Exercises for losing weight of the lower abdomen: a complex of effective and productive exercises, reviews

Practically all girls and even many young men are looking for exercises for losing weight in the lower abdomen. It is this zone that is the most problematic, because fat is actively accumulating there, which greatly spoils the appearance of a person. To eliminate it, of course, is quite realistic, but it will take a lot of time and effort to do this.

Slimming exercises for lower abdomen and sides

Exercise complex

Effective exercises for losing weight in the lower abdomen can easily be done at home. If it seems to someone that to achieve the desired result only in the gym, then it's time to dispel this myth. After completing the provided complex at least once, you can feel the muscles of the press pretty well, which will be the first step on the way to the goal.

The most important thing is a warm-up. As it is suitable for any cardio. It can be running on the spot or jumping rope. The warm-up should take no more than 10 minutes, so as not to overload the body at the very beginning of the session.

The exercises included in the complex should be done 10-15 times. For beginners, only one approach will be sufficient, but over time their number should be increased to three.

Weekly Abdominal Slimming Exercises

Classic twisting

This exercise for losing weight in the lower abdomen at home for women today has a lot of fans, since it is performed by almost all people. It is a common way to get rid of body fat in a problem area.

Starting position - lying on your back with legs bent at the knees, with your hands behind your head and your lower back pressed to the floor. Taking a deep breath and exhale, it is necessary to raise the head, shoulders and shoulder blades 15 cm from the floor surface. In this case, it is required to strain the muscles of the press as much as possible. After holding at the top point for a couple of seconds, you should exhale and at the same time return to the starting position.

Leg lift

Such exercises for losing weight of the lower abdomen such as, for example, not every person can perform leg lifting, but they are the most effective, since the desired zone is used to the maximum. You will have to perform the lifts on the floor, so it is better to lay the mat so as not to injure the tailbone.

The first step is to lie on your back, straighten your arms along the body and raise your straight legs up. First of all, the lower limbs must be lowered together by 45-50 degrees, without bending the knees and not touching the floor, and then raise back. At the bottom, you need to try to stay a couple of seconds. At first it will not be easy to do this, but over time it will be possible to keep the legs below even longer.

Effective exercises for losing weight lower abdomen


One of the most effective exercises for weight loss of the lower abdomen and sides with an amazing name is also included in the complex for the problem area. "Drawing" gives you the opportunity to tighten the muscles of the lower press and helps to lose weight in a short time.

The starting position after the previous exercise does not change, but here the legs should be lowered down. At first, the lower limbs rise 30 degrees from the floor. After taking a breath, they should draw numbers from zero to ten in the air. At the exit you need to return to its original position. In the process of "drawing" the legs must be held together. Between sets, take a 10-second rest.

Leg curl

The number of exercises for losing weight in the lower body must also include twisting with raised legs. It is performed similarly to the classics, but here the legs should be raised up at a right angle. When lifting the body, make sure that the hips remain in a position perpendicular to the floor, rather than moving forward or backward. The amplitude, as in the first exercise, should be as small as possible.

Lower Abdominal Weight Loss Exercises For Women


Effective exercises for losing weight in the lower abdomen include a โ€œbicycle,โ€ familiar to us all from childhood. It is always done in schools at physical education classes and even in senior groups of kindergartens.

To do this, you need to lie on the floor, place your hands behind your head or along the body, and lift your legs bent at right angles and make them move, simulating a trip on a two-wheeled vehicle. For one approach, it is recommended to make at least a hundred of such "scrolls".


Exercises for weight loss of the lower abdomen are often familiar to people from childhood. Like a bicycle, scissors will be quite effective.

Making them is very easy. First you need to lie on the floor, raise straight legs 30-45 degrees, and place your hands along the body or under the pelvis. After that, at an energetic pace, it is required to make cross swings with even legs similar to the work of scissors. If desired, the head can be torn off the floor, but it should be careful, as the neck can be injured.

Home Exercise for Slimming the Lower Abdomen and Laterals for Women


The variety of exercises for losing weight of the lower abdomen at home for women and men often does not allow to decide on the most effective movements. One of the best recognized exercise called "crease".

