Top dressing for ficus: types of fertilizers and rules for use

One of the most common and beloved flower growers of indoor plants is ficus. This indoor flower is very beautiful, surprises with its decorativeness, unpretentiousness and ease of care. Only this plant does not like frequent transplants. Normal growth and beautiful appearance can only be provided with good fertilizers. In this article, you will learn about the better way to feed a ficus so that it delights its beautiful leaves for a long time.

young ficus

The main thing about ficuses

The plant belongs to tropical crops. They like to decorate apartments, houses and offices. It stands out from other exotic plants for its unpretentiousness. But sometimes the ficus drops its leaves. What to do? The reasons for this phenomenon want to know many readers. We have put together the most useful tips for you.

At home, different types of ficuses take root. Their appearance is different from each other. Most often, housewives acquire a rubbery, lyre-shaped, dwarf look or Benjamin's ficus. All these indoor cultures have a developed root system, leaves with a dense structure, bright green color. Some varieties are distinguished by spots and edging of leaves.

Sometimes a plant is made out in the form of a houseplant, a falling ampel form, and a miniature bonsai. In nature, they are huge and look like trees. Domesticated ficuses are smaller and grow slowly. Below you will learn about dressing for the growth of ficus, the best mineral and organic fertilizers.

ficus benjamina

How often do you need to feed?

To feed indoor plants, especially ficuses, it is important to know the frequency of such events. The indoor flower we are studying does not need frequent use of fertilizers. It is better to do this less often, but abundantly. Especially this approach applies to adult specimens with an extensive deciduous crown.

In large plants, the soil in the pot is quickly depleted. Then the ficus discards the leaves. Cause? And what to do in such cases? Transplanting the plant is not recommended. He needs timely top dressing. What signals can a plant still send when there is a lack of trace elements?

  • Slows and stops growth.
  • Branches, stems are pulled out, thinning.
  • Foliage becomes faded, turgor is lost.
  • Leaves are stained.
  • Various diseases and pests appear.

Do not wait for the above signs of lack of nutrition, you need to top dress for ficuses on time. It is important to note that if you transplanted a tree into a new soil, then you do not need to feed it for a month.

Types of fertilizers for ficus

It is difficult for many beginner gardeners to decide on the choice of top dressing for ficus. They are afraid to harm the plant and do not know what is best to make. We give a small hint: fertilizers are mineral and organic. Mineral compounds include chemical compounds with mountain minerals, salts, geological deposits, and industrial waste. Organic are presented in the form of waste products of all types of domestic animals and birds, vegetable compost mixtures, food waste and other products.

Features of mineral fertilizers

Adherents of green floriculture against the use of mineral additives. Nevertheless, they are very necessary to the ficus. For its successful development, all 13 macro- and microelements are necessary. These are the so-called biogenic elements. They are important for the perfect nutrition of the tree. Specialized flower farms and plant breeding laboratories must use them. Housewives begin to apply mineral dressing if they notice signs of a lack of some element. The most important substances for a good flower development are nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Without them, proper plant growth and the formation of new leaves will not be observed.

fertilizer for ficus

The best shopping options

Specialists offer dry fertilizers for ficus in the winter. They are available in the form of powder, granules, tablets, added to the soil. Over time, they will dissolve in water.

For root dressing and spraying, liquid solutions are used. You can use the fertilizers "Agricola", "Palm", "Ideal", "Gumisol", "Rainbow", "Kemira". At first, dilute new, unverified preparations several times weaker than indicated on the package. Look at the reaction of the tree. Fertilize once every two weeks.

Some gardeners prefer prolonged preparations - in the form of peculiar sticks. They are laid in the soil under the roots of the plant. The concentration of nutrients in them is very high.

fertilizer for ficus

The use of humus

Many gardeners prefer organic fertilizers. They also have many useful elements. One of them is animal humus. It is the first natural nitrogen supplier. Without this element, the plant will not be able to grow leaves. Humus obtained from bird droppings is best suited. The effect of it is three times higher than that of a mullein solution. Only 3 grams of litter per liter of water for the irrigation solution is enough.

Cow, horse, pork, sheep, goat manure is also suitable for feeding ficus. Take 10 grams of manure per 1 liter of water. It is worth warning about the unpleasant odor that will come after watering with humus. Flower shops sell concentrated liquid organic food. They dissolve well in water and do not emit a smell.

use of humus

Nettle infusion

Another top dressing for ficus is vegetable humus and infusion of herbs. If there is no animal humus, then leaf or compost is suitable. It is also an effective food for ficus. Plant humus is rich in nitrogen compounds and other elements. It is enough to dilute 100 g of such humus in 1 liter of water.

