In the kingdom of Morpheus, a variety of things can happen to a person, for example, frightening and sometimes inexplicable meetings with people from whom he would have stayed awake. And each such dream, as a rule, carries a clue of fate, which must be correctly read. We offer to find out why suicides are dreaming and what events should be prepared in reality after such an unpleasant vision.
Total sleep
First of all, we note that most interpreters interpret the image in a positive way. More often than not, a drowned man or a gallows, who voluntarily take their own lives, portend the sleeping man to good fortune and success. This may be a win in the lottery, an unexpected increase or a decent profit. However, if the dreamer had a chance to observe the process itself, then the dream can have negative connotations and warn of future difficulties. So, it is quite possible that after such a night vision, a person will be disappointed in friends, lose his job, and his project, on which he worked day and night, will be a failure.
Story development options
In order to understand what a suicide man is dreaming of, it is important to pay attention to the details and subtleties of a night dream, to remember events and actions - both suicides and their own. All this will help to more accurately read the clue of fate. So, there are many possible options:
- Watch someone take their own lives and not come to the rescue. Such a dream suggests - now someone needs the support of a sleeping person, you need to provide her. Otherwise, very soon the dreamer himself will find himself in a similar situation and will understand for himself what the severity of loneliness means.
- In a similar situation, to help, but not cope, not save a life. So, in reality, we have to go through a series of unpleasant events that will cause the sleeping man to be exhausted mentally and physically.
- Become a witness of someone passing away, then face law enforcement officers. Such a dream suggests that a friend or close relative in real life will cause serious problems for the sleeping person.
- To commit suicide. Such a night dream is interpreted by the dream books in the same way - it is a reflection of the secret intentions of the dreamer, who is trying by all means to attract increased attention to himself.
It is necessary to try to remember as many details and nuances as possible, this will help in reading the secret meaning of sleep.
It is equally important for the interpretation of the dream to understand the question of how exactly the hero of sleep took his own life. Consider why a suicide, a dead man who decided to hang himself, is dreaming of. If this is a woman, then such a dream portends a strip of scandals and misunderstandings in family life, the spouses will by all means prove their case, not paying attention to each other's position and opinion. The image is interpreted especially negatively if it appears to a man.
The hanged stranger personifies the doubts and difficulties that the sleeping person has to deal with. He prompts that the time has come for active actions, it is time to stop postponing the adoption of an important decision or serious conversation for later, the Rubicon must be transferred, otherwise fate will turn away from the sleeping one, and he will have to act in an already unfavorable environment.
There is a suicidal friend in a loop - a sign that the dreamer is on the edge, he worked too much and overworked, it's time to give yourself a break, go on vacation, go on a trip, in extreme cases - do not overwork, strictly adhere to a certain schedule. Otherwise, health problems will not take long.
Vein dissection
This is another common way to escape from life, especially popular among young people. Let's pay attention - if the sleeping person in real life faced such a tragedy, for example, his friend or relative died, do not try to interpret the dream. It only reflected thoughts and experiences. However, if nothing like this happened in reality, you should look into the sources and find out why the dead suicide is dreamed of.
Such a dream warns - enemies are ready to strike, they defame the sleeping man behind him, spread dirty rumors about him, which, unfortunately, many believe. However, do not despair - ceasing to trust people with excess information about themselves, the dreamer will not give them new reasons for gossip.
In a dream, a suicide cut his wrists in the eyes of a dreamer - alas, a loved one or friend will betray him in the near future. It is also possible that the bitterness of betrayal remains to be experienced. If you had to watch a stranger cut his throat, then such a dream warns - there is a great danger ahead, the risk in any form is now unjustified, you need to be as careful as possible. Himself to open the veins - in the near future to get to the hospital bed, it's time to relax and pay maximum attention to your health.
We continue our acquaintance with what suicide is dreaming of. If a person took his life by drowning, then such a nightly dream promises his passive "spectator" favorable changes in life. Water is a symbol of purification, so very soon it will be updated. Perhaps this will be a change of place of work, relocation, completion of an obsolete relationship and a meeting with a new lover. In any case, the dream is very good.
Dropped from the roof
According to the dream book, a suicidal man who decided to throw himself from the roof tells the dreamer that his wishes and dreams will come true for some time, however, because of his careless act or words, the collapse is ahead. The "higher" the sleeping person managed to climb, the more painful the fall will be.
Such a dream suggests - now is not the time to take risks or to dare, the most correct manner of behavior will be politeness, modesty, even some passivity. If a young girl has thrown herself off, then such a night dream prompts - it is likely that the relationship with the partner will come to an impasse, the couple will seriously disagree in their views on life, the partners will be tormented by the question of what they had found in each other before.
If a suicide of this kind was committed by a man or a young man, then the dream most often portends problems at work, and this can be either a complete collapse of a career, a transfer to a lower position, or dismissal, even financial or criminal liability. It may well be that the company in which the dreamer works will become a defendant in a criminal case. You need to be very careful and not sign documents without reading them.
To jump from the roof yourself - to make a wise act a bold act that will radically change the life of a sleeping person.
Rushing under a car or train
Most of the dream books interpret such a dream in a negative way. Most often, this image promises adverse changes in the dreamer's life, perhaps he will have to start searching for a new job or marriage will give a serious crack. There is a high risk of health problems, especially in women: if a lady is pregnant, it is better to seem to a good specialist, sleep can predict the loss of a child.
If in a dream at once several people took their lives in this way, then the sleeper should prepare himself for financial difficulties, while the more suicides, the more tangible costs. Such a vision may even mean bankruptcy.
In the world of dreams, I was able to observe the modern Anna Karenina - a girl who threw herself under a train - that means a road ahead. It can be a business trip, travel, moving, but in any case painful and unsuccessful.
Consider why a suicide is swallowing swallowing pills. Such a dream promises only minor troubles, which in the near future will fall on the shoulders of the sleeping person. Nothing serious, you can not worry, but the solution to these pressing problems will take a lot of strength and energy.
In any case, the interpretation of dreams is not a sentence; once you find out that you will encounter any difficulties in the future, do not despair. Interpretation is just a hint that it is important to use correctly. Anyone who knows what to prepare for can build their own line of behavior in such a way that they can bypass all the pitfalls.