The phone doesn’t turn off or turn on ("Android"), what should I do?

A mobile phone is a unique device, without which it is very difficult for a modern person to do. It is he who helps to solve difficult working moments, arrange a meeting with business partners, listen to the beloved voice of relatives and friends, make emergency calls in case of an accident, etc.

Android phone does not turn on what to do

It’s nice to know that in your pocket lies this useful and always accessible “friend”. But what is disappointment if at some point you notice that the Android phone does not turn on? What to do in such a situation? And what to do if it, on the contrary, does not turn off?

Do not rush to draw conclusions

So, if your smartphone or mobile phone with the installed Android operating system suddenly stopped turning on or off, you should not panic right away. Firstly, if you behave calmly, it will relieve your nerves from overstrain, and secondly, it will protect you from unreasonable actions.

phone fly does not turn on

In particular, if you are not a specialist in repairing phones, do not rush to immediately disassemble your smartphone in the cogs and see what is broken there. This approach will not save, but rather will bring a lot of new problems.

We are looking for a reason and reason

If your phone turns on and off, then there are no questions about its operation. If, on the contrary, it does not turn on, it is worth finding out the reason. So, suppose, more recently, your smartphone worked properly and suddenly stopped. What can be wrong?

Carefully inspect the smartphone and make another attempt to turn it on. If this does not happen, try connecting it to the charger. It is possible that the reason for everything is a dead battery. And if this is the case, then after a while your mobile will turn on without any problems and work in full mode.

phone doesn’t turn on after firmware

In doing so, pay attention to your battery power. If you only charged your smartphone a day ago, and he already sat down, then revise all the options used in the phone that work in continuous mode. As we have already determined, quite often the Android phone does not turn on due to a dead battery.

It should be noted that the battery can drain due to Wi-Fi, bluetooth, and Viber turned on all day, which are famous for their ability to quickly consume your current battery charge. If this is the case, use alternative software that allows you to save battery power, or enable the above options only as they are used. You should not keep them on all day.

The reason is not the charge, but the battery

Not sure why the phone turns off and on only for a couple of minutes? Perhaps it is far from a charge. If you believe the instructions, each battery has its own life of 2-2.6 years. Therefore, a malfunctioning battery can be the cause of problems with the phone. Then it remains only to replace it with a new one, and you can easily use your unit at any time of the day.

Send wires or contacts in the phone

Connected the charger - the Android phone does not turn on. What to do in this case? Carefully inspect your smartphone again. Carefully examine all wiring and connection points. It is possible that your charger has bad contact, or some of the wires have come off. Existing connectors can be checked using a special screwdriver with an indicator, which is applied to the junction.

the phone turns on and off

Also, as an alternative, you can replace the charger and check whether the phone will charge or not.

If the battery indicator is blinking

If your Fly phone does not turn on, you connected it to the charger, and the battery indicator lamp on it continues to blink, this may indicate a battery malfunction or that your phone is overheated and therefore does not transfer the charge to the battery. That is why you should not keep your mobile device in the open sun. To avoid overheating, put it in the shade.

The phone does not turn off or does not turn on due to the start button

The cause of the inoperability of your smartphone may be a malfunction in the on / off button. It can go away, it has lost contact, etc. The keyboard can also stick, for example, in the event of moisture, or be blocked as a result of the phone falling. If any of these variations is on your smartphone, you should immediately contact the specialists in the service center. In this case, only experts will be able to determine the cause of the breakdown.

To restore the operation of your device, the following actions are suitable:

  • keyboard membrane replacement;
  • restoration of mounting soldering;
  • keyboard controller replacement;
  • complete cleaning and purging of the device.

The memory card is to blame

If your Fly phone does not turn on, the cause may be a faulty or defective memory card. This happens if it was purchased in a dubious store or was released by an obscure and unknown organization. As a result of this, your phone, as they say, "freezes and glitches." In order to avoid this, try to purchase a card in the same place where you bought the phone. Or give preference to popular manufacturing companies.

Android phone does not turn off

In addition, too much information may be recorded on your memory card. For the same reason, there may be failures in the smartphone. To avoid this, do the formatting on time.

The reason for the virus program

If your Samsung Galaxy phone does not turn on, the cause may be a virus that has entered the Android system. It can be "picked up" while downloading a game application, watching videos or pictures. In a word, install an antivirus on your smartphone and update it regularly. Also try to avoid going to questionable sites and forums. In the end, if any actions with the phone did not bring positive results, you can always reflash the phone, and it will work as good as new.

The smartphone screen does not turn off

Sometimes after turning off the screen of your smartphone may not go black. On the contrary, it may appear standard phone screensavers in the style of "Hello Moto" (may vary depending on the manufacturer). At the same time, the screen does not turn off, and the phone does not turn off, and also does not respond to other commands. What to do? In this situation, the easiest option is to open the back cover of the phone, stick out the battery and insert it back. As a result, the phone will turn off, and then turn on, resetting the initial “frozen” settings.

phone does not turn on lenovo

If even after such simple manipulations the Lenovo phone does not turn on, try to do the same, additionally removing and inserting your SIM card back.

The reason for software updates

Another reason that the phone stops responding to the shutdown command is the too-heavy package of software updates that come with it. For example, you downloaded an updated version of your browser, and the phone first stopped responding to your requests, and then refused to turn off. What to do? In this case, remove the back panel cover and remove the battery for 2-3 seconds, then turn on and remove the updates you just downloaded.

Recall the events of the past

When the Android phone does not turn on - what should I do? Sometimes you can find the answer to this question only by remembering the events of past days. To do this, recreate in memory all your actions that you have performed recently. For example, you could accidentally drop a smartphone, sit on it or push it from a chest of drawers during cleaning.

If the cause of the malfunction of your mobile device is its fall from a height, even with a small one, you should immediately contact the repairmen.

After flashing the phone does not turn on

If you gave your phone to the firmware, but after it your device still didn’t turn on, contact the organization that performed this procedure. In extreme cases, they will find a mistake and redo their work.

why the phone turns off and on

The reason here may lie in the error. In addition, it is recommended to contact the service center and inform that the phone does not turn on after the firmware. Then order full computer diagnostics. Thanks to this service, you will understand the cause of the malfunction and next time in time will be able to prevent it.

The reason is an incorrectly configured lock

Suppose your phone was in your pocket or purse, you wanted to call and found that the smartphone is disconnected. With what it can be connected? The reason may be a randomly pressed shutdown button. This happens, as a rule, in the event that you have not configured automatic or manual keypad lock. To avoid this, do not forget to turn on the block after a conversation or SMS correspondence.

The reason is the weather

Consider another case. Suppose you put your smartphone on charge and went to bed, there was a thunderstorm at night, and in the morning you found that the Android phone does not turn on. What to do? First, carry out the above procedure with the battery. Secondly, alternately press the power key and volume.

If there is no effect on your actions, the phone should be attributed to the repair. It is possible that lightning struck him. To avoid this trouble, try not to put your mobile on a charge at night. Do not do this during a thunderstorm.

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