"Brothers Schumacher" - a tandem of colorful Odessa humor

It seems that Odessa has a very special air, otherwise how to explain the fact that it was this city that gave us many comedians. Roman Kartsev, participants in the Gentleman Show, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, as well as the relatively recently appeared duet of the Schumacher Brothers.

noisy brothers

Graduates of the Maritime University

The life of Odessa citizens is connected either with the sea, or with trade, or with humor. Sergei Tsvilovsky and Yuri the Great, participants in a humorous duet, have not changed this good tradition. Both of them studied at the Odessa National Maritime University, which at one time graduated from Zhvanetsky M. and Ilchenko V.

show of the Schumacher brothers

After studying, Sergei even managed to work 5 years in his specialty, until he finally made a choice in favor of humor. From the first year, Yuri became interested in playing on the student theater stage, becoming a member of the KVN team. Actually, here in 1997 the future participants of the Schumacher Brothers show met. After a couple of years, having come to the conclusion that they can do jokes together, they created their own humorous duet.

Collaboration with the Studio Quarter-95

The name “Schumacher Brothers” was born in the year 2005, when Yuri and Sergei from the games in the KVN team went on to participate with their own numbers in one television project. However, it was necessary to come up with a name for the duet. Then they remembered a joke of friends who had once compared them with racers Schumacher.

Some time later, Yuri met with Sergey Vladimir Zelensky - Ukrainian producer and showman, one of the creators of the famous "Quarter-95 Studio". He specially came to Odessa to get acquainted with a humorous duet, about which he had already heard a lot. After watching their performance, Zelensky invited the “brothers” to move to Kiev and become part of the “Evening block” collective.

Yuri the Great and Sergey Tsvilovsky

The collaboration continued until the spring of 2017. By this time, the Odessa comedy's duet had become so popular that the Ukraine TV channel invited them to run their own program.

The show "Brothers Schumacher"

The premiere of the new program took place on June 3. The channel’s management is convinced that in our time, when the air is replete with a lot of negative news, humor allows you to plunge into the atmosphere of ease, thus relieving yourself of some of the daily stress.

Tsvilovsky s. great y.

The show of the Odessa duet is ironic jokes on the eternal theme of the relationship between women and men. Tsvilovsky plays the role of an inveterate bachelor, and the Great - an exemplary family man. At the same time, both of them are trying to answer the question of how to make a woman happy. In addition to them, other actors take part in the program.

Behind the scenes

The “Schumacher Brothers” do not shroud their personal lives in secrecy. Both of them are married, with Sergei Tsvilovsky a second marriage. Both are raising daughters. In his free time, Sergei loves to play poker or read, and Yuri enjoys modeling sailboats and ice skating.

In addition, Odessa comedians sometimes help their wives in the kitchen. Yuri even admitted in an interview that washing the dishes, on the one hand, has a calming effect on him, and on the other hand, helps to plan tomorrow and come up with new humorous numbers.

At the moment, the “Schumacher Brothers Show” already has its own audience, which includes not only adults, but also children.

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