Crassulas, or Crassulaceae, are in demand among gardeners. These plants are quite attractive, unpretentious, and caring for them does not cause much trouble. In addition, this family has many exotic species and varieties that will decorate the flower grower's collection. In this article you will learn about one of these varieties - Crassula Temple of the Buddha.
This hybrid succulent was bred in 1959 by breeder Miron Kimnachem. An attractive plant appeared by crossing the Pyramidal and Perfoliate. It is distinguished by erect stems, similar to columns, which grow greatly over time. Often shoots fall to one side under the weight of their own weight, which gives the plant the appearance of a creeping crop.
The main feature of the Crassula Temple of Buddha, the photo of which you will find in the material, is the unusual shape of the stems, reminiscent of reptile scales. And if you run a finger over the succulent, you will feel that its surface is ribbed. This effect is created thanks to dense identical leaves located clearly above each other. They create an ideal four-sided column, the diameter of which reaches 12 cm. The leaves have a curved shape, similar to the roofs of Buddhist pagodas. It is this similarity that gave the name to the hybrid.
The plates are dark green in color at the base, becoming pale to the tips, with a gray tint. Over time, additional shoots appear from the stems, thanks to which the propagation of the Crassula Buddha Temple is carried out. With proper care, the plant blooms, and its trunk is covered with small reddish inflorescences. When the buds open, they turn pale pink and cream.
Growing Crassula Buddha Temple at home
Caring for this attractive succulent can not be called burdensome. Nevertheless, in order for the plant to take root and develop well, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for it. And for this it is important to choose the right soil and in the future to provide it with regular watering and top dressing, optimum temperature and light exposure. The pot must have drainage. With the right care of Crassula, the Buddha Temple grows well and lives up to 10 years.
Like other succulents, Crassula Buddha Temple prefers light, drained soil without admixture of peat. Store mixes for plants will not work. To create the substrate yourself, mix turfy soil with coarse sand. Add charcoal and vermiculite to the mixture. This will improve soil aeration.
Be sure to decontaminate the mixture before planting. To do this, calcine the soil in the oven or hold it over steam. Otherwise, microorganisms and bacteria that live in the soil will destroy succulents.
As for the pot, for culture, choose small containers with drainage holes. And be sure to fill them half the volume with broken brick, or gravel.
If you purchased a plant in a store, be sure to clean its roots from old soil. Indeed, in most cases peat is present in such a substrate, which adversely affects the development of culture.
The fat woman Buddha Temple, like other succulents, belongs to drought-resistant crops, the lack of moisture for it is less fatal than excessive watering. However, keeping the plant dry for a long time is not recommended. Therefore, water the plant as soon as the soil dries. In summer, irrigate every three to four days. In winter, reduce hydration to once every 7-10 days.
In any case, it is advisable to water the crassula in the evening. Use irrigation water at room temperature for irrigation.
Krassula Buddha Temple is a heat-loving plant, but it does not tolerate heat. And the optimal range for a tropical beauty in the summer is + 23 ... +25 Β° C. But at night it is advisable to lower the temperature to +10 Β° C. Such a drop is very useful for succulents, because it resembles the natural habitat of the plant. In the summer, it is advisable to take the pot out onto the balcony or terrace so that the culture receives more air. If this is not possible, then ventilate the room more often.
In winter, during dormancy, it is important to provide the plant with a temperature of + 12 ... + 16 Β° C. Therefore, install the pot on a cool windowsill, while making sure that the plant does not get hot air from central batteries or radiators.
Crassula Buddha Temple - photophilous plant. But it does not tolerate direct sunlight. Therefore, install a pot of culture near the east or west window. If you grow a fat girl on the south side of the room, then remember to shade it in the afternoon. To do this, hang gauze or tulle over the flower.
But near the north window it is not recommended to install a pot with rossula. Here the plant will suffer from a lack of light, and over time, its leaves become deformed and acquire an irregular, uneven shape. To avoid this, highlight the plant with a phytolamp.
Top dressing
Krassula Buddha Temple does not need frequent feeding, nevertheless it is still necessary to fertilize it. From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, add nutrient formulations 1-2 times a month. For feeding, use special solutions designed for cacti and succulents. Fertilize only in moistened soil immediately after watering. Otherwise, the compositions will lead to a burn of the roots of the plant.
In no case do not exceed the dosage, because an excess of nutrients adversely affects the development of culture. In autumn and winter, top dress completely cancel.
The culture grows rather slowly, but over time, and it becomes crowded in the old pot. Therefore, transplant every 2-3 years, while choosing a container 1-2 cm wider in volume than the previous one. The roots of the succulent are superficial; therefore, it does not need a deep pot. For the plant, make soil of the same composition as when planting, and pre-disinfect the substrate.
How to transplant a plant:
- At the bottom of the container, lay expanded clay or broken brick and sprinkle this drainage with a layer of prepared soil.
- Carefully remove the plant from the old pot and transplant it into a new container along with an earthen lump.
- Fill the voids with a substrate and tap the walls of the pot so that the soil is slightly compacted.
The first time after transplantation, provide gentle care to the fat woman Buddha Temple. To do this, put the pot in a shaded place and limit irrigation. You can water the plant 3-4 days after the event. When the succulent has taken root, return it to its usual place.
If you ensure proper care of the Crassula Buddha Temple, then over time the side shoots will appear on the stems. They are also used for reproduction. Cut these cuttings with a sharp knife and dry in an upright position for 7-10 days. When the time is right, fix the stems on the surface of the substrate, sprinkled with a layer of sand. But you canβt dig branches into the soil. To prevent the shoots from falling, fix them with pebbles. Planting care consists of regular watering, which must be done as the soil dries.
Reproduction of the fat woman The Buddha Temple can be carried out by leaf. To do this, cut off the top of one of the shoots and separate the leaf plates from it. Dry them for 1-2 days, and then plant them in a disinfected, moistened soil, consisting of sand and earth (1: 1). For plants to take root, do not forget to spray planting with warm water from the spray gun as the soil dries. When the plants are strong, transplant them into separate pots.
Diseases and Pests
Powdery mildew is a common disease that can affect succulents. It develops due to increased humidity, excessive watering and poor air circulation in the room. You can recognize the disease by white plaque and deforming leaves. To cure crassula, treat the plant with fungicide. And in the future, adhere to the proper care of the succulent.
Crassul is often attacked by ticks, aphids or mealybugs. To get rid of insects, wipe the leaves with a cotton swab with alcohol or a soapy solution. Repeat the procedure every day until you completely destroy the pests. But the use of insecticides is not recommended, since the culture is sensitive to the substances included in these drugs.
Growing problems
Crassula Buddha Temple - a capricious plant. And problems with it arise only with improper care. Often, inexperienced flower growers are faced with such phenomena:
- The plant grows poorly and weakens. A similar phenomenon is caused by a lack of nutrients. Do not forget to periodically feed the culture, and it will quickly grow.
- If the leaves of the plant are wrinkled, then it does not have enough moisture. To correct the situation, increase watering.
- If the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall, then the plant suffers from overmoistening. Reduce watering and transfer the pot to a dry, warm place.
- Crassula does not bloom. This behavior is associated with a lack of light and hot conditions. To make the buds appear, transfer the pot to a sunny but cool place.
Provide proper care for the Crassula Buddha Temple at home, and this plant will certainly take root, will delight you with its attractive appearance and rapid growth over many years.