Every woman dreams of thick and shiny hair. Since ancient times, the longest braid was considered the first sign of beauty. However, under the influence of both external and internal factors, lush hair can lose its former luster, and become thinner. Only an integrated approach to the issue of recovery and treatment can correct the situation. Along with nourishing masks and special shampoos, trichologists recommend the use of vitamin complexes. In today's article, we will focus on the Revalid drug in more detail. Instructions for use will also be presented to your attention.
Product Description
Revalid vitamins are produced in Hungary. Externally, they are gelatinous two-tone capsules. Content has a tan hue. Vitamins are packaged in blisters. Each of them contains 10 capsules. A cardboard bundle may contain 3 or 9 of these blisters.
The manufacturer recommends storing the drug in a dry place inaccessible to children. Shelf life is 3 years. After its expiration, vitamins cannot be used. The cost of the drug varies from 300 to 400 rubles, depending on the number of pills. It is sold in almost all pharmacy chains, and a special prescription from a doctor is not required.
Indications for appointment
Vitamins "Revalid" the instruction recommends taking in the presence of the following hair problems:
- total baldness with the use of medicines for therapeutic purposes;
- the appearance of brittleness;
- deterioration in the quality of hair during pregnancy;
- the presence of seborrhea, dandruff.
In addition, this drug can be taken if there are problems with the state of the nail plates.
Exposed to hair and nails
Supporters of proper nutrition believe that from food a person receives a set of substances necessary for the full functioning of the body. However, this opinion is erroneous. Our body can absorb no more than 20% of the vitamins and minerals that enter the body. Individual substances cannot be absorbed without other components. For example, calcium from cottage cheese is not fully absorbed by the body without vitamin D.
Attached to the "Revalid" instruction positions the drug as a comprehensive tool that eliminates the problem of assimilation of nutrients and saturates the body with essential minerals. Thanks to its proper use, the curls become shiny and silky. At the same time, nail plates cease to exfoliate and acquire a healthy appearance. In addition, this tool copes with dandruff, excessive dryness of the scalp.
The therapeutic effect described above is possible due to the composition of Revalid:
- Amino acids (methionine and cysteine) protect cells from the influence of radicals, thus delaying the natural aging process.
- B vitamins are responsible for transporting nutrients. Hair loss directly depends on this process.
- Vitamin H protects the structure of the hair follicle from the effects of UV radiation, temperature changes.
- Medical yeast promotes active cell growth.
- Chelating elements provide the dissolution of unnecessary substances.
- Linoleic acid, vitamins of groups D, E and B have a strengthening effect on nails and hair.
Also, trace elements that are part of "Revalida" support immunity. This has a positive effect on the work of the whole organism.
Dosage regimen
A positive result from the use of the drug is possible only if used correctly. How to take Revalid?
For adults, the instruction recommends taking one pill a day. It is better to do this before the main meal and drink plenty of water. The duration of treatment usually does not exceed 2-3 weeks. If necessary, take a break and resume therapy. However, such recommendations are very arbitrary, only a doctor can prescribe a dosage.
In advanced cases, 2 capsules are prescribed per dose, but three times a day. Such an intensive course of therapy can last no more than a month. Then take a break and take the drug in the usual dosage. Such an approach can negatively affect the work of the body, so you can not do without consulting a doctor. Self-medication is unacceptable.
Possible contraindications
Any drug has limitations on its use. In what cases is it not recommended to use Revalid for hair?
- The presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
- Age to 12 years.
- The first trimester of pregnancy.
- Pathologies of the kidneys, liver and the entire gastrointestinal system.
- Various diseases of a chronic nature (for example, tuberculosis or diabetes mellitus).
- The increased acidity of the stomach.
- Vitamin deficiency, developing against a background of endocrine system dysfunction.
- Fungal nail infections.
Some of these recommendations are temporary, so it is recommended that you consult a doctor before taking vitamins.
Side effects
The instruction to "Revalid" warns that a dosage violation or improper use of the drug often leads to side effects. The most common are disorders of the digestive tract, which are manifested in the form of diarrhea or constipation. In this case, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of the drug to one capsule per day. The same is necessary if the treatment is accompanied by headaches and weakness in the body.
Side effects from "Revalid" can be expressed in an allergic reaction. In such a situation, the drug should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor. The specialist will be able to recommend an analog remedy with a similar effect on hair and nails.
Interaction with other substances
Vitamins for hair and nails "Revalid" can not be taken with alcohol. Doctors advise to refrain from drinking alcohol a week before the start of treatment and for the same period after its completion.
The drug reduces the effectiveness of medicines containing levodopa and sulfonamides. This once again proves the need for a preliminary consultation with a trichologist before the course of treatment. Thus, you can protect your body and significantly improve the condition of the hair and nail plates.
Alternative remedies
According to the reviews of trichologists, Revalid is far from suitable for everyone. Some people have an allergic reaction to the constituent components, others suffer from severe headaches. In these situations, you must re-consult a doctor. The specialist will select an alternative "Revalid" drug. Analog means are: “Farmaton Vital”, “Ginvit”, “Jeriton”, “Perfect”.
Opinions of doctors and ordinary consumers
Reviews trichologists about "Revalid" are found exclusively with a positive color. Experts note the qualitative composition of the drug, high efficiency and rare cases of side effects. In addition, this tool is relatively inexpensive. Therefore, ordinary consumers can allow it at least once a year.
What do women say after taking Revalida? Reviews of the fair sex are not always positive. However, most ladies note the quick effect of the drug. With prolonged staining, the hair becomes excessively brittle and dry. "Revalid" after the first course of admission corrects this problem. Using the product as a prophylaxis in spring and autumn allows to consolidate the result.
Negative opinions are usually associated with a large number of contraindications. For example, a vitamin complex cannot be used for chronic ailments and disorders of the digestive tract. Such pathologies are not uncommon these days, so many have to give up Revalida. Some women report an increase in the positive effect of the drug only when used simultaneously with special masks to improve hair growth.