A magic diet pill that quickly and without health consequences helps to lose weight, has not yet been invented. But not everyone wants to sweat in the gym and deny themselves delicious food for a long time. Therefore, many often rely on express diets, which, although they require incredible willpower, but also give quick results. One of the most popular and, admittedly, tough, is considered a diet for 12 days. According to reviews, it helps to get rid of 10-12 kg in less than two weeks. Subject to full compliance with the recommendations.
Features of the diet for 12 days
Since this diet requires serious restrictions, only completely healthy people can try it. Pregnancy, diabetes, problems with the gastrointestinal tract and a low body mass index are absolute contraindications for this diet. In addition to the rejection of products other than those permitted, there are a number of restrictions. Food should be taken strictly until 18:00. It is necessary to completely abandon sugar, salt and spices. During the day, be sure to drink a lot, at least two liters, of pure or mineral water without additives and dyes. Those who strictly complied with all the requirements write in the reviews that a diet for 12 days minus 12 kg practically guarantees. It should be borne in mind that this is a low-calorie mono-diet, and although it contains a variety of products, it is nevertheless recommended to take a vitamin complex to maintain the balance of trace elements. It is also recommended to drink a glass of hot water immediately after waking up and a spoonful of sunflower oil half an hour before breakfast to ensure the functioning of the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract.
entrance and exit
Negative reviews about the diet for 12 days are left mainly by those who did not achieve the desired results. This can happen due to eating disorders or improper entry and exit from the diet. Strictly speaking, the entire nutrition plan is designed for an incomplete month. A week before the start of the diet for 12 days, you should get used to serious dietary restrictions. The first two or three days you need to stop eating sugar, then refuse to eat after 18:00, and gradually replace dinner with kefir or another unsweetened sour-milk product. In this case, it is necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the body and, for any negative consequences, immediately refuse to continue the diet. After the end of twelve days, you should not immediately pounce on your favorite food, this can not only return the kilograms with such difficulty, but also harm your health. The body manages to get used to a poor diet, and from great abundance it can rebel against a negligent host.
Diet Reviews
On the Internet, you can find both positive and negative reviews about the diet menu for 12 days. Many laudations are written most often by women who were very heavy. According to those who successfully went through the whole diet, it helps to rebuild the entire diet, get used to the limitations and switch to proper nutrition at the end of the diet. Often appear in reviews of 12 kg on a diet for 12 days, which can not but attract more new comers to try. Fans of express diets offer their own options of dishes that can be prepared to diversify the menu and give small tips on physical activity.
So, those who have achieved impressive results say that the most effective way to lose weight is to combine diet and walking in the fresh air. For serious exercises in the gym or cardio workouts, strength may not be enough. Opponents believe that the biggest minus of a diet for 12 days is a breakdown and inefficiency. They say that after giving up the diet, lost kilograms quickly return more than more. In addition, the diet is considered very scarce, and sticking to such a diet is very difficult.
The first day - kefir
As with many diet menus, a 12-day diet contains kefir day. With it, the diet begins, giving you the opportunity to get used to the monoproducts diet. Many say that in the first day, weight loss is up to 1.5 kg. To do this, you must follow the diet rule. One liter of low-fat kefir without sugar and other additives is drunk in three doses per day. Before the first meal, about twenty or thirty minutes, you need to take a spoonful of vegetable oil. Two cups of chamomile tea and vitamins are allowed.
In some diet options, peppermint tea is indicated, but care should be taken with this, as peppermint can increase appetite. Chamomile tea is not black or green tea with the addition of chamomile, but herbal tea or a decoction of chamomile. It is important not to forget how dairy products act on the gastrointestinal tract, so the first day of the diet should be spent at home.
The second day - orange
Those who are allergic to citrus fruits can replace oranges with apples, although replacing the ingredients is not welcome. It is worth starting the day with a glass of hot water and a spoonful of sunflower oil. Then during the day you need to eat up to six oranges, dividing by at least three meals and not forgetting that you need to finish the meal before six in the evening. Two cups of chamomile tea are again allowed, as is pure water. It is important to remember that fruit acid is not the most useful substance for teeth, so you should not forget about oral hygiene.
The third day - curd
Fat-free cottage cheese, not cottage cheese, curd mass or cottage cheese dessert, is an important component of a 12-day diet. Again, before breakfast, you need to drink hot water and sunflower oil in order to start important processes in the body. Then cottage cheese without salt, sour cream and other additives is consumed throughout the day, but no more than 600 g. Dinner can be replaced with a cup of hot chamomile or other herbal tea to calm down before bedtime. Reviews promise a loss of at least 1 kg that day, which cannot but inspire.
