Crayfish are members of the crustacean family. They are welcome on the table of every fisherman. Where can these aquatic creatures be caught? Crayfish live in clean rivers with an abundance of shelters and running water with depths of 3 to 7 meters. The body length reaches 20 cm. Crustaceans live from 20 to 25 years. Their food includes plant and animal food. The presence of crayfish in the pond always indicates the purity of the water.
Ways to catch crayfish
The oldest and, probably, the main way of catching these decapods of aquatic inhabitants is hand fishing. She has been practicing for a long time and very successfully. Once a fisherman catches one individual with his hands, his fear disappears, and he begins to throw crayfish ashore one after another. As you can see, this method of fishing is very active and interesting.
Crayfish catching on various types of traps has also been practiced for a long time. This is a passive method. The more gear thrown into the water, the higher is the chance of catching crayfish, which can then be consumed at the dinner table.
At night, crayfish crawl out onto the sandy shores in search of food. Knowing this, you can use another method of catching crayfish - jerky. To catch aquatic inhabitants in this way, you need to stock up on a powerful lantern and invite a couple of friends with you. This type of fishing is not always legal, so first you need to clarify whether the fish inspectors will be fined for it.
Sometimes you can catch crustaceans on a fishing rod or bottom spinning. In this case, bread, dung worms, maggot and fish meat serve as bait.
Varieties of crayfish
A small number of crustacean species live in fresh water. Despite this, they deserve attention, because the cancers are slightly different from each other. Almost all the differences in freshwater crustaceans are in color and habitat:
- Broad-chested crayfish. Its habitats are water bodies throughout Europe. At the moment, this species has almost disappeared due to the crayfish plague.
- Narrow-toed crayfish. It is found in almost all fresh waters of the planet.
- Fat crayfish cancer. This species is common in the Don River and the Caspian Sea.
Crustacean habits
These formidable river inhabitants behave quite predictably. One observation of their behavior allows the fisherman to understand what needs to be done in order to catch them and make them a delicious dinner on his table. At night, as mentioned earlier, the crayfish leave their shelter in search of food. Far from their homes, they do not creep out and are limited to a couple of tens of meters of wandering around their home. It is in this area that catching crayfish can be very effective. If there is not enough food, then the crayfish migrate to other places where you can find shelter.
Most often, during the day, crayfish sit in their hole and do not become active until night. Exceptions can be only in the springtime, when the sun warms well, but the water still remains cold. At such moments, crayfish can crawl out onto the stones and bask in the warm rays.
It is important to understand that the uncontrolled catch of crayfish harms the body of water. These aquatic creatures are not only tasty, but also healthy. Crayfish - natural cleaners of the bottom of the carrion. This means that they improve the quality of water in rivers.
Another habit can be noticed when fishing. When a fishermanโs large and powerful hand sinks into a hole or under the stone where the cancer lives, it usually receives change from the inmate. The claws of a representative of the crustacean family are very strong and clamp the flesh so that you want to throw your prey to hell. Often in such cases, the cancer flies in an unknown direction. Only a claw remains on the finger of the fisherman. This cancerous organ in flying cancer will grow back in a fairly short time. Very often you can see a large individual with a small claw. This will be the case when the cancer has lost its part of the limb in a battle with someone.
Reproduction in crustaceans begins in the fall. At one time, the female swallows up to 150 eggs. The process of hatching small crustaceans is uneven and depends on the temperature of the water. Young representatives of crustaceans grow quite rapidly in the first year and molt very often.
Places and subtleties of fishing
The place for a full and successful fishing for cancer should be chosen very carefully. Crustaceans do not like a soft muddy bottom, gently sloping shores and in very small quantities live in rivers near cities (due to poor water quality). The best time for fishing is considered to be the period when the crayfish are left without a shell, become vulnerable.
Crayfish are caught year-round except in winter. Arriving at the pond and feeling for a good hard bottom after entering the water or from the boat, you can start throwing traps. The best place to catch crayfish is near large boulders. Crayfish very often make their home in crevices and under stones. That is why it is recommended to catch them in such places. It is almost pointless to throw traps during the day. Fishing begins when the sun sets. You can hunt for crayfish until 3 a.m.
It is worth noting that if it starts to rain or cloudy weather is present, the crayfish crawl out of their shelters much earlier and more willingly. They like that kind of atmosphere. Some fishermen advise to light several fires on the shore when fishing. Light attracts crayfish, and they begin to crawl to the place that interested them.
Winter crayfish fishing is not practiced. It is pointless to hunt these aquatic inhabitants in the cold season because they hibernate. However, some fishermen still say that catching crayfish in the winter can be done both by rakolovki and the prison in the thaw off the coast. These captures are most likely an exception to the rule. This means that catching crayfish from ice is a futile activity. If you catch cancer in the winter, you will notice that it practically does not move. All processes in his body are slowed down. He practically does not need food right up to spring. When winter gives way to a warmer time of the year, crayfish awaken after hibernation. They begin the first zhor. From this moment you can go to catch crayfish in the spring.
