How to remove the "ears" on the hips at home and in the gym

Every girl strives for an ideal figure, but with age it becomes more and more difficult to achieve a result. The reason for this is a slowed metabolism and some age-related problems that were not even observed in youth. These are the so-called “ears” on the hips. An interesting fact is also considered that the problem of excess fat in the breeches is exclusively female and is associated with the characteristics of the body.

Causes of the problem

In the female body, there are 2 types of adipose tissue. Its subcutaneous variety serves as “food” for the muscles. It quickly appears and is just as quickly consumed, but in transitional age another tissue forms, which serves to accumulate estrogen.

The main reason for the appearance of "ears"

The hormone is necessary for all women, but not many people know that after 20 years its concentration no longer requires an "additional storage" in the form of fat deposits, which are the "ears" on the hips. It is also interesting that even when the body no longer needs such tissues in principle, it is difficult to get rid of them.

There can be a breeches due to hormonal changes during pregnancy or muscle weakness. The fact is that in everyday life this part of the body is practically not involved, which provokes a deterioration in blood circulation and the appearance of a figure defect.

Ways to get rid

For those who are interested in how to remove the “ears” on the hips quickly, it should be noted right away - no way. A week, and sometimes a month, you can’t do it, but it all depends on the amount of adipose tissue and your own perseverance. The fact is that the fat on the hips, which forms the “breeches”, is covered with a protective film, which means that it is not removed by diets. Food control, of course, is important, but only as an addition to physical activity. No diet can solve the problem on its own.

So, only special physical exercises will help to remove the “ears” on the hips, due to which the volume of muscle mass in the problem area will increase. What will it give? The more muscles there are, the more energy they will need, and its closest source will be the breeches, which will quickly “eat” the muscles. As a result, the girl will receive not only the desired weight loss, but also a beautiful muscular relief of the hips.

Training Rules

Exercises to remove the “ears” on the hips must include both power and cardio loads. To get the desired result, you need to train at least three times a week, but you should not immediately load the body to the maximum. The fact is that the body quickly gets used to the loads and will be much more efficient to constantly increase it. So, over time, you can extend the time of the entire workout, increase the number of repetitions and approaches of each exercise and reduce the time of rest between them. Static loads should not last more than 30 seconds, and if their effect does not cause fatigue, weighting materials or an expander should be used.

Cardio loads should be done before and after weight training to speed up the fat burning process. Each workout must begin with a warm-up, which lasts at least 5 minutes.

The most effective exercises

In fact, the complex of exercises to remove the “ears” on the hips is not too large, absolutely all of them can be done at home without special equipment. It is important only to strictly observe the technique of each movement and not be lazy to make the minimum number of repetitions and approaches. If there was no previous experience in physical exercises and it is not possible to delve into the intricacies of each, you can watch instructional videos on this issue or consult a trainer if classes are carried out in the hall. So, the best for burning fat in the hips are:

  • lunges;
  • Squats
  • swinging legs;
    Mahi back
  • abduction of the legs;
  • pelvic elevation;
  • jumping rope.

Execution technique

Such children's entertainment, like jumping rope, can be both a warm-up exercise before the main training, and an independent complex. In the latter case, a minimum of 100-150 jumps is required per day, but every girl knows the technique.

Classic squats work very well on the entire surface of the thigh and buttocks, but at the same time they do not look like squats, you should remember this right away. First you need to put your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, align your back and do not tear off your heels from the floor all the time. The knees during the squat should not go beyond the level of the toes and in order to maintain balance and sit as deep as possible, you should bring your arms forward or make yourself heavier.

It is possible to carry out static semi-squats. For them, you need to lean your back against the wall and gradually lower down on it until your knees bend at a right angle. In this position, you need to linger for a few seconds, and then rise again.

Excellent weight loss of the hips and muscle tightness provide lunges. You can do them forward, backward and sideways, the starting position will always be the same - standing with a flat back. In the first case, it is necessary with one foot to take a wide step forward, without lifting the second leg from the floor. The foot and knee of the stepping foot should be parallel. The knee of the hind leg bends slightly, after which the body returns to its initial position. Lunges back are carried out in a similar way, only a step is taken back. Lunges to the sides also - alternately left and right, moving in a flat line.

Excellent fat burning and rounding of the buttocks provides pelvic lift. This exercise is also called the "gluteal bridge." To do this, you need to lie on the floor, bend your knees and raise your pelvis without taking your shoulder blades and feet off the floor. The movement can be performed both dynamically and statically.