Fourth day - vegetable
On many resources with a description of the diet for 12 days, it is indicated that for this day you need to eat a can of squash caviar. But salt and spices, as well as preservatives, which are contained in squash caviar of industrial production, can not be combined with the principles of diet. Therefore, squash caviar should be prepared independently, taking into account the restrictions, that is, without salt and without spices. Such caviar turns out to be a bit sweet, but brings more benefits.
For the preparation of diet squash caviar, you need 1 kg of zucchini, 0.5 kg of carrots and the same amount of onions, about a kilogram of ripe tomatoes, garlic, herbs and sunflower oil. It is worth remembering that when frying, many of the beneficial properties of vegetables disappear, so squash caviar for the diet is prepared using stewing. Onions and carrots are peeled and sautรฉed in oil in a pan with a thick bottom or slow cooker. Young zucchini with a thin skin can not be peeled, but simply cut into small cubes and add to the onions and carrots. Tomatoes, peeled and stalk, are added at the very end. Before closing the lid, you can add finely chopped garlic and herbs to taste. Stew such caviar should be no more than 20 minutes, and after turning off the fire, let it brew. An excellent diet dish along with chamomile tea and clean water will support the strength of those who are losing weight.
Fifth Day - Chocolate
This day could be the most expected in the diet, if not for the scanty amount of chocolate. But to lose 12 kg on a diet of 12 days is possible only if all the requirements are strictly observed. Therefore, the fifth day involves the consumption of 100 grams of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%, two cups of chamomile tea, water and sunflower oil in the morning.
Sixth day - apple
Another traditional component of many diets is green apples. Before use, the apples should be peeled and in no case should they be cooked and sprinkled with nothing. Red and yellow, even yellow-green apples are not suitable.
Precautions are the same as with the orange bottom - oral hygiene and caution with the body. Any negative reaction in the form of a sharp abdominal pain, severe bloating is a reason to stop the diet.
Seventh Day - Cheesy
Adyghe cheese lovers can rejoice. On this day, in addition to hot water, vegetable oil and herbal tea, you can eat 300 grams of this cheese until 18:00. Adyghe cheese is not like cheeses that are usually on the buyer's table. This white or light yellow cheese has a delicate curd texture and a slightly salty taste. Adygea quickly deteriorates, so when buying, you must pay attention to the date of manufacture. If the cheese has a bitter taste, then you canโt eat it already.
The eighth day is green
On this day, it is recommended to eat a salad of green vegetables, especially fresh cabbage and celery. It is important to remember about the inadmissibility of salt, but salad can be seasoned with olive oil for a change. You can add homemade tomato juice to the liquid you drink.
Ninth day - fish
The most satisfying day in the diet. Despite the fact that you can eat only 400 grams of fish, dividing it into three meals, this day still brings the most joy, as protein brings more feeling of satiety than green vegetables. Fish need to choose low-fat varieties. Best suited: cod, haddock, pollock, pike, crucian carp, zander, tilapia, omul, flounder. Beloved by many, salmon belongs to fatty varieties, so it should be left for a period after the end of the diet. Steamed fish or baked in their own juice in the sleeve. When cooking, the fish will lose many useful properties, and frying on a diet is contraindicated.
Tenth day - vegetable
This day differs from the eighth in that tomatoes are added to the salad. All vegetables should be raw and unsalted. A salad of cabbage, cucumbers, celery, tomatoes and herbs, seasoned with vegetable oil, is divided into three meals and is consumed no later than six in the evening. Some netizens claim that the salad can be slightly salted, but the choice is left to each individually.
Eleventh - Curd
According to reviews, this is the most difficult day, because it repeats the third day in full. And not everyone likes the sour taste of cottage cheese. Presumably, by this day the body is already getting used to the limitations and is able to tolerate even such a diet. If you follow a diet strictly to this day, many note a loss of up to 10 kg.
Twelfth Day - Plum
This day becomes the next fasting day, since plums or prunes have a certain effect on the body. During the day, you can eat up to one kilogram of fresh black plums and a pound of pitted prunes. According to reviews, 12 kg on a diet for 12 days lose just after this day, because the body is cleansed additionally.
After almost two weeks of dieting, it is important to adhere to a salt-free diet for a few more days. Sugar and spices should also be excluded until the body gets used to regular food. To preserve the results, you should switch to proper nutrition and begin to seriously engage in physical exercises and your health.