If you ask any girl about whether she would like to lose weight by at least a kilogram or not, 90% of the answers will probably be in the affirmative. Such is human nature: the eternal pursuit of excellence. It is because of the desire to lose weight that many go on diets, sometimes very strict. However, one simple truth should not be forgotten: in order to lose weight, you need to eat. This is not surprising, since it is, of course, not about fried potatoes and pork cutlets.
But vegetable soup for weight loss is just what you need. Recently, more and more people begin to adhere to a diet based on this dish. In its preparation and use, there are many nuances, which will be discussed below.
Vegetable slimming soup: what foods to use?
Here you can fully rely on your imagination. The only vegetable that should be forgotten during cooking is potatoes. Despite the fact that there are not so many calories in it, it contains a large amount of starch, which does not contribute to weight loss.
In addition, in the early days of the diet, you do not need to use legumes. The rest is complete freedom of choice. Of course, you should not forget that you should not fry vegetables. In extreme cases, a small amount of corn oil should be used. In addition, salt, pepper and other seasonings must be forgotten. They whet the appetite, and also retain water in the body.
Vegetable soup for weight loss. Consumption system
As a rule, most diets are designed for 2 weeks. Based on this, it must be said that in the first three to four days you should eat an exceptional vegetable soup for weight loss. The initial period will be the most difficult, but not very long. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, as well as lunch and afternoon snack - exclusively soup without seasonings and nothing more than clean water: you should try to drink it at least 1 liter per day.
Further, it will be possible to introduce proteins into the diet: low-fat cottage cheese, chicken, veal. The meat should be eaten boiled for lunch. After another three days, instead of soup, you should start cooking porridge for water for breakfast. Best of all - oat and buckwheat. In addition, in the morning you can eat any fruit.
Toward the end of the diet, the soup will need to be consumed 1-2 times in the afternoon.
Many continue to adhere to such a nutrition system (but adding more fresh vegetables and fruits to the diet) even after the end of the diet, since the body in this case receives all the necessary trace elements, and the figure remains slim and beautiful.
Dietary soups for weight loss. Recipes
In many ways, cooking methods are very similar. Bonn soup is especially popular today . The main ingredient in this case is petiole celery. For 2-3 servings you will need about 5-6 pieces. It should be cut, and with it in boiling water add onions, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage, as well as a small amount of celery root. Proportions depend on your personal taste. The dish is cooked for about 7 minutes. After that, you can eat it in its traditional form, or you can use vegetable blender to make vegetable soup puree for weight loss.
And here is another option. Throw cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus beans, carrots, onions and tomatoes into the boiling water. Cook for 7 minutes, then let it brew for a bit. Tasty and hearty soup is ready.
Lose weight with pleasure!