The drug “Siofor” is used to stabilize the level of glucose in the blood. The medication does not sharply lower sugar, since it does not affect the activity of the pancreas. Doctors prescribe this medicine for diabetes mellitus II degree. It is prescribed for both adults and children over the age of ten. Often use tablets "Siofor 500" for weight loss. Reviews note that the drug reduces cravings for sweets and lowers appetite. Nutritionists are against drug weight loss and recommend using this tool when other weight loss methods fail. It is noted that taking this drug without consulting a doctor can cause serious harm to health.
The composition of the drug
Sifor 500 sugar tablets contain the active substance metformin hydrochloride. In addition to it, the composition of the tablets includes such auxiliary components:
- hypromellose;
- povidone;
- magnesium stearate.
The pill shell consists of hypromellose, macrogol 6000 and titanium dioxide.
The medication is made in the form of biconvex tablets, which have a rounded shape and white color. Tablets of 10 pieces are packed in aluminum blisters. The drug comes on sale, packed in a cardboard box, it can contain 3, 6 or 12 of these blisters, plus instructions for use. The drug is produced in Germany by Berlin-Chemie AG.
The shelf life of the drug is three years from the date of its manufacture. After this period, the medication is prohibited. Tablets should be stored at a temperature not exceeding + 25 ° C, in a place inaccessible to children and protected from direct sunlight.
Pharmacological action of tablets
The drug "Siofor" is a hypoglycemic agent. Intended for oral use. Belongs to the group of biguanides. It has an ATX code of 10BA02.
Metformin, which is part of the drug, is characterized by an antihyperglycemic property. Affects a decrease in basal and postprandial glucose in the blood. It has no effect on the production of insulin, because of this it is not able to cause hypoglycemia.
The properties of metformin are based on the following actions:
- Decrease in glucose production in the liver. The result is achieved by inhibition of glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis.
- Increased sensitivity of muscle tissue to the effects of insulin. Because of what glucose is better absorbed. Peripheral sugar processing is improving.
- It inhibits the absorption of glucose in the intestines.
The active substance, due to its effect on glycogen synthetase, has a positive effect on the synthesis of sugar inside the cells. Increases the transport capacity of glucose membrane proteins.
Another drug accelerates lipid metabolism. Lowers both total cholesterol and low-density triglycerides and cholesterol. A similar effect of the drug on the body occurs regardless of its effect on blood sugar. As a result of these properties, Siofor 500 tablets were used not only in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, but also in the treatment of obesity. Because of this, many people use them to lose weight. As follows from the reviews, many consider Siofor 500 diet pills effective, but they say that the first time after their use, side effects may occur - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Negative phenomena are short-lived and disappear on the 4th-5th day of the drug administration.
Following oral administration of pills, metformin is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The highest concentration of the active substance in the blood is observed after 2.5 hours, provided that the therapeutic dosage does not exceed 4 μg / ml. Absorption decreases and slows down slightly during meals.
The drug is able to accumulate in the kidneys, liver, muscle tissue and saliva. It enters the red blood cells. Bioavailability in people without health problems is 50-60%. The active substance almost does not bind to blood proteins.
The drug is excreted through the kidneys unchanged. The half-life is 6.5 hours.
Indications and contraindications
The Siofor 500 tablets the instruction recommends to apply at type II diabetes mellitus. The drug is especially useful for patients who are overweight. The use of "Siofor 500" for weight loss is shown in the case when diets and physical activity do not give the desired result.
For adults, the drug is prescribed both in the form of monotherapy and in complex treatment, together with other hypoglycemic drugs. It can be used with insulin.
For children 10 years of age and older, the medicine is prescribed as an independent remedy and along with the use of insulin.
This drug can be used if there are no contraindications. So, “Siofor” is not prescribed if there is an increased sensitivity to metformin and additional substances that are part of the drug. The medicine is not used for ketoacidosis and precoma caused by diabetes. Contraindication to use is renal failure and impaired renal function, when creatinine clearance exceeds 60 ml / min.
