With the onset of spring, housewives use the first greens in their dishes, which pleases with their aroma and saturates the body with important trace elements. But not everyone knows that this vegetation is used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. Among these universal spices is parsley. Not only its leaves are used, but also the juice, root and seeds of the plant. This greens has a wide range of effects and helps get rid of edema, spots on the skin and some diseases. But those who follow their figure also know that parsley from cellulite is often used. Reviews show that although this method was invented not so long ago, many still remain satisfied with the result.
Parsley in the fight against cellulite
Since this greens has useful trace elements and vitamins, it has a beneficial effect on the skin and enhances metabolism, gradually smoothing the “orange peel”. There are several ways to use this plant. They eat it fresh, make masks, lotions and infusions. Parsley does not lose its characteristics, even when a medicinal decoction is created from it, it remains all the same effective. It is not difficult to prepare an anti-cellulite mixture with your own hands from this herb. In addition, it can be improved by adding other plants that also enhance metabolism. It is worth noting in advance that you can not make decoctions from this plant for those who suffer from kidney disease, or for women during the period of bearing the baby. Of course, it may not be clear to some how parsley helps against cellulite.
Reviews of those women who have already tried this method speak in favor of this tool, so it’s worth considering several recommendations for its preparation.
Parsley: recipes for cellulite
The first way. 50 grams of fresh herbs or 25 grams of dried need to pour boiling water (300 ml) and set aside until the mixture becomes warm. The product is mixed and filtered. Every day he drinks a glass, the whole course lasts two weeks. If, in addition to cellulite, a woman suffers from cystitis, this decoction will treat this area. Also, during this time, the body will be able to get rid of toxins and unnecessary fluids.
The second way. Cooking a healthy salad that speeds up metabolic processes. We will need equal proportions of radish, celery and parsley. All components are crushed. Next, the dish is seasoned with low fat kefir. In order for the effect of this salad to affect the volumes, it is better to use it half an hour before the main meal.
The third way. Use this plant in daily cooking. It is in harmony with meat or fish dishes. Also perfectly complements salads and soups. In this case, the body will regularly receive a fat-burning product, and this is how parsley from cellulite will help. Reviews of girls who have encountered this problem indicate that when they included this product in their diet, their struggle became more successful.
Slimming and Parsley
Most often, cellulite is accompanied by overweight, therefore, in order to facilitate your war with the "orange peel", you should also get rid of extra pounds. This spring greens can also help us with this. It is best for this purpose to use parsley juice, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
This product allows the food received in the body to be absorbed more rationally, and also normalizes metabolic processes. Thanks to the established work of the digestive tract, the body will be able to receive all the nutrients from food that will quickly saturate you. As a result of this, you will not be able to feel hunger after taking small portions, and this will affect the loss of unnecessary kilos. In addition, this drink is useful in that it “drives out” cholesterol, due to the huge content of antioxidants in the plant itself.
How to get parsley juice
The composition of our miracle elixir includes not only parsley. The photo shows that various ingredients can be included in the recipe.
We will need one lemon, some carrots, a cucumber and celery stalks. Greens will need only a handful. Peel is removed from the lemon and all the ingredients are blended. The gruel is diluted with a sufficient amount of pure water, preferably 1: 4. So, the juice is ready. Drinking this drink is recommended 15 minutes before you are going to eat. On the day, do no more than three doses, since the excess of this product adversely affects the work of the kidneys.
Once again, we recall that during pregnancy it is forbidden to drink a decoction or parsley juice, this can harm the baby.
A complex approach
Of course, parsley from cellulite helps a lot in this female problem, reviews confirm this. But nevertheless, as you know, the necessary effect is achieved with an integrated approach, because only with diets it is impossible to restore the elasticity and smoothness of problem areas. It is important not to neglect massage procedures using various brushes, and also not to forget about sports. As physical activity, daily jumping rope with or without rope is considered the most effective. Cycling and swimming also increase blood circulation, which is very important in this problem. Regular contrast showers also play an active role. It is not necessary to expose the whole body to this stress, you can only direct the jet to the problem area. To all this, do not neglect creams, which may include sea buckthorn, Dead Sea salts, Vitamin A, caffeine, algae or fat-splitting components.
Some more recommendations
In addition to all the usual recommendations for ridding the body of cellulite, it is worth considering a couple more important nuances. Firstly, do not forget about your posture. This is really necessary, since violations in this area automatically disrupt the blood flow. And the insufficient blood supply to the “stagnant” areas just leads to unattractive seals and tuberosities. For the same reason, do not constantly wear tight-fitting clothes and shoes.
If you do not leave places of laziness, it is possible to reduce the manifestations of cellulite. To do this, you need to regularly massage, take a contrast shower, exercise, apply cream, keep your posture, and it is important to adhere to proper nutrition, in which parsley will be present. Photos of many girls who have already lost weight eloquently testify to the effectiveness of the method. And it is worth remembering that some expensive creams do not solve the problem that appears from the inside.