Even people who do not believe in God, churches, temples and other places of worship almost always cause respect, tranquility and peace. But what if the church dreamed about us in a dream? Is this considered a good sign or, conversely, warns of impending troubles and problems? We offer to ask the question of what the church dreamed about, at once to several of the most popular and complete dream books.
Gustav Miller's Dream Book: A Church in a Dream
According to the interpretation of this source, if in a dream you saw a church in the distance, then you will be disappointed with the relatively long and anxiously anticipated events. A dream in which a person enters a church in complete darkness promises him a visit to the funeral in the near future. Also, such a vision may symbolize some kind of vague prospects or the need for a very long wait for changes for the better.
Dream Interpretation Miss Hassay: what the church dreamed of
This dream book considers a dreaming church or temple as a harbinger of happy changes in your life. If you are inside the church, then in case of need or trouble you can always count on the help and support of close people and true friends. If you hear church singing, then your successes and undertakings will be crowned with success. However, a dream in which a person passes by the place of worship warns him of the likelihood of a careless act that could entail bad consequences.
Assyrian dream book: what the church dreamed of
A visit to a temple in a dream predicts a person receiving good news in the near future. In addition, such a dream promises to translate into reality all the dreams, as well as health and well-being.
Modern dream book: what a temple, a church dream of
This collection of interpretations of night dreams dreams of a dreaming church or temple as a symbol of the need for spiritual purification and repentance. If in a dream you are present at a church service, in real life you can count on the love and devotion of all the people close to you. Why did you dream of a church with boarded up windows and doors? Such a vision is considered a bad sign, predicting changes in life for the worse, hopelessness and longing.
A dream book for the whole family: a church in a dream
A destroyed building in a dream promises the dreamer moral suffering and health problems. To see the service in the church is to harmony and peace in your home. A church is considered a nightmare around which a snake is wrapped in rings. Such a vision can portend future troubles that will overtake all of humanity. Also a bad sign is a dream in which a person sees a castle on the door of the church, which promises problems and obstacles in business. Why dream of a white church with golden domes? Such a dream is considered an extremely favorable sign, symbolizing the cultural dawn of the entire state, as well as its spiritual and moral foundations. Directly to the dreamer, such dreams promise a reward for his desire for spiritual growth.