A ban on the use of the medication are acute conditions in which tablets can adversely affect the activity of the kidneys. The drug is not prescribed for infectious diseases of a severe stage of development, for acute and chronic pathologies that can provoke tissue hypoxia. A vivid example is respiratory and heart failure, heart attack.
The drug is not used for liver failure, lactic acidosis, during pregnancy and lactation. Do not use the drug for alcohol intoxication of the body and if chronic alcoholism occurs. Tablets are prohibited with a low-calorie diet, when less than 1000 kcal is consumed per day. The medication is not prescribed for children under the age of ten.
With extreme caution, this tool is used to treat children from ten to twelve years old. Under the supervision of a doctor, people after 60 years of age and those who perform hard physical work should take the medication, since there is a risk of lactic acidosis.
The medicine "Siofor 500": instructions for use for weight loss
The medicine "Siofor" is a serious drug and should not be used without a doctor's prescription. Weight loss is a negative reaction to its intake. The drug is sometimes prescribed to persons prone to obesity, but only if it is not possible to lose weight in other ways.
How to take Siofor 500 for weight loss? This question is asked by many people who want to lose weight. Losing weight to set the right dose should be tested. Set the amount of glucose and insulin in the blood.
The standard dosage for those who want to lose weight is one tablet per day. Drink the pill while eating. It is washed down with water and not chewed. If there is a tendency to overeating in the evening, then one more tablet is added, which must be consumed during dinner. On the recommendation of a specialist, the evening dosage can be increased to three tablets. The maximum allowable daily dose is 3000 mg, which is equal to six tablets.
To avoid unwanted reactions, Siofor 500 is taken in small doses, half a tablet a day. This dosage is adhered to for three days. Then during the week they drink one pill in the morning. From the second week, add another pill in the evening. If there is no result, then they switch to a three-time intake of the drug. Increase dosage gradually, as needed.
As a rule, the course of taking the drug should not exceed one month. With longer use of these pills, blood and urine tests should be taken regularly. If there are no side effects, then, as prescribed by the doctor, the course can be extended to six months.
About how to take "Siofor 500" for weight loss correctly, only a specialist will tell, assessing the state of health and the degree of obesity.
Feasible side effects
According to the instructions, it is recommended to drink Siofor 500 tablets with caution, as side effects may occur. Often when receiving these pills, taste sensations are disturbed. Concerned about nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen. Loss of appetite and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth may be observed. Similar symptoms occur at the beginning of treatment and pass on their own. They do not require discontinuation of the drug.
To reduce the likelihood of negative symptoms to a minimum, it is required to distribute the daily dose in several doses. Increasing the dose should be done gradually. In this case, attention should be paid to the condition of the gastrointestinal apparatus.
Rarely, when taking Siofor, hives, itching, and redness of the skin occur. In some cases, lactic acidosis was recorded. This symptom requires urgent withdrawal of the medicine.
The instructions for "Siofor 500" for weight loss warns that prolonged use of tablets reduces the absorption of vitamin B 12 and reduces its content in the blood. You need to pay attention to this with megaloblastic anemia.
Reversible disorders of the liver, which are manifested in an increase in "liver" transaminases, are also possible. When taking pills, hepatitis may occur, which disappears after discontinuation of the drug.
Useful Tips
Tablets "Siofor 500" instructions for use recommends not to use during periods of excessive physical activity. Therefore, when using them, you need to abandon fitness and run, as there is a risk of lactic acidosis. This pathology occurs asymptomatically. Lactic acid rises in the blood. There is a loss of appetite. Lowers body temperature.
When taking diet pills, you should change the diet. In particular, it is recommended to pay attention to a low-carb diet - it will help to reduce weight. Saves from severe restrictions on food and feelings of hunger. It will help to maintain the achieved results after a course of taking the pills.
Medications containing metformin are incompatible with:
- drugs that affect blood coagulation;
- drugs containing ethanol;
- radiopaque iodine-containing medicines.
With special care, take Siofor with diuretics, salicylates (hypoglycemia is likely) and with beta-2-adrenergic agonists (combination with these drugs often causes an increase in blood sugar and neutralizes the effect of Siofor). The simultaneous use of "Siofora 500" with other drugs, which include metformin, is prohibited.
