The phone, which will be discussed later in the article, is one of the most popular. All buyers want to test the device faster and express their impressions. The device is interesting and does not disappoint the owners. Consider the technical specifications, features, as well as reviews of the Xiaomi Mi Note 2.
The phone's form factor is a candy bar. The case is made of aluminum and glass. The operating system is represented by a native shell based on Android 6. Qualcomm chipset. Powered by 4 cores. The internal memory depends on the modifications, the maximum is 128 GB. Use of external storage is prohibited. RAM is 6 GB. Supported features are wireless network, bluetooth and NFC. The screen has a diagonal of 5.7 inches. The display received a protective and oleophobic coating. The front camera has a resolution of 8 megapixels, the main - 22.5 megapixels. Built-in navigation modules and many sensors. The battery is non-removable type, with a capacity of 4070 mAh. The device weighs 166 grams. Reviews about Xiaomi Mi Note 2 and its characteristics are positive.
Features and Appearance Reviews
In their reviews, customers admire the appearance of the device. But it should be noted that the idea does not belong to this manufacturer, but to the South Korean Samsung. It was at his products that the basic design elements were spied. Many buyers in their comments note that the smartphone from afar is similar to the Galaxy S7 device. But the overall impression of the device does not spoil. In reviews of Xiaomi Mi Note 2 (64Gb Black), this fact is practically not mentioned.
What else do customers talk about? Most liked the idea of a curved screen. He perfectly "got up" into the case, not sticking out and not going beyond the ends. At the edges you can see a slight bend. The owners note that the display technology is implemented more than well - erroneous clicks are excluded.
Many buyers notice the quality of the materials used. Glass and aluminum allow you to maintain a beautiful appearance even when dropped from a small height. During tactile contacts, as the owners notice, a ceramic feeling is created.
In general, everyone liked the design: it is beautiful, fresh and bright. Use the device conveniently.
Assembly and key reviews
In addition to praising the appearance, many comments on the phone talk about ergonomic features.
Owner reviews about Xiaomi Mi Note 2 make it clear that the idea to integrate a fingerprint scanner and two additional buttons under the screen is good. The developer also added highlight points. The key on the left is responsible for returning back, and the one located on the right will open the latest applications. All commentators notice one advantage - their purpose easily changes in the device settings.
Together with good impressions, the owners describe a negative interaction experience. Unlocking is inconvenient, especially at first, until the person gets used to it. In order to do this, you first need to press the "Home" button and only then apply your finger to the sensor. In all other moments, people do not find any flaws.
Performance Reviews
The phone runs on last year’s processor, so its performance is not at a high level. Moreover, reviews of Xiaomi Mi Note 2 confirm this. Buyers in the comments notice that the games and applications run perfectly, but the device heats up quite a lot. Most owners do not like the latter factor, in addition, they write that the temperature rises, regardless of what the user is doing. It is enough to just start viewing the feed on Twitter or flipping through sites in the browser - the case will immediately begin to heat up.
Reviews about battery life
All buyers in reviews of the Xiaomi Mi Note 2 smartphone notice that charging is fast. Just wait two hours. Particularly curious owners conducted an experiment, as a result of which it became clear that in half an hour the device charges up to 40%, and in 60 minutes - by 75%, in 1.5 hours - 95%. The capacity of the battery is popular with all customers, without exception.
However, it’s worth mentioning right away that you do not need to count on 17 hours of continuous active work. At maximum brightness, the device can withstand no more than 360 minutes - all users declare this. During the night in standby mode, the phone resets about 5%.
Camera Reviews
The owners of the Xiaomi Mi Note 2 (64Gb) phone in the reviews note that the photos during the daytime shooting are excellent. Sharpness, white balance, focus - all these are the advantages of the phone. Buyers also notice that in cloudy weather quality suffers slightly. But what do owners say about night shooting?
Unfortunately, the task of taking photographs in the evening or even very late is rather difficult. The frame may turn out to be too dark, surprising, but also too overexposed as well. Least of all photos are successful. Overall reviews about the Xiaomi Mi Note 2 camera are positive.
Video is shot in 4K quality. Users note the presence of stabilization and eightx zoom. Shooting is too sensitive to light. Brightness can jump very much, especially if the operator moves. Exposure changes automatically.
The front camera, judging by the reviews, will allow you to take good pictures in the daytime. Blurring photos may sometimes occur, but this is rare.
Generally speaking, the owners leave positive reviews about the cameras. The only negative is shooting at night.
Over the entire period of operation, consumers do not express any claims to the audibility of interlocutors. 90% of reviews of Xiaomi Mi Note 2 recommend a device for purchase. The sound quality is excellent, both during a call and when listening to music. The level is competitive.
You can buy this phone in the official store for 35 thousand rubles. On online flea markets, a 6/128 GB version can actually be bought for 30 thousand. It should be noted that this phone is one of the few that does not go for an extra charge for delivery from China. The cost is adequate.
Among the most serious competitors, the ZTE Nubia Z11 device should be noted . The display has no frames. The dimensions are smaller, users like this phone more.
If you look at the reviews of the owners, then another rival can be called the Chinese device Meizu PRO 6+. The phone costs more: the 128 GB version reaches 40 thousand rubles in official stores. But the price is justified. There is better display quality. But the RAM is less.
In their reviews, the owners note that they like the phone very much. The design is impressive, the battery is powerful, and a quick charge function is available. Curved display. The operating time is at a high level, and the dimensions are suitable for everyone. Using this device is easy, the impressions remain good. It immediately becomes clear at the first inspection that the phone belongs to a high price category.
But this smartphone is not without flaws. For example, viewing angles are bad, when tilted, the picture is noticeably greatly distorted. This minus is significant for many consumers. However, this does not spoil the overall impression of using the gadget.