We remove the "ears" on the hips at home

In principle, all previous exercises can also be carried out at home, but the following are the most popular and do not require much space. Perhaps everyone is familiar with the famous pose from the commercials, where the girl lies on her side and raises one leg. So this is the sideways.

Mahi to the side

Feet should be performed with legs and standing. To do this, you can use the support in the form of a chair or wall. The back must be flat, the stomach is pulled in, and the face is directed forward. Standing on one leg, the second must be sharply waved back, and then to the side to an angle of 45 °. You need to perform movements in turn with each leg in 15-30 repetitions.

After an intense load in the involved muscles, a fit will necessarily occur. To make further classes easier, after such a load, you should rest for a day and begin to train after they are completed. On the day of rest, you can jog, jump on a rope or ride a bike.

Classes in the hall

If a girl has the opportunity to work out in a special room, then the first thing she will be interested in is what simulators remove the “ears” on her hips, because it cannot be that the exercises are standard for both the room and homework. In fact, the technique and principle of all the loads are the same, and the equipment only helps to increase the load. So, you can replace swings with legs on the simulator-breeding legs or crossover.

Mahi in the crossover

It is easy to increase the load when squatting, taking a barbell on your shoulders or in the hands of a dumbbell. Lunges can also be performed with dumbbells in the hands or barbell, but only with the perfect technique.

Additional funds

To enhance the effect of strength training, you need to engage in your body even on rest days. For this, you can use cardio training in the form of running, walking or cycling. It is recommended to completely abandon the elevator and if possible go everywhere only on foot. A hula hoop will be very effective if a girl knows how to twist his hips. Even in everyday life, there is always time for training. So, standing in the kitchen and doing the usual things, you can alternately strain the buttocks and hips.

Casual training

It is very important in losing weight proper nutrition and healthy sleep. Only in the complex can we achieve the desired result and remove the “ears” on the hips in a short time.

The basic principles of nutrition

It should once again emphasize that a special diet for weight loss in the hips simply does not exist. Any restriction in food automatically starts the process of losing weight throughout the body and, as a rule, the first thing the excess fat leaves the upper half of the body, and only then from the lower. It is especially difficult for women with a genetic predisposition to leave such a breeches to leave, and they can’t do without regular training.

So, in order to help your body and at the same time not provoke an even more enhanced deposition of nutrients “in reserve”, you can not limit yourself to food very strictly and sharply. The transition to a new diet should be gradual, as well as reducing the portion. Starving while losing weight in any area of ​​the body is strictly prohibited, since this provokes stress in the body and, on the contrary, it begins to increase its own reserves at every opportunity, and not dump them.

Ideally, the daily menu should consist of vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, vegetable oils, legumes, cereals, eggs and herbal teas.

Proper nutrition

It is strictly forbidden to eat fast food dishes, semi-finished products, sausages, fatty and smoked foods, drink carbonated sugary drinks and alcohol. Flour and sweet dishes should also be limited, if possible completely replacing coffee and tea with natural juices or clean water.

Salt and pepper can be used in small quantities, and cereals are recommended not to boil, but simply steamed with warm water overnight.

Thigh massage

To fix the result of physical exercises and accelerate the approach of your body to the ideal, massage from the “ears” on the hips helps a lot. Such an effect on the skin and its nearest fat layers accelerates the metabolism due to increased blood circulation and mechanical breakdown of fat globules.

Thigh massage

In order for the massage to give a visible result, it is important to contact a professional, and you should immediately remember that such a procedure has nothing to do with the usual relaxing massage. Usually 10 sessions of such procedures bring an effect similar to a rigid diet or prolonged intense exertion.

Of course, not everyone can find the means and time to visit the master, so some girls can massage on their own at home. To do this, you need to carefully rub the problem area for 10 minutes with the palm of your hand, and then calm the skin with strokes. Strengthen the result will help a hot bath. Having plunged into it, you need to make similar movements, only under water. You can do massage 1 time per day, not more often.

Reviews and conclusion

According to the reviews of many women and girls, only an integrated approach helps to effectively get rid of “ears” on the hips. Of course, one should take into account the presence of contraindications to physical activity and diets, and in order not to harm the body, first visit a doctor. In addition, you need to remember the regularity of all procedures, because after a week of intense training all the fat can return in just a couple of days of a feast.

Having decided to remove excess weight in a certain area, you should also prepare for the fact that the weight begins to leave throughout the body. Among the pluses are tightened buttocks, outlined hips and a beautiful abs, and among the minuses - a reduction in breast size.

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