Security is ... Meaning, synonyms, etymology

Security - what does it mean? This word is foreign and came into our everyday speech not so long ago. Therefore, not everyone fully understands when its use is appropriate, and when not. Details about who this security is will be discussed in the article.

What is said in the dictionary

If we turn to the explanatory dictionary, then most often you can find there are two options for the meaning of the word "security". The first of them characterizes this token as a security service. For this value, the following example sentences can be given:

Security Service
  • Looking at himself in the mirror located in the hallway, Oleg thought with irony that he might well be suitable for the position of chief of security at some political boss, at least at the local level for sure.
  • The senior in the security division at the bank laughed frankly when the conversation turned to the actions of local bandits.
  • No matter how somewhat excessively active newsletters, along with annoying paparazzi, did not try to break into the club, where there was a fight between two media persons, they did not manage to overcome the powerful screen created by the security of the institution.
  • Over time, you no longer notice surveillance cameras, and you also become indifferent to the piercing glances of well-fed persons belonging to the local security service who majestically flank down the corridor.

Second interpretation

In the second sense, security is security in one person, that is, a security officer. Here are examples of the use of the word for this case:

Security behind the monitor
  • Andrei really wanted to run away, but the security guard, assigned by his father to him, quickly noticed his movement towards the exit, caught up and followed in his wake.
  • Anya reprimanded her friend: “You cooed with him for half a day, while I stood at the balcony door so that no one would bother you.”
  • Students had to stand in front of the building for about ten minutes, until, finally, a security guard with a figure “oblique sazhen in the shoulders” and a short haircut allowed them to go inside.
  • The procedures at the company where Marina recently entered the company were very strict: only for altercation with the security guard could one fly out of the company.

The study of synonyms for it will help to better understand the meaning of the word "security".

Words close in meaning

They can be divided into two groups in accordance with each of the above values.

Synonyms for the first meaning of the word "security" is:

  • security Agency;
  • security;
  • security Service;
  • security service;
  • security company;
  • convoy;
  • escort;
  • escort service;
  • security group;
  • security post.

Among the synonyms for the second value, you can find such as:

  • security guard;
  • bodyguard;
  • bodyguard;
  • escort;
  • accompanying;
  • overseer;
  • watchman;
  • security officer;
  • bouncer;
  • shooter;
  • the watchman.

Next, the origin of the studied word will be considered.


Security in the classroom

As for etymology, it goes back to the pre-Indo-European language, where there is a basis for kois, from which the noun coira in the meaning of “care, care” was formed in Old Latin. Further from him came the noun cura in the same meaning. Then the prefix se was added to it, expressing the elimination, separation and ending of us.

It turned out the adjective securus, meaning "careless, safe, carefree, calm." From him in English came the adjective security, which translates as "security." From there it “migrated” to Russian in the two meanings indicated above.

Next, we will talk about one of the varieties of the profession of security.

Who is a bodyguard

This highly qualified security officer must ensure the integrity of the person he is guarding. Or is it a person who provides security services in person. He may also be a government agent protecting an official or several persons from danger.

As a rule, bodyguards work for wealthy people or guard politically important figures. Among the dangers that they are designed to prevent, there are such as:

  • theft;
  • attack;
  • murder;
  • abduction;
  • the pursuit;
  • Harassment
  • threats;
  • loss of confidential information;
  • extortion;
  • other criminal offenses.

Security is a person who takes a hit. The security of the guarded person greatly depends on how prepared, how daring and prudent the bodyguard is. The main task of the security is to quickly analyze the situation, lightning fast making the right decision and implementing it at the highest professional level.

Computer security

Smart Security

In conclusion, it should be noted that in computer technology there is the term "smart security", which, as a rule, denotes a set of solutions that ensure the safety of devices. It combines the maximum degree of protection and minimum impact on computer performance. Modern technologies use artificial intelligence. It prevents infection with viruses, worms, Trojans, spyware, adware, rootkits, and other threats. However, the program does not affect computer performance.

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