What does a seal dream for men, women and children?

The plots of night dreams are often very bizarre and unusual. Such dreams are usually remembered and arouse curiosity. Moreover, the meaning in dreams filled with unusual plots and characters is usually present. Night dreams are formed by the subconscious, which often encapsulates messages in the most bizarre forms in order to draw a person's attention to their importance.

Of course, different collections of interpretations of the meanings of dreams do not completely decode the symbols that were dreamed during the rest. In order to understand the meaning of sleep correctly, it is necessary to take into account all the details and trifles of its plot, as well as your own feelings both inside a dream and after waking up.

What is written in Miller's collection?

What the fur seal or seal dreams of, according to this collection, is the upcoming struggle to raise its own social status. As interpreted by Miller, a seal is a symbol of ambitious aspirations and thoughts aimed at one's own exaltation.

White seal by the pool

Thus, a dream can predict a promotion in which you have to compete. If a dream has visited a child, then it is more likely to relate to school or to relationships with other children. For a woman doing housework, such a dream will promise an increase in her authority in the eyes of her spouse or relatives, neighbors, and friends.

What is written in the Family Book?

According to the Family Interpreter, what a seal dreams of depends on the actions of this character inside a dream. In the event that the animal is swimming in the direction of the dreamer, a dream informs about the need for rest combined with the trip.

Angry seal

If a seal crawls along the coast or turns into a ring, such a dream warns of short-sightedness, weakness and lack of decisiveness in any situation, and sometimes a deliberately biased attitude towards the dreamer from the side of the leader, boss or just a person whose actions and will he depends.

In the event that the animal is friendly and moves somewhere close to the dreamer, a dream is of good value. In this case, what the seal dreams of is finding a like-minded person, ally, friend or ally, occupying a higher social position than the dreamer himself.

What is written in the New collection of interpretations of Ivanov?

The modern understanding of the symbol does not have a positive meaning. Ivanov's collection interprets what a seal, a cat, dreams of as a prediction of impending slowness in a situation that requires speed and speed.

Seal head over water

This interpretation is worth showing interest to people whose professional activities are connected with the need for instant decision-making, the ability to quickly assess the situation, and act without hesitation and delay. That is, such an interpretation should be given attention to firefighters, military, doctors, climbers, security guards and representatives of other professions that are directly related to the risk of one's own or another's life.

Given the meaning of the symbol in other collections, it can be assumed that a dream does not warn a person about his own slowness, but about the lethargy of the leadership, command. Taking this probability into account, a person will be quite prepared for a situation requiring the manifestation of initiative.

What is written in the collection of Fedorovskaya?

What the seal dreams about according to this collection is also devoid of good meaning. This animal symbolizes the unattainable. Unattainable can be both the desired position in society, position at work, and marriage, attitude from someone. If a child has a dream, then his plot may be warned about the unattainability of the desired position in the team or the mark for the task.

However, in this dream book the symbol is also considered depending on the actions of a dreaming person. If the dreamer kills the animal, then the dream completely changes its meaning. Why dream of a sea seal killed by a dreamer? To the quick fulfillment of the most daring and unrealizable desires, the receipt of everything that seemed objectively unattainable. How difficult the killing was indicates the presence of obstacles and difficulties on the way to getting what you want, to achieving the goal.

What is written in the noble collection of Grishina?

Why dream of a seal according to this collection? To trouble. Details of the plot and details characterizing the dreaming seal indicate what the impending trouble will be.

Foldable Seal

If the animal is large, thick, endowed with numerous folds, the trouble will be large, even global seems. If a seal is displeased, beats its tail, moves its flippers, makes sounds, goggles, the trouble will be serious and frightening.

What is written in the Women's Collection?

Why does a woman dream of a seal? Such an image symbolizes the desire for an unequal marriage, if the dreamer is not married - the desire for a respectful attitude from the spouse for the rest.

As in many other collections of deciphering the meanings of symbols in dreams, in this interpreter the image of a seal is associated with the concepts of status, high social and material status. In this dream, details are extremely important. For example, if in life a girl meets a man who is at a higher social level or has wealth, it will be clear from the details of the dream what to expect from these relationships.

In the event that the seal in the dream is fondled, the girl strokes it, pats it on the ears or mustache, and it is possible that it rides on an animal riding, a dream promises a marriage bond. That is, relationships in life are quite promising.

Seal winks

If a seal runs away or swims away, and the dreamer cannot catch up with him, it will happen in life. Possessing the desired qualities and social characteristics, a man will slip away, leaving the girl alone.

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