Efficacy for losing weight. Price
How to take Siofor 500 tablets has been described above, and now we will talk about the effectiveness of this drug.
Overweight people are attracted by the property of the drug to affect the metabolism. After all, only stabilization of blood sugar leads to weight loss. Additional advantages of the drug include a decrease in hunger and cravings for sweets. Moreover, in some cases, there is a complete aversion to desserts, flour products and chocolate, which contributes to weight loss.
Siofor 500 tablets provide an opportunity to control appetite. As a result, the serving size is reduced. Pills do not allow glucose to be absorbed into the blood and increase body fat. When taking this remedy, all eaten sugars are sent to the intestines and excreted from the body.
The combination of pills and diets with a low amount of carbohydrates, as well as the use of light supportive exercises, allows you to lose up to 15 kg of excess weight in three months. Weight loss is smooth, from 3 to 5 kg per month.
"Siofor 500" for weight loss reviews of those who lose weight are considered a godsend. According to them, a diet with this drug is cheap, because sixty tablets are in the region of 200-250 rubles.
Siofor 500 diet pills: positive reviews
Losing weight note that this drug helps to gradually lose weight. It removes cravings for sweet and fatty. Lowers blood cholesterol. Reduces appetite. People taking it lost 3 to 6 kg per month. However, they did not go in for sports and did not diet. Many suffered such weight loss well, without side effects. These individuals note that after the drug is discontinued, cravings for sweets and greasy do not return, which is why many manage to keep their weight normal.
If you believe the reviews, Siofor 500 tablets are effective, but people say that they work best with diet. At the same time, many warn that if you take less than 1000 kcal when taking this medication, you will feel dizzy and fainting may occur.
Those who wanted to lose weight used a different pill regimen. Some drank one tablet a day and only at night. This helped them avoid evening meals. Another part of losing weight drank the drug three times a day. According to people, both schemes are effective. If there is no weight loss when using one tablet, then the dosage should be increased to three pills per day.
Almost always, losing weight to this drug was prescribed by doctors. Before taking it, patients tested for glucose, hormones and cholesterol. People warn that without the prescription of doctors, this drug should not be used. Such weight loss can result in a loss of health.
Negative opinion of losing weight
The drug “Siofor 500” has negative reviews. So, disgruntled people say that the drug inefficiently reduces weight. They say that the pills are temporary, and after stopping the pill, the lost pounds are returned.
As follows from the negative reviews, many consider the Siofor 500 tablets to be dangerous. They say that they cause side effects, which are manifested in indigestion, nausea, pain in the abdomen, diarrhea and dizziness. Some people were worried about the persistent metallic taste in their mouths when using the drug. There are those who have seriously harmed their health with the use of Siofor. These individuals dropped sharply. Blood went from the nose. Fainted. Dramatically decreased blood sugar.
In one part of losing weight, side effects disappeared within a week, and they continued to take the drug. Other people went to the hospital and restored their health for a very long time. They warn that it is very dangerous to use these pills without consulting a doctor.
What doctors say about the drug and the possibility of its use for weight loss
The use of Siofor 500 tablets for weight loss is considered by doctors to be acceptable when it comes to diabetics. According to experts, the pills give a good result in lowering blood sugar. Reduce insulin dependence. Accelerate metabolic processes.
Doctors warn that losing weight with this drug is dangerous, as it changes energy metabolism. A healthy person taking Siofor can cause serious metabolic problems. Liver and kidney function may be impaired. There is a risk of lactic acidosis.
According to doctors, not a single nutritionist will prescribe Siofor 500 tablets for weight loss without good reason, such as high blood sugar and obesity due to diabetes. Reviews of experts indicate that the independent use of this tool can cause serious health problems, up to the point of death. According to them, the medication should be used only in extreme cases, when all other methods of losing weight are powerless, and only after consulting a doctor.
Nutritionists unanimously oppose such weight loss. They call losing weight with the help of a serious medication madness. It is said that such weight loss will do more harm than good.