In summer, flower growers prepare infusions of weeds to feed. Nettle infusion is best suited for ficus. This burning green contains nitrogen and carbon. It is best to collect nettles in early summer before the seeds are ripe. It is enough to grind young stems and leaves, place them in a plastic bottle or bucket, and then pour 1: 1 with water. The tool is infused for two weeks. When the fermentation of the infusion passes, it will darken. Nettle infusion is introduced into the basal zone, previously diluted with water 1:10.

In a dry summer, an infusion of nettle will still help fight pests. Nettle water, infused for a day, is simply sprayed with ficus leaves.

nettle fertilizer

Household fertilizer

In the kitchen there are always household waste that experienced housewives have learned to use as fertilizers, including ficus. What can be added to the soil as a top dressing?

Try the following:

  • Sugar water. It contains glucose, which gives energy to ficuses and nourishes them. It is enough to dilute two tablespoons of sugar per liter of water and water once a month.
  • Coffee grounds. It contributes to loosening the soil and its air permeability. After it, the roots feed better on oxygen. Dry it first, and then mix it with soil in a pot. Do not leave coffee on top, otherwise midges will start.
  • Tea leaves Ficus loves plain black tea. Herbal and green can only serve as a baking powder. Do not add too much tea to the pot, otherwise mold and midges will appear.
  • Peel of vegetables and fruits. Skins of bananas, oranges, potatoes can not be thrown away - use them as top dressing. Grind them first, boil them, leave for about three days in this water. Then infuse the ficus.
top dressing ficus

Succinic Acid Feed

Succinic acid can be used to grow ficus. Many gardeners are aware of this colorless crystalline substance that is soluble in water. It helps ficus survive various temperature changes and other stressful situations. It also strengthens the immunity of the plant. It is possible to treat with succinic acid both roots and leaves. One gram of acid is enough per liter of water. With this solution, you can not only water the ficus, but also spray their leaves. The finished solution is stored for three days.

Succinic acid does not bring harm to humans and animals, it is not toxic. The main thing is to prevent its contact with eyes. Spraying with succinic acid prevents damage to the plant by pests.

fertilizer breeding

Feeding with wood ash

The source of magnesium, potassium, calcium is called gardeners and flower growers wood ash. Ficus can be fertilized with tincture from it. Often ash is added to the soil mixture when transplanting the plant. And prepare the tincture at the rate of 1 tablespoon of ash per 1 liter of boiling water. Leave to insist on a week. Stir the solution daily. Water the ficus with the finished tincture. You can also use ash to dust the plant so that fleas and slugs do not start.

Ficus cultivation and plant care

For ficuses, not only top dressing is important, but also proper care. A tree likes well-lit places. To make ficus feel good, give them plenty of light. Dark green ficuses tolerate the shadow well. But variegated plants want direct sunlight. In winter, you can arrange for additional lighting for them, otherwise they may drop leaves. Get a special lamp and try to get light at least 12 hours a day. In order for the crown of the ficus to form beautifully, from time to time turn the flower to the light source in different directions.

Ficus like moist air. Spray the plant regularly, shower him. A lot of dust collects on ficuses with large leaves, so wipe them with a damp cloth or sponge.

beautiful ficus

Ficuses also love warmth. They feel most comfortable at a temperature of + 25-30 ° C in the summer and + 18-20 ° C in the winter. Green-leafed species are more hardy to low temperatures than variegated. Ficus does not like drafts and hypothermia, so do not put it on the floor or a cold window sill.

Another important condition for keeping ficus is proper watering. Do you know how many times to water ficus in the summer? Two plentiful waterings a week are enough. But in winter - once in moderation. Wait between waterings until the soil dries, but does not dry out. Ampelic ficuses love more water than ordinary ones.

A favorite type of ficus can be easily propagated by cuttings. It is enough to cut one branch with a leaf and root it. You can use special tools to stimulate root growth. Most often, cuttings take root easily and quickly. In the process of growth, try to form a beautiful crown for the ficus. To do this, use pruning and pinching. Often it is not necessary to transplant trees, it is enough to do this once every two to three years.

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