It is performed in a sitting position. In the initial position, the legs should be set forward, and the hands should rest on the floor at a distance of 3-7 centimeters from the pelvis. At first, you need to bend your knees and bring them to your chest. In the second account, the lower extremities need to be straightened and lowered to a distance of 20 cm from the floor, and the body should be tilted back with bent arms. The amplitude of execution should be average.


Modern exercises for losing weight of the lower abdomen for a week give very good results, but for this it is important to observe regularity. "Climber" allows you to strengthen the muscles of the entire press and throw about 3 kg, if you do it every day, not only in this complex, but also separately. Some athletes even recommend doing this exercise as morning and evening exercises.

The initial position is an emphasis lying down (as for full push-ups). First you need to pull one leg bent at the knee to the chest, simulating a step forward, but keeping it on weight. Then at a fast pace, this limb must be returned back and do the same with the second. To achieve maximum effect, the amplitude of the execution should be as high as possible.

Lower Abdominal Weight Loss Exercises For Women


Oddly enough, squats also have some effect on the abdominal muscles. They help eliminate body fat in problem areas. This exercise is best performed at the end of the complex, when there will be very little strength.

The squat technique is extremely simple. For their implementation, you will need to place your feet shoulder width apart, and stretch your arms forward or lock in behind your head. On a breath with a straight back, you should go down, sitting down on an invisible chair. As soon as the hips become parallel to the floor, gently begin to rise up, while exhaling.

Reviews about the complex

The above exercises for losing weight of the lower abdomen and sides at home cause delight in many people. The girls and boys involved in this complex were able to see the first results in just a couple of weeks. They respond positively to the training, as after 14 days they reduced their weight by 3-5 kg, and the lower abdomen decreased noticeably.

People who perform this complex every day recommend that beginners start it as soon as possible, without being lazy and not fearing for poor health. All exercises included in it are completely safe, so even children can perform them.

Lower Body Slimming Exercises


Exercises for weight loss of the lower abdomen and sides at home for women will bring maximum effect only to those people who will follow simple rules. Their list is quite short, so itโ€™s not so difficult to assimilate these points:

  1. If it was decided to take up your figure, do not change your mind. In this matter, it is important to forget about laziness and do it 2-3 times a week, strictly observing regularity. Rare occupations will not produce the effect that is expected, but too frequent can be a significant blow to the human body.
  2. It is best to start with warming up the muscles. Just 10 minutes of jumping rope or jogging will help protect yourself from sprains and possible injuries.
  3. There is no need to take breaks during the training process. To burn fat in general, and especially in the abdomen, activity must be continuous.
  4. Duration of classes should be selected optimally. Ideally, it should not exceed 45 minutes. At the same time, in the first week it is better to train only 20 minutes a day, so that the body, previously not dealing with physical activity, can adapt to the new regime. In the following weeks, the duration should be increased by 10-15 minutes, as a result of reaching 45.
  5. Repeated studies have shown that the optimal period is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and also from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Therefore, in order to lose weight, it is better to plan a training for this particular time.
  6. In the process of implementing the complex, it is important to follow the technique. Only with strict adherence can one count on effectiveness.
  7. After the main exercises, you must definitely do a stretch for the abs muscles. For this, you will need to lie on your stomach, with your hands next to your chest, and then straighten them, lifting your head, chest and stomach as high as possible from the floor. In this position you need to stand only a couple of minutes.
  8. Do not engage on an empty stomach. The last meal should be an hour and a half before the training. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing consciousness, as the body will not have enough energy for physical exertion.

How to speed up weight loss?

Since fat deposits in the lower abdomen begin to go away last, first you need to get rid of them in other parts of the body. In parallel with the complex or a couple of weeks before its start, it is recommended to do yoga or fitness. If this is not possible, at home you can perform certain exercises:

  1. Torsion hoop. An ideal option would be training with a projectile on which special massage balls are provided. Thanks to this, you can increase muscle tone and make the figure as a whole more attractive. At first, of course, bruises will appear from the balls, but they will pass quite quickly.
  2. Press. A standard exercise in which the legs are fixed with something heavy and the arms are located behind the head. Unlike twisting, here the body needs to be lifted completely, and the lower limbs should be straight all the time.

All these actions are aimed at reducing adipose tissue. But at the same time it is worth remembering about nutrition. After all, if you do not remove sweets, flour and other foods that add weight from the diet, you wonโ€™t be able to achieve a positive effect, even if every workout is exhausting.

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