German Special Forces: units, names, features, functions

Almost every state in the world has various power structures, among which there are also units that solve particularly complex problems. It goes without saying that in developed countries, special squads are most widespread, both in the military sphere and in the police. This article will examine the German special forces, or rather the existing units, their names, responsibilities and features. Also, special regiments of the period of the Second World War will be given attention.

German special forces exercises

Army Commandos

KSK German Special Forces is an elite army unit created to carry out military operations in the framework of the crisis, confrontation in the conditions of the Cold War, as part of the defense operations of its own country and allies that are part of the NATO bloc. This special brigade was formed by the command of the Bundeswehr on April 1, 1997, after the need arose to conduct military operations on the territory of West Africa.


KSK German Special Forces, as its main tasks, has the following:

  • Performing military and technical reconnaissance deep behind enemy lines, while penetrating well-guarded enemy targets and carrying out sabotage actions planned there.
  • Implementation of operations to eliminate the leaders and senior command staff of the enemy, as well as headquarters, communications systems and infrastructure.
  • Correction and direct control of air strikes and missile forces, which are sent directly deep into the territory of the enemy (for this purpose they mark the target with a laser). Parallel interaction with other military units and units.
  • Release from captivity or rescue from the environment of their own fighters and soldiers of allies.
  • Clear and tough opposition to sabotage and terrorist units of the enemy in their own rear.
  • Fulfillment of special tasks, which in no way can be accomplished by other branches and types of troops due to their insufficient training or their own specifics.
    German police special forces


German special forces KSK has a staff of approximately 1,100 people. As part of this unit, 10 fighting companies of 100 fighters were introduced in each of them. There is also a support detachment. Each company itself includes 5 platoons and control sections:

  • The first platoon is fighters carrying out ground operations.
  • The second platoon - paratroopers
  • The third platoon is soldiers operating on boats.
  • The fourth platoon is climbers with the skills to carry out combat missions in the polar pole.
  • The fifth platoon is snipers.

Selection and preparation process

Until 2005, KSK only accepted non-commissioned officers and officers with a training course for paratroopers. Nowadays, the path to this elite special forces is already open for ordinary soldiers, and even for people who have never served before. Mandatory for all candidates is a basic training course for the Bundeswehr paratroopers.

Candidate Requirements

For everyone who wants to join the ranks of KSK, it is important to meet these criteria:

  • The presence of higher education.
  • The presence of citizenship of Germany.
  • The presence of a driver’s license.
  • Discharge in swimming.
  • Lack of vision problems and allergies.
  • Excellent knowledge of English or French.
  • Maintaining a high concentration when experiencing tremendous physical exertion.
  • Corresponding height: for men - 165 centimeters, for women - 163 centimeters.
  • Age: up to 24 years.

As in many other similar units of the world, KSK fighters are trained in two directions:

  • The first stage (lasts three weeks) - psychological tests and very intense physical activity, which end with a cross of 90 kilometers over rough terrain. It is on this selection that about 90% of all candidates are screened out.
  • The second stage - takes about 2-3 years and is carried out almost throughout the earth: from Norway, where the soldiers undergo mountain training, to Israel, where the soldiers have to learn to survive in the desert. Moreover, active participation in this process was entrusted to special forces instructors from the USA and Britain.

Like any other special forces of the countries of the world, the photo of which is given in the article, the German KSK is not the best place for family people. According to some reports, only a third of the personnel of this detachment has a second half. In addition, these fighters can not boast of recognition from the community, since they are strictly forbidden to report that they generally serve in this unit. Moreover, the burgundy beret soldiers wear only in the walls of their own barracks.

German special forces in the winter

Elite MIA

Special attention deserves the German police. It goes without saying that, due to its specifics, this unit has its own goals and special training methods adapted for the effective fulfillment of subsequent combat missions.

The German police special forces GSG 9 was created in the fall of 1973, that is, a year after the terrorist attack on Olympic athletes in Munich. The unit was created to prevent further such actions by criminals. It should be noted that initially many German politicians were very afraid to create such a detachment, since they believed that the GSG 9 was able to revive unwanted memories of the Nazi party - the SS. And so it was decided to create a special unit based on the police, not the army. This was largely due to the fact that federal law prohibited the use of the army against civilians.

Structure Features

The German police special forces, the photo of which is shown below, is a full-fledged part of the entire police force in the country and therefore has exactly the same powers, including the right to arrest. All police activities, including GSG 9, are based on the legislative framework of the German Ministry of Internal Affairs.