Varieties of fishing gear
If you want to catch as many cancers as possible, then you should use rachelovka-rachevnoy. Such a trap consists of a piece of some kind of net. This tackle is made independently. First take a piece of solid mesh. She is pulled on a hoop. It is made both from metal and from willow branches or other malleable bushes. 3 or 4 ropes are tied to the resulting structure and tied into a knot at the top, so that the raking of the rakolovka is uniform and the tackle does not fall on either side, some weight is tied to the middle of the hoop to pull the net when pulling the spike.
Of all the feed that cancer eats, it is best to use rotten fish, although fresh fish will also work. Cancer smells spoiled meat and crawls to feast on a trap. After a certain amount of time, the trap must be raised without any jerks - smoothly and slowly. The more crayfish fisheries thrown into the pond, the greater the catch. From the whole variety of traps, one can also distinguish conical and home-made from plastic bottles.
Cone crabs for catching crayfish are made from a variety of metal hoops. A fine mesh is pulled on them. Holes are made on the sides of such a trap into which the cancer crawls. It is worth noting that these types of traps often catch fish. Plastic bottle traps began to be made by fishermen not so long ago. The principle of operation for these traps is the same as for cone traps. The only difference is size. Such traps are usually made from five-liter bottles. Separately, it is worth mentioning the catching crayfish for Chinese rakolovki. This is a ready-made gear. However, they do not shine with quality. Do-it-yourself traps catch more fish.
Fishing lures
The lure for catching crayfish is selected according to the season. In summer, you can take a simple fresh fish and cut it into pieces. Cancer willingly crawls to such a bait. In spring and autumn, the water is still cool, so the smells in the rivers spread very differently. At this time, it is worth planting fish in a trap, which is already with a sweetheart.
Sometimes people use crushed bread with garlic butter and chicken meat to catch crayfish. Sometimes crayfish just peck on a worm or plain bread on a fishing rod. In principle, any meat with a choke is suitable for bait or bait, and if this is not available, then you should go to the meat market and buy spoiled meat or fish from sellers for a penny.
Dangers during fishing
Crayfish catching with hands is an activity that is not entirely safe. These aquatic creatures bite very painfully with their claws. In addition, not all burrows under water are shelters of crayfish. If the hole rushes up, then this is most likely the house of a water rat. Most often, muskrats and other representatives of rodents run away when they see or hear a stranger in their hole. But there are times when they defend themselves and bite very painfully. They can even grab a whole finger, as the teeth of rodents are their main weapon.
Not only rats and crayfish can live in holes under the roots of trees. Turtles also very often equip their home in the same places as crustaceans. And they can also easily grab a piece of flesh, as they defend quite actively, and their jaws are very sharp and strong.
Do not forget about leeches, which can stick like a swarm of bees if they are hungry. They live in the same place as crustaceans. So you need to be careful and careful when catching this delicacy. It is recommended that you follow a few rules. Firstly, you canโt stick your hands in the holes that go up. Secondly, gloves will not be superfluous in this entertaining business.
Crayfish in cooking
There is probably no person who does not like crayfish in any form. Catching and cooking these aquatic inhabitants has been practiced since ancient times. There is a lot of food with this delicacy. Among them, there are some that everyone should try:
- Classic boiled crayfish. They are prepared in salted water with dill and mint. Most often, fishermen cook this way on the banks of a river or reservoir.
- Olivier with crayfish, cream soup with crayfish, a variety of sauces and toppings. Such dishes are made at home.
In general, cancer is a product that will never disappear and will not be littered in the freezer. It is very tasty, and you can cook it in different ways. There are a lot of recipes for making crayfish.
Preparing crayfish for storage
Crustaceans are stored in different ways - both live and boiled. If you want to leave them alive for a couple of days, you need to take a large container with water and place them there. Some fishermen plant crayfish in a large cage and lower it into the same river where they were caught. Due to being in the water, crayfish live for several more days without any problems.
If the fisherman has an aquarium with a pump and plants at home, then you can throw crayfish there and feed. So they live as long as they want. Crayfish eat everything that people eat. So you can safely throw in the water and the remains of salads, and potatoes, and carrots, and cabbage. If the crayfish are already cooked, then they should be frozen for storage in the freezer or left in the refrigerator.
What else is important to consider?
Crayfish belong to those types of living creatures that are caught more and more every year. At such a pace, not a single cancer and fish will soon remain in our rivers. Think about when you drag a bag of crayfish into the trunk. Do you need them in such quantity?
In many countries there is a permanent ban on catching crayfish. The spawning ban cannot be ignored either. Do not forget about prohibited fishing methods. Ignoring the established rules may result in punishment prescribed by law.