Male Feminism: Definition and Case Studies

The concept of feminism is familiar to everyone from magazines, newspapers and television. This is a movement in which men and women strive to achieve equality in all spheres of life.

The main participants in the current are the fair sex, although there are people among the male part of the population who support the ideology of feminism. Often male feminism helps to achieve great results in the fight against inequality. Many perceive feminism with sarcasm, while others completely share radical views.

What is feminism?

humanism is not feminism

The meaning of the concept of “feminism” is to consider the attitude of society towards women as an oppressed layer, and the struggle to overcome the superiority of men over the weaker sex. The movement's activities are aimed at eliminating discrimination against women. An active feminist is a woman who tries to get equal rights in all areas of life in various ways. Activists of the movement staged protests, made statements in the media, and also tried to achieve their goals in everyday life by their own example.

Let's talk about men

Women support members of the stronger sex who share their views. They can bring tangible benefits in the struggle for the rights of women. However, there are times when physiological differences can impede their communication. Most male feminists, because of their gender, will not understand many women's problems. Once among women, representatives of the stronger sex often try to take leadership roles. This is already contrary to the ideology of feminism.

The definition of male feminism includes the struggle for patriarchy in the family. Proponents of the movement understand that there has been a shift in society towards matriarchy, and this results in failures in personal life, the collapse of family values, as well as the violation of the rights of the male population. They advocate giving the strong half of humanity full social rights, for restoring the institution of the family, and against the suppression and oppression of everything masculine. Activists and supporters who support male feminism are often called masculists.

Main ideas

types of feminism

Participants in the male movement are trying to achieve full rights in the social, political and family sphere for themselves. The main objectives of the direction:

  • The distribution of the traditional roles of men and women both in family life and in the social sphere.
  • The fight against female feminism as a harmful ideology.
  • A study of social, family, and psychological problems from the perspective of the opposite sexes.
  • Coverage of the causes that adversely affect the creation and preservation of the family.

One of the most important tasks of the male movement is the revival and preservation of the patriarchal unit of society. Proponents believe that modern marriage is the usual cohabitation, where a man is used and suppressed his manhood. This statement is a prime example requiring a review of family law. Participants in this direction believe that discrimination against men leads to a deterioration in the quality of life of the stronger sex, and, as a result, this causes the development of diseases and early mortality.

A single male movement includes several areas that can have differing goals, as well as different ways to achieve them.

Why is it difficult for men to support feminists?

male feminism

The female half of the population, demanding equality, feels the oppression of society. As male feminism shows in practice, a representative of the stronger sex cannot support some statements because he is physiologically incapable of feeling the problem itself. For example, a man is not given to understand the sensations that occur during the birth process. It is impossible to imagine the feelings and experiences of a woman who has been sexually abused. It is impossible to understand the psyche of feminists and fully support their statements when almost everything around is created by male hands. The buildings were built by men, the technique was created by a strong floor, the books written - all this prevents them from following blindly feminists. The phrase “male feminism” is difficult to explain, because a man is completely deprived of the experience of a woman’s life, her sufferings, thoughts and mindset.

Are There Any Benefits Of Female Feminism For Men?

feminist women

According to men with feminist women, you can build good relationships in which there are clear advantages. For example, having agreed on a date, a feminist does not need to buy a bouquet of flowers. It will be regarded negatively. In addition, do not help put on a coat or open the door. If you arrived by car in some place, do not open the car door and give a hand to the lady.

Most importantly, such a girl always pays for herself in a restaurant. She does not need to give expensive gifts and read poetry under the moon. Feminists try to feel confident and act in such a way as to keep up with men. Therefore, a feminist can agree to sex right after the first meeting. And this does not mean her licentiousness or lack of self-esteem. This will happen simply because men do this.

How does a strong floor behave

Despite the lack of female experience, men who are interested in the labors and ideology of feminism can contribute over the course of time, and feminists will not always benefit from it. First, a man will read several smart books on the topic of movement. Then he will build his own opinion about everything read, and then he will go to share his conclusions with the feminists. And if colleagues by gender are connected to it, then women will not see good luck. Men, since they are in the minority, will be in the center of attention of the fairer sex and will secretly occupy leading positions. The definition of male feminism is not fully disclosed. We can say that it is not completely clear to everyone.

Is this kind of feminism necessary?

pink tie

For the male part of the population, the movement brings only positive aspects. No matter how a man tries to show his superiority, he is also a man who gets tired and has his weaknesses. Both opposite sexes must strive for balance. It will be useful for men to accept that modern women have achieved a lot for equality. And women should not forget that the stronger sex does not need to be humiliated, try to help them be strong in the future. Many girls believe that if a feminist husband can cook dinner himself or do a spring cleaning, these are his beliefs. But in fact, he is just a good and hardworking person who is trying to help his wife.

Pros of Feminism for Men

flowers in the trash
  • From early childhood, the boy is told that he is the breadwinner and must earn money. The life of many men consists of one continuous work. As a result, they suffer from heart disease and premature death. If you allow women who want to work, take part of the work for themselves, men can unload and pay attention to health.
  • A working woman will be able to buy a car for herself and not encroach on her husband’s property. So the husband of the feminist is insured against loss or repairs after the accident of his vehicle.
  • Feminists are fighting for full equality and freedom of choice. When meeting with such a girl, you can not worry about sex and you should not expect that she will have a headache. In addition, no one will drag a man in the registry office immediately after the first date. Women of free views are in no hurry to enter into official relations.
  • You can just be friends with a feminist woman. If you do not perceive it as an object for sex, you can get really strong and friendly relations for many years. You can spend leisure time together, go to the cinema, discuss your life. Thus, you can meet a person who is really close in spirit, but, as a rule, you should not hope for anything more.
    male feminism

Male feminism, called the movement for the rights of fathers and men, is finding more and more supporters and like-minded people. The ideology of the movement is completely opposite to the views of female feminism. Men and women fight for the same rights in choosing a job, wages, equal distribution of care for children, accepting women in society as a representative of the second sex, and not as a sexual object.

To summarize

Supporting the male population helps feminists achieve great results in their ideas and views. Male feminism involves a struggle for the rights of men as a disadvantaged layer of the population. Among women there are also many supporters supporting the patriarchy.

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