German police special forces

The special squad itself is stationed near the city of Bonn and has three main subgroups and several auxiliary:

  • 1st subgroup - conducts regular operations. This includes hostage taking, kidnapping, extortion. The squad can also protect objects of national importance.
  • 2nd subgroup - marine operations. For example, anti-theft of ships, protection of oil rigs.
  • 3rd subgroup - parachute landing squad.
  • 4th subgroup - technical and technological support. This unit helps its colleagues deploy in the operations area. It is also responsible for the issuance and purchase of equipment and its testing. The detachment’s employees are also experts in explosive engineering: they are entrusted with mine clearance, mining and disposal of ammunition.

Qualification selection

German police special forces (name - GSG 9) accepts the Federal Border Guard police, who have at least two years of service in their ranks.

The entire group of candidates is required to pass a three-day test for physical and psychological compliance with work in the unit. A test of possession of firearms, general endurance, and the health status of a fighter are also being examined. As practice shows, at this stage two out of three candidates are screened out. The remaining people are expected by a 22-week training program, during which close attention is paid to the process of team building, sniper training, and improvement of physical and intellectual endurance. All personnel train to carry out security measures, study tactics and weapons, improve car driving skills, learn how to provide medical care, etc. It is important to indicate: at this stage, work is carried out with each cadet individually, and thus a lone fighter is formed.

German special forces naval landing

At the end of the preparation, exams are held in hand-to-hand combat, general physical training, forensics and law. Fire training occupies a special place here. On the basis of the team in the city of St. Augustine, there is a special structure equipped with a variety of training simulators for shooting.

All those who have successfully completed all stages of the selection are then sent to assault groups and operational units, where they undergo an additional three-month course. Here, work is already underway in practice, in which experienced instructors help them.

It is noteworthy that all GSG 9 fighters must learn foreign languages, because they very often have to negotiate with terrorists from around the world.


During its existence, German police special forces conducted many successful operations to rescue hostages and arrest criminals. In total, over the shoulders of the soldiers of the detachment, there are over 1,500 tasks.

In 1977, GSG 9 was named the best anti-terrorism group on the planet. At a regularly held world championship among police special forces, in 2005 the Germans took first place. The squad also regularly conducts joint training with its colleagues from other countries: the USA, Spain, and China.

The elite of the era of the bloodiest conflict in Europe of the 20th century

German special forces of World War II is a special topic that should be considered in more detail.

In February 1943, the German leadership proclaimed the so-called doctrine of "total war." In this regard, Ernst Kaltenbrunner was appointed to the post of head of the Main Directorate of Security for the Empire (RSHA) , who, in turn, approved Otto Skorzeny as the main commando. It was this officer with Italian roots who created department "C", engaged in special operations. The first elite military took special courses “Oranienburg” on the basis of Fridental Castle in the strictest secrecy. They arrived at the place of study exclusively in civilian clothes.

Germany Special Forces Weapon

It was these well-trained officers who managed to kidnap Benito Mussolini, who was arrested by the anti-fascist movement . Skorzeny’s squad managed to get into the mountain range, where the Italian dictator was in custody, without any problems, and took him to German territory. This operation made such an indelible impression on Hitler that he ordered the creation of several more special forces detachments immediately.

The main intelligence and sabotage unit of the Nazis

Studying the Wehrmacht special forces of World War II, you can not ignore the Brandenburg battalion. Initially, it consisted of 4 companies, formed according to the ethnic principle, as well as motorcycle and parachute platoons.

The soldiers of the detachment specialized in sabotage and subversive activities and very often acted in the deep rear of the enemy. It was these warriors who regularly used the practice of dressing in the form of an enemy in order to fulfill their tasks. At the same time, soldiers often acted in small groups or even singly. Although, if necessary, entire companies joined the German armies. Particular attention in the process of training the soldiers of this special forces was given to mining and a hidden approach to the object of sabotage.

Squad operations

Throughout its history, Brandenburg has committed many sabotage, but provocation in the USSR deserves special attention. In the summer of 1941, the soldiers of this German special forces managed to prevent the demolition of the bridge over the Western Dvina, which the retreating Soviet units wanted to carry out. For this, the Germans disguised themselves as wounded Red Army soldiers and crawled close to the bridge. Then they eliminated the protection of the facility and literally in a matter of minutes took control of the entire bridge. Due to this, the further advance of German troops towards Riga continued without slowdowns. It goes without saying that in its history of World War II, Brandenburg managed to inflict serious damage on its opponents.

After the end of hostilities, this elite German special forces dispersed throughout the world. Many fighters of the detachment became members of the elite units of Britain, the Foreign Legion in France, and special US troops. And in the 1950s, some fighters of the former Brandenburg received an invitation from the Egyptian leadership to become military advisers in the fight against Israel.

Germany Special Forces


Some German fighters today are part of the special forces of NATO countries. Their level of training is the maximum possible and sometimes their training takes place at the limit of human capabilities. The work of these soldiers is accompanied by tremendous overloads, and therefore the selection in these units is cruel. But all this in total provides the required result and all those tasks that are set before the soldiers of the elite units turn out to be fully implemented.

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