Dream Interpretation: why dream of rotten teeth?

Why do rotten teeth dream, what do the dreams associated with them mean? If a person just dreamed of teeth, it means that he may get sick, or will deal with restless persons who, by their activity, will certainly excite him. When in a dream a person loses his teeth - this is unfortunately. If a dentist pulls out a tooth , a serious illness is coming. Rinse or brush your teeth - you will soon have to make a lot of efforts to achieve goals and maintain happiness. They knocked out a tooth - that means the enemies are plotting against the person. Why do rotten teeth dream? To the fact that you should take a closer look at your health - perhaps the person is too tense at work. Such a dream, of course, is not considered favorable. It promises only troubles, among which there may be failures of one's own hopes, plans, perhaps even illness or poverty.

Why rotten teeth dream
If in a dream one rotten tooth falls out, then one should expect sad news. Two - a whole series of bad luck is coming, provoked by their own negligence. Three - there will be very big trouble. And if a person in a dream loses all his teeth at once, then very big troubles and even misfortunes are expected soon.

In order to determine the meaning of such visions, it is worth looking into the dream book. What are your teeth for? They can become a sign of an approaching quarrel with friends and possible emotional experiences, since, probably, the scandal will be due to betrayal.

Why do rotten teeth dream if the doctor diligently brushed them, but it turned out that they are still yellow and sick? This means that a person trusts his interests and work to someone who is actually dishonest, a traitor and a crook. A similar dream is also evidence that the person who is dreaming is very tired. Many people wonder about what rotten teeth dream of. Such a dream may be a harbinger of the fact that a person will soon feel worse. Then you should pay attention to your health.

Dream Interpretation Why Teeth Are Dreaming
If rotten teeth are dreamed in a dream, then this is not only a warning about the deterioration of the body. There is a possibility that soon a person will have to survive an unpleasant event, which will unsettle him for a long time. After such a vision, you need to quickly change the situation and avoid communication with those people who are not very pleasant.

It happens that a person dreams of teeth in a dream in perfect condition - snow-white and perfect. And this is the rare case when a dream bodes well. Perhaps soon new friends and happiness will appear. Or some secret desire will come true. Why do rotten teeth dream, if they become snow-white and clean in the eyes for a moment? This means that the ailments or problems that a person is currently experiencing are temporary. And soon they will leave.

Teeth dream
If a person pulled out one tooth in a dream and lost it, and then searched for a cavity in his mouth for a long time and did not find it, then such a dream is considered a harbinger of an unpleasant and undesirable meeting with a certain person. However, this meeting will not only take place, it will also have a continuation, very successful, and the owner of the dream will enjoy this situation, even despite the oblique glances of his friends around him.

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