’s enough to be rude to the warden. If the convict did not rise from the bed, this is already regarded as a daring act. A more significant reason for punishment are playing cards, which are prohibited in prison. In addition, they put him in a punishment cell for drinking and making mash. If a convict finds any alcohol in the search, he will have direct access to Kandei. This fate awaits a convict who has been seized prohibited items, such as knives, drugs, etc. It is noteworthy that products were included in the category of prohibited items. You can get into the punishment cell for two reprimands or a fight with another prisoner.

To get into a punishment cell, you do not have to be a naughty prison officer or fight. People who are subject to a judicial or preliminary investigation are being placed in the punishment cell. According to experts, such a fate for the period of the investigation does not await everyone, but only those to whom the court has appointed custody as a preventive measure. Also, new prisoners who arrived after the trial are identified in the punishment cell.

shizo prison transcript

About restrictions

Unlike "solitary confinement", as solitary confinement is also called, a pre-trial detention center is different in that the prisoner, who is defined in the isolation ward, loses the opportunity to get a date and a package. The administration limits the bond of the prisoner with the outside world. Mobile phones are seized. If the convicted person is undergoing training, then the abstracts and textbooks are given to him in the punishment cell. Without leaving the camera, he makes up for the missed on his own. While in custody in a detention center, a convict is not entitled to register a lawful marriage or order food. Thus, Kandei negatively affects the psychological state of the offender.

What is allowed?

Despite the fact that the conditions of prisoners in the punishment cell are as tight as possible, they have the right to communicate with the priest. It may also be another spiritual person, depending on the faith of the offender. In addition, every day the detainees are taken out for a walk, which lasts no more than half an hour. It is noteworthy that the rest of the prison, who did not go to the punishment cell, have the right to walk 30 minutes more. Also, a prisoner is not forbidden to take care of himself. To undergo hygiene procedures, the zeku is allowed to store the necessary funds for this.

Who is not destined to get into the isolation ward?

According to experts, more often than others scandalists, louts and malicious violators of the prison regime get into the punishment cell. However, from this category of convicts, it is necessary to distinguish those who are not entitled to be identified in the Kandei, namely:

  • Zekov with the first disability group.
  • Women raising children not older than 3 years.
  • Pregnant women.

How long is they determined in the isolation ward?

The law provides for a stay in Kandeya for 15 days. Nevertheless, in Russian realities this period can be much longer. Often after the departure of their prescribed 15 days, the prisoner returns to his common cell. However, after bringing new charges, judging by the reviews of eyewitnesses, most often contrived by the administration of the institution, the prisoner is again identified in the punishment cell. Thus, having spoiled relations with the prison authorities, a convict may practically not leave the punishment cell.

What is a jail in jail? Description of Candea

The insulator is a very small room with an area of ​​not more than 9 square meters. m. In the ShIZO there is a window that is tightly closed with sheet metal or boards. At the walls there is a place for folding bunks. The insulator is designed for a maximum of 9 people. Due to the fact that so many convicts can get together in a punishment cell, they are forced to sit on the floor due to cramped spaces. Violators sleep in turn. Those who did not manage to get enough sleep during the night will not be able to do this during the day, since the task of the isolation ward workers is to make life more difficult for violators.

what is a schizo in jail photo

If it so happened that there was only one criminal in the kandeya, then the bunks add up in the daytime. For this reason, the convict is forced to spend time on his feet during the day. Of course, he can sit on the floor. In a punishment cell, a person is deprived of books, newspapers and magazines. It is also impossible to take them with you to the punishment cell. There is no TV set in the isolation ward. Today, a reduced diet is a thing of the past. Violators are fed only prison food twice a day. For food transfer the door is equipped with a special window.

The door to the punishment cell.


In the pre-trial detention center, convicts are in very harsh, truly spartan conditions. Due to the constantly cold temperature and dampness, kandeya is also jokingly called a prison in prison.

Penalty Isolator.

Today, despite the activity of human rights defenders and the general humanization of the penitentiary system, experienced prisoners would not recommend getting into a punishment cell. In this regard, to spoil relations with the prison administration is not in the interests of the prisoner himself. If a person, due to certain circumstances, has had a chance to sit down, but he does not plan to make a “career” of a criminal and earn authority, then he should know what a punishment cell is and how not to